Addon inequality between Nemesis & Huntress

I'd like to highlight the differences between 2 comparable addons between 2 different killers.

The Wooden Fox, and the Seratonin Injector

Wooden Fox:

Cons: Purple Addon, Can't be triggered by survivors, Lullaby stays

Pros: Lockers are everywhere on most maps

Serotonin Injector:

Cons: Zombies aren't always available

Pros: Green addon, Can be triggered when a survivor kills a zombie, No lullaby

Essentially the SI is better in almost every way while being an addon tier lower, as somebody who plays Huntress & Nemesis this stands out to me and I think it's a little unfair. I intend for this to be a discussion as I'm pretty sure this isn't a bug? But if a mod sees it and thinks its a bug feel free to move it.


  • Eh, i've noticed that the DBD team isn't very consistent.

  • MarcoPoloYolo
    MarcoPoloYolo Member Posts: 508

    To be fair, undetectable on Huntress is a joke. This effect shouldn't be a purple in general. Undetectable add-ons jump between green and purple rarities for killers as a whole.

  • adirgeforthedead
    adirgeforthedead Member Posts: 424

    To be fair, a lot of addons across all Killers are like this.

    The greatest example is how some Iridescent add-ons in Killers are absolutely useless and in others are God-tier.

  • th3
    th3 Member Posts: 1,854

    Huntress has a lullaby because she is a ranged killer, Nemesis is not a ranged killer.

  • GrimoireWeiss
    GrimoireWeiss Member Posts: 1,452

    I don't agree that the Nemesis one is better. Survivors 90% of the time don't start running from a Huntress when they hear the lullaby unless it's a huge map like Mother's Dwelling where it makes sense.

    Also you don't have to go out of your way to activate Wooden Fox as you're going to keep reloading all the time with Huntress. With Nemesis, destroying zombies is a risky strategy because they take time to respawn and they could be on a good position.

  • SquidBad
    SquidBad Member Posts: 56

    Zombies are utterly useless the vast majority of the time, getting stuck or being out in the open etc. Framing like a tradeoff is silly because you're most of the time trading something useless for something of value. And people do run from the lullaby, because it makes them more alert to begin with so they are actively looking around for you.

  • Altarf
    Altarf Member Posts: 1,046

    Yeah, but Huntress' lullaby gets louder as she gets closer. Even if you can't hear the terror radius, most people get ready to run as soon as her humming gets to a certain volume. Wooden Fox, realistically, isn't going to let you sneak up on anyone who's played against Huntress more than twice. Especially not when the survivors realise you have it, which isn't exactly difficult when Huntress is right next to you and then her terror radius suddenly disappears.