We need NEW MAPS vs New Killers & Survivors

Sorry, but we do. We're losing Hawkins and RPD is constantly having trouble and generally at some point another map is thrown in with having trouble. So we're going to be like . . .3 MAPS DOWN half the time?

I think once we get the new survivor or whatever is scheduled in the works that already has progress done, we should focus on new maps to play on. Literally maybe 2. I would say 3 but I know that is heavily pushing it.

I don't know what we plan after the release of the survivor with boon totems but, maps need to be a priority. I love corn and Macmillan but I'm tired of seeing them back to back!

Ideas for maps :

City streets ; gens in alleys. On corners. On fire escapes.

Carnival ; A large scale one. Gens by popcorn stands, in mirror houses, by the ferris wheel.

Camp ; A gen out on the docks, in the woods, in the crafting house , in one of the cabins, etc.

Mall ; Movie theatres, food courts, retail stores.