Survivors that gives you the loops

Which survivor(s) gives you usually trouble as killer?
Mine, they usually are P3 Tapp, Quentin, Laurie, Dwight, Claudette
Are you mad after that?
Cheryl mains always get me. Idk why but I've never seen a bad one
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As a Quentin main... that gives me hope on my future skills. Lol
But Zarinas. Definitely. Dwights are mostly toxic which I don't understand how people can make him a toxic ferret when he's probably realistically still a virgin. Lololol Some Cheryls, And never trust a ponytail Nancy in the christmas sweater.... loops for days.
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I can confirm this even while playing survivor. More often than not, it's a Nancy Poo that is trying their best to annoy the killer, loop them for days while having their flashlight bound their scroll wheel and moon-walking. Feng and Dwight are tied for second place.
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Aces, Cheryls and Neas are usually better than the average survivor from my experience
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Steves, nancy's and laurie's. Obviously my experience can sometimes differ but they tend to appear with decent frequency. Claudette's are real hit or miss because they tend to dc more when they mess up so they can make games significantly easier. That all being said best not make assumptions in lobbies you might get a nasty surprise.
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Well, if they know how to play and link tiles.. fair enough. Sure it's frustrating (especially if you get bad map RNG), but what can you do? That's just this game. I think what a lot of people should make peace with, and make it -FAST- (since I don't think balance is going to get much better post SBMM), is that you just flat out lose some games against good survivors. There's a lot of RNG in DBD, and none of it is in your control save for what map you will go to, if you offer it. Bear in mind that survivors can offer four maps to your one, so there's that as well.
To answer which survivors: Ace, green shirt/purple pants Claudette, Laurie (P3), Elodie (P3), and Felix (Any).
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Aces, P3 quentins, Bike helmet+Elf boots dwights, default jills. Those are the survivors i tend to find the most frightening to fight against. Shirt cheryls are also pretty scary, but they are usually pretty chill too since they just like silent hill.
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I never see a Quentin in the wild, let alone get mad looped by them. Meg is probably the character I see most that is good with the loops, Dwight is the most likely to sandbag those team mates, Ace will flashlight you every chance he gets.
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For me, aces always seem overconfident in getting attention.
Laurie's are always the ones I see doing totems, or springing traps or in general sticking it to the killer every chance they get.
Claudettes tend to round corners, then crouch and hope you run by
Kate's really enjoy the chase, period.
Dwight's always seem to be running the wrong direction when spotted.
Bill's tend to do decent saves and can almost always have bt.
Megs and Neas are usually good loopers, but they tend to tbag and flashlight click a lot more.
Fengs are always a mixed bag.
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I always get troublesome bright haired Neas, bunny Fengs and Megs with those masks that creep me out lol. Sometimes elf Dwights and green shirt Claudettes
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The survivor that loops me the best most of the time is ace. The survivors that play super safe is the Claudettes, Megs, Neas, and Nancys.