What's a power a killer can have to satisfy the killer and survivors?

I've watched and read a lot of discussion about how certain killers have one thing going for them and it's that they can easily win chases that makes the gens go fast so they can still lose but at the same time it's not fun to be chased by them.
So..... What is something a new killer can have as a power that isn't just I shutdown a chase and I have overall control of the map and game as a whole?
.maybe a power based corrupt intervention or the ability to put in stasis certain areas making vaults and pallets unavailable.
Maybe a killer that sees sound instead of normal site but has enhanced senses able to hear a generator being worked dozens of meters away but can't tell exactly how the map is formed
Or my other idea a killer that implements and improves the ai assisted killer idea with many ai on one map and being in the killers control where they spawn and act.
What I'm trying to imagine is a killer with built in slowdown and power so the games last long but the chases can be fun and still give survivors there moment in the sun
What do you think? Please be civil 🤣 BYE!!!
There is nothing one side can have that the other won't say is "unfun, toxic, OP".
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Hallucinations- killer thinks he wins the match. Survivors think they have brutalized the killer and escaped. Everyone gets 32k.
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Billy and huntress and demo have been very close.
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A second-stance power where the killer can switch between basic m1 and hard-to-control-but-fast-and-with-an-attack.
Those kinds of killers tend to be the most favourable looked on by the community.
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Would the killer just spray drugs at people or poison drink.lol
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Billy was close then the devs had to give him a CD -.-
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That is a good pattern. I'm just wondering how do the devs make a killer like that without just being a bad demo,billy or blight?
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To please some survivors it would have to be a killer whose power is to freeze in place or disable their weapons.
No killer power, no matter how weak or strong, would please some survivors if they can still be killed.
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I'm not entirely sure what a Killer power needs to be in order to satisfy both survivors and killers but from what I've seen the most universally liked Killer is pre-nerf Hillbilly. Even the developers themselves have stated that he has a fair yet strong power where the better player usually comes out on top of the chase.
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I'm aiming for like 70 percent overall acceptance.my beleif is 70 percent of people are good the rest are daft pricks
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Fair but I’d still say he is fun for both sides
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It needs to be something that requires skill and intelligence to use AND requires skill and intelligence to counter. The sort of thing where whichever side wins the encounter, the loser can just say “dang, they outplayed me!”
Old Billy was a great example of that (aside from certain add-ons).
Things to avoid are cheap hits, overly simplistic powers, overly complex powers that are way too situational to use. Beyond this, survivors usually balk at anything thing that “Hinders” them (slinger, clown bottle, cenobite...). Killers usually balk at anything that the survivor can deny (Plague’s power puke, ptb kidnapping of Victor, etc.)