Dbd fanmade chapter - Outlandish lifetime

Renjiro Member Posts: 53
edited September 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

This is my second fanmade chapter for dbd. This post will be quite long. But to not make it too long, I won't include any lore or addons. I will make seperate posts for this chapter and link em in this post once I finished them.

This chapter includes one new killer and two new maps. Remember to give me feedback for this Steampunk themed chapter. Enjoy ^^.

| Outlandish lifetime |

• New killer: The Inventor

- Stats: 115% movement speed / 32m terrorradius

Visual Design: The Inventor has shaggy and brown hair. He has golden aviator goggles. But doesn't wear them over his eyes. He wears a brown coat, floppy pants and stable boots. He wields a mechanical hammer, made from gears, scraps and sharp blades. He's covered in smaller bloodstains. The blood doesn't just belong to his victims. Some of it is his own. But no wounds are to be seen. You can see that he's tired and that he has a almost bored or lonely mood. Like some part of his mind is missing.

Power: Time loop

The Inventor's pocket watch (The piece of time) has the power to manipulate time, creating interactive chases and moderate mobility and map preasure.

You have 4 tokens and 4 different time jumps. You can switch between them just like with clowns bottles.

• Time jump 1: Sends you back 2 seconds in time. Consumes 1token.

• Time jump 2: Sends you back 4 seconds in time. Consumes 2 tokens.

• Time jump 3: Sends you back 6 seconds in time. Consumes 3 tokens.

• Time jump 4: Sends you back 8 seconds in time. Consumes 4 tokens.

Charging a time jump takes 2 seconds. You can always cancel it. Doing this opens alot of mindgame potential. However, you will have a 3 second cooldown on your power. Tokens have a recharge time of 6 seconds. Not to long, but will take some time to completly recharge all. Survivors in a 16 meter radius of the killer can hear a creepy sound when you charge your power. All Survivors will hear a clock ticking down fast whenever you complete a time jump.

• Perks:

- Vanish: You know how to disappear without a trace.

Every time a generator is finished you become undetectable for 12/16/20 seconds.

„I was sorrounded by so many, but I still felt so alone” -The Inventor

- Short circuit:

Sabotage or accident?

Damaging a generator by your own hand will activate Short circuit for 35/40/45 seconds. While Short circuit is active, all skill checks on the affected generator will become cursed skillchecks. Short circuit can only be activated once every 60 seconds. Only one generator can be affected by this perk.

„A machine can break as easy as someones bones” -The Inventor

Scourge Hook: Time pressure

The pain of one weakens the others.

Time pressure will create 4 scourge hooks at the start of the trial. As long as a Survivor is hooked on a scourge hook, all other survivors will have a -50% penalty for all repairing, healing and opening actions.

• Soundtrack: The Inventors main theme is played by a harpishord and an Organ. Other Steampunk themes can be heared in the Background aswell.

The terrorradius music is more focused on mechanic sounds. Mostly clock sounds. A Harpishord is also slighty implemented in the more intense parts. The Soundtrack has an eerie vibe to it, like a clock ticking down incomming doom.

The chase theme is a mixture of both. Alot of harpishord, organ and clock sounds. Very Industrial and fast. It's supposed to capture time pressure.

• Maps: There a two new maps in this chapter. The Factory and the Old clockworks. Both being located in the Grave of Glenvale realm. These maps are a new type of map... Hybrid maps. A combination of outdoor and indoor. The main building usually covers 40% to 60% of the entire map. They also intreduce a new mechanic. There are no Breakable walls in these maps, but mechanical levers.

• Mechanical levers: can be found in the indoor parts of these maps. It takes 2 seconds for killerse to use them and 8 seconds for survivors. They will open one entrance and close a different one, once used. They can open up loops or strong shortcuts for the killer. They can be used from both sides of the wall.

• Final thoughts and notes:

This chapter is heavaly inspired by Steampunk and time loop story's. The new Killer even, is trapped in a time loop. Experiencing the worst day of his life over multiple century's.

Time loop story's are usually there to make the main character into a better person with each loop. It only ends once a certain criteria is made. The Inventor transformed into a bad Person and he thinks that he is supposed to right his wrong doings to be free from this prison. But in reality it's the Entity's way of torturing him and transforming him into an obidient servent. A tragic tale of grief and guilt.

Inspiration for the Soundtrack:

• https://youtu.be/DTf_VYDqPuE

• https://youtu.be/kwmOSMttZtM

Thank you for reading my concept. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did.