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What do you do against a camping Huntress?

Yesterday I went against so many of these and all but one of them did the same thing: proxy camp their first hook and force trade anyone who came in for a save and proceeded to tunnel the person off hook by waiting out BT (Valid tactic I know) and downing with hatchets from afar. If they couldn't tunnel then they just went back and hooked the rescuer and then rinsed and repeat.

Every single one of these huntresses were in iridescent (Red) ranks Idk if that matters but just an additional tidbit.

I was with one friend and otherwise the other two survivors were randoms and it was just depressing because each time resulted in 4ks before we could realize quite what was going on to just rush gens and get out but like, is that the strategy? Do it like a camping Bubba and just gen rush and leave?

I'm starting to absolutely loathe Huntress because I want to get better at actually looping her and yet almost all of them just camp like this and are usually pretty toxic in the end game chat as well for no reason. I don't get it if you win I don't see the point in adding salt to the wound against people who aren't being toxic to you in the first place >.>


  • Moxie
    Moxie Member Posts: 806

    Basically just run around the hooked person and hope the Huntress hits them or misses.

    Even with Dead Hard into Borrowed Time, the Cooldown from a hatchet will guarantee the rescuer goes down otherwise.

  • Bennett_They1Them
    Bennett_They1Them Member Posts: 2,513

    as far as I know, that's just something new huntress's seem to do. it's pretty easy kills.

    best thing to do is go out in a blaze of glory, move unpredictably, and not read the end game chat.

  • Shaped
    Shaped Member Posts: 5,869

    Camping is strong in solo q because people won't do gens. Some are, we will see how mmr will affect this.

    It is how it is unfortunately.

  • Ramxenoc445
    Ramxenoc445 Member Posts: 1,358

    Just gotta hope she misses and that someone has BT if you're on the hook

  • Jivetalkin13
    Jivetalkin13 Member Posts: 747

    If you want to be heroic? Move unpredictably and hope she misses. Borrowed Time will help the person on the hook.

    If you are on the hook? Same as above, but hope your teammates are capable.

    If you want to get out? Slam gens as fast as you can. Any killer that insists on camping, isn't pressuring gens. Punish them.

    If no one comes for you? Just feel some satisfaction in wasting the killer's time while your teammates (hopefully) were doing gens.

  • lav3
    lav3 Member Posts: 758

    If killer doesn't seem to give any chances to save, don't try to save and do gens. Not often but if Huntress has double cooldown addons, you just can't save without other teammates. Also even if more than 2 people go for save, if hook is at open area or basement, it is just too risky that your game could be ruined suddenly.

  • DragonMasterDarren
    DragonMasterDarren Member Posts: 2,804

    Do gens or run BT, a camping huntress is not different from any other killer that isn't Bubba or maybe Billy, don't go for the save unless you really think you can get away with it

  • A_Skinny_Legend
    A_Skinny_Legend Member Posts: 919

    I browse YouTube, listen to some music, maybe read some articles. Stuff like that.

  • chargernick85
    chargernick85 Member Posts: 3,171

    Pray she can't aim.

    Pray a bird fly's into her window to distract her?

    Pray someone trips over her internet cord?

    Pray for a thunderstorm to knock out her electric?

    Enough praying can't be to greedy.

  • LegacySmikey
    LegacySmikey Applicant, Member Posts: 563

    The best thing to do against any camping killer is just to try blitz as many gens as possible.

    I always feel bad for the one on the hook but if every other survivor did separate gens & the hooked stuck it out as a team player (sucks for them I know) the more killers are punished.

    Some killers will carry on camping regardless but a lot do it because they know they'll be rewarded with more easy downs & kills with little to no effort.

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184

    As long as it's not Iri head its possible. Far better chance than against a Bubba. But if its early in the game you're best to M1 gens.

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    I mean, only one person needs to be near the hook before a state is lost. And yes, you more or less trade before they go struggle and then hammer out gens again. They should be done before the second person hits struggle, but honestly, it doesn't even matter, if you need the extra time, let them struggle. Just have you or your friend equip DS, make sure the unhooker has borrowed and it is a free escape unless both exit gates are on the other side of the map and the random is completely worthless. But that is just bad rng.

  • Viktor1853
    Viktor1853 Member Posts: 943

    run BT

  • SudoK7
    SudoK7 Member Posts: 68

    I actually used to play huntress like this when i first started playing the game, before i realized it frowned upon also it's a not very effective strategy neither because you're not putting pressure on the other 3 players unless one of them try to save the survivor you've hooked. honstely at times like this i just focus on gens. If you try to go for the save you will just trade hooks for the person you saved or you'll both end up downed.

  • KerJuice
    KerJuice Member Posts: 1,865

    THIS. We have to stop feeding campers. It doesn’t matter who they use. The 3 should try to do as much gens as possible while the player on the hook Martyrs. Eventually the killer will camp a second on the hook, but hopefully by that time the last gen will get done and exit gate 99’ed. Then the other two can go for save and three can escape. Trust me, campers will feel bad losing when only getting one hook. Their egos will destroy them. If the majority of the community was on the same page, then these type of players will either quit playing or be forced to hunt for their kills moving forward.

  • illusion
    illusion Member Posts: 887

    Best bet option, in most cases, is to just do gens and not feed the camper.

    If you are really good, you could distract her, and dodge her axes until she runs out. After that she is just a regular m1 killer and would have to focus on a single person, so with multiple survivors, one could get a rescue, while another is distracting her. She is less effective, in that regard, than Bubba. But if you are not confident in doing that, especially if there is no cover , then just do gens. As with all camping, it is really only effective when people don't do gens and feed the camper.