Rant about survivor's Visual appearance (not gameplay)
- this is about their appearance not about the gameplay of survivors
- I don’t care about this stuff in movies and tv shows but in video games where everyone is just a cosmetic imo it matters a bit more since its meant to include everyone from everywhere
- its only about original survivors because that is what BHVR can control
TLDR: BHVR has been lacking when it comes to the differentially of the survivors (and cosmetics) instead just making them feel repetitive and stale
All survivors are modern-day and would like some from other time periods like the 70s, 80s, and 90s especially since those are times where slashers where popular and It would help create differentiate the characters with trends from those time periods and it would match the licences that are from that time as well. like why is Laurie the only survivor from the 70s
We barely get any survivors that are male it's been 1 year since Felix, 2 years since Adam and Jeff, and it’s going to stay like this. BHVR knows that females are more popular and will bring in more money than a male but in the process makes females staler and staler. I don’t see anyone use Zarina, or even Yun-jin is kind of rare to see. It feels like BHVR is just throwing females at a wall to see who sticks to just pumps out cosmetics for them (Nea, Kate, Feng, Elodie). I wont be surprised if the new survivor is going to be a female. It’s at the point I’m so bored to see what the new survivor looks like because ik it’s just going to be some “Fashionista” or “Queen” that has terrible cosmetics that will probably be a set so Good luck making a good outfit.
This problem is not as bad with with females but is terrible with males like it has been 3 years since Adam (Black/Jamaican) 5 Years since Jake (Asian/Korean), And a Latino or a Middle Eastern character is still not in the game
All I’m going to say is how does Rainbow 6 siege have 2 LGBT characters but this game where they said they would add one a year ago still doesn’t. What is so hard to say “His boyfriend” or something like that in tome lore or backstory. This issue wouldn't be as bad if they didn't promise it back when the silent hill chapter came out its been a year and some and nothing came out of it except them saying they are still researching the topic. Whatever that means
- They have 18 original survivors and only 4 get cosmetics on repeat. we could live with an update without a Nea outfit
- Males (After Kate) don’t have Uncommon Head Pieces but females do. What’s so hard with changing the color of hair and selling them.
- Survivors need a mix of cosmetics jake doesn't need another survivalist outfit same as how Felix doesn't need another suit. some outfits aren't bad like another cowgirl kate, but the ones that are overused; Jake and Felix are some examples that could get some diversity in their outfits.
- And if you are going to have a set at least give people that own that outfit the headpiece if it’s possible (like Kates and Janes Greek Outfit.)
- The amount of greed Bhvr had with Jills Hair Annoys me a lot. They made the outfit and still sold it for 1080 AC knowing damn well that they are charging for the default hair. In pin Head’s New outfit he doesn’t have a head but do you see his outfit being sold for 1080? No, it’s 720, and Ghost Faces’ Mask in the Classic Ghost face cosmetic was 200, not 400 for being too similar to the original. They do all this but won’t budge on the jill hair.
- Onesies: Not a complaint but they should make more and universal ones that could be used all year, as well as some other holiday ones like for Halloween and Christmas
Didn't people say Pinhead's gay or smthn?
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Leon?! Is he not male?
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Talking about original survivors, not licensed ones.
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They specifically mention Laurie under the "Time" section
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I was saying how every survivor is modern-day except licensed ones and used Laurie as an example
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I really don't think they did "Research" just to get a licence and call it a day or even were trying to get pinhead before the silent hill chapter was even announced
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No but chatterer is a underage. gay sex worker. so much for representation lol
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Also jeff. yeah i agree Male survivors get the crap end of the stick. We need more cosmetics and survivors. specifically a poc male survivor. but im gonna assume this midchapter survivor is another female. cosmetic for male survivors HAVE NO VARIETY except for dwight and a few key one please im begging you dont give jeff another jacket with jeans.
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I thought a cool greek outfit for him would be like one of those stereotypical toga party outfits it's not related to any god but is more realistic and isn't just a Jacket and jeans combo
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Licensed characters are up to interpretation, but lore wise it seems like the Entity can only take Survivors from the modern era, for some reason. It's their lore, they decide it I guess.
We don't know the exact time frame, but we do know that chapters take awhile to plan. At least from what some of the Devs have said, so we should be hopefully getting that LGBT survivor somewhat soon. Maybe, it could easily just be another false promise from BHVR.
As for everything else you said, there is a simple explanation. Female survivors are played more, and their cosmetics make more money. Cosmetics are BHVR's main source of income from the game, considering you can get a chapter for like four bucks on G2A or even less on sale. They pander to what makes money.
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Jeff also has the same issue with cosmetic variety. His new outfit is straight up lazy
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Chatterer is technically gay, but I don't see why it matters, I believe somewhere they said they leave it open so you can imagine and fill in the roles so they don't feel like they are doing it for brownie points. I do agree about all the female characters, they are extremely bland. I just want a native American survivor
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i get ur argument but saying "lgbt for brownie points" while also asking for a native survivor is honestly the same thing, bhvr dosent have to tick the boxes of diversity. but they do it cause thats what people want.
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I'm bugged with the price of Jill's outfit. BHRV was a mercenary there. Well, I wouldn't buy it unless they remove the "fake head" price.
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I didn't put an argument, im sorry if it seemed that way I meant that I thought BHVR didn't want to for brownie points. I don't care if they add a LGBTQ survivor, they could even just in an archive reveal a current survivor as Bi or something. I just really also want a native survivor
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BHVR stated that they broke that rule of "up to the people to decide" because David has a girlfriend and Felix has a wife (and kid). Personally, I hope if a survivor is gay they reveal it the same way so it could normalize it. If the gay characters' only problems in life are stuff only LGBT people could relate to then the character is a flop. David and Felix have things in their story that could be related to straight or not. Having a gay character is different from a character that happens to be gay is the best way to put it
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yes we like characters that aren't pandering. or where one thing about them isn't there whole personality.
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Honestly I do agree with pretty much all you said.
I hate Felix too lol so I would never play as him. Would be nice to see a cool new male come out soon.
As for the lgbt, as a lesbian it would be nice to see more representation honestly so maybe one day.
I mainly main males honestly, Dwight overall but also Ace and Quentin. Been trying to play more females lately.
Oh I actually see a lot of Yun's though so that's where I would slightly disagree personally.
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that's nice to hear that yun-jin is getting playtime out of the females she is probable my favorite aside from kate because her story seems the most out together the only thing holding her back is her outfits. they (Mostly are terrible and have ugly hairs) I just want a yun-jin outfit where her hair isn't bright colors too she is lacking in that category
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chatterer (pinheads legendary) is gay, but they’re not original characters so they dont count imo
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Well, technically Ace Visconti is Latino. He was born in Argentina, but has Italian ancestry for the most part. But your point still stands, he was released even before Adam.
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I didn't include him because whenever they describe him it's as Italian, not Argentinian ("With his sharp Italian looks") and only really had one sentence saying he grew up in Argentinian
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Janes latino and male to female ratio of survivors is 1:1 if you count Johnathan byers
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I said the race issue wasn't as bad for females but terrible for males there is no Latino male (If you didn't count ace but even though he grew up in Argentina he was referred to as Italian)
Also, there are 15 males and 16 females (17 if you count the Cheryl cosmetic that's coming in the next update, and 18 if the new survivor is female and by the leaked cosmetics it's not going to be a male)
but I mainly care about original saying that licenced don't get as much attention to them for originals there are 7 males and there are 10 females so not directly 1:1 but closer than it seems by how many we are getting recently
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i want a native islander male. a male in general. a short man specifically.
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OP counted Laurie, so i thought so.
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I only really disagree with the call for more male survivors. Even among male players females are more popular so why put out more of what doesn't sell/get used? The fact that the majority of people choose to play the OGs could come down to the fact that they are the first ones you play because they are free and even when people start buying new characters they may still favor the ones they learned the game with. If they focus a lot of attention to making clothes for a rarely played characters like Jeff it really doesn't make good business sense. At the end of the day the dollar is the bottom line.
Now the last few survivors may have been female but 8/10 last killers have all been male, the Twins not counting because of Charlotte and the Demogogarn for whatever that thing is genderwise. And the male killers have been a little more diverse with race as well. There are 14 females and 13 males ( I don't count skins), plenty to choose from. Personally, I wish they would stop releasing killers and survivors for the next three months and just work on bug fixes and buffing dead perks.
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I think Behavior is just another company that gets on the pride month bandwagon. They'll highlight drag queens and "sassy" characters because it's the media's portrayal of LGBT and it's fun to fawn over, but I don't actually see them doing justice for anyone that doesn't fit that mold. I just imagine them creating a character much like the whole Iceman debacle and that won't be good.
I'd like to see more male characters too, but the sad reality is that DBD is a fashion game and fashion games always prioritize female characters. People are begging for shirtless Dwight, Felix, and Jeff all the time (speaking of what the gays want lol), but they always give some lame excuse about how it can't work while giving Feng another e-girl outfit.
And as far as pricing and variety goes, don't even get me started. A HUGE problem with cosmetics is that they aren't designed with mixing and matching in mind. They like to make outfit sets that only really work with themselves, so it becomes really difficult to make something that looks put together. The pricing on Jill's head is really bad, along with all of the very rare sets they keep pushing. The worst contender with that is Meg, surprisingly. The majority of her cosmetics are very rare and auric cell exclusives. And what about all of those rift cosmetics that aren't in complete sets? Forget about it because they're not profitable.
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Apparently The Chatterer is gay and hence the first official lgbtqai+ rep if you don´t count leatherface (which I still have difficulties to understand why he´s left out).
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He's based on Ed Gein, so I'm guessing the argument is that he's trans. But Idk the specifics of that lol
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Okay so in another post some time ago this topic came up. I was under the impression that a born male adopting the persona and appearance of a woman would qualify for him being trans or queer. Apparently it´s not, but I have a hard time understanding that sometimes. I hope this was not offensive or something because that´s not my intention at all.
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BHVR actually has shown support to the LGBTQ+ community outside of pride month and is one of the communitys that doesnt seem to throw away their logo at the end of the month and then ignore the community (though they do change their logo, not the point here).
And you cant judge how they are portraying their LGBTQ+ char in-game because they are not revealed yet..
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Why the hell does it matter if the character is this race or if he's gay and whatever?
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From what I've seen, it's still largely based on the media portrayal that I mentioned. I'll probably get another warning if I talk about why I think that is though lol Which is also why I'm not very convinced they'd do an LGBT character justice. But naturally we don't know how they'd do it until they do, like you said.
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it matters because explicit exclusion shouldnt be a thing when we already have several confirmed heterosexual relationships mentioned.
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Exclusion what the hell? On a video game? LMFAO.
I thought people just cares to you know play the damn game and maybe look cool with cosmetics?
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I probably still won't ever understand why sexual orientation is important with characters in video games. Although I guess it wouldn't hurt to have a LGTB survivor.
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this videogame has plenty of backstory and lore on the characters and there are people that care about that naturally.
we are talking about media here, videogames are that after all. and BHVR has already said they (uninentionally) have excluded anything LGBTQ+ and they regret the way they handeled it.
you are not forced to care btw. even if the gays will be included it wont make any difference on gameplay whatsoever, so chill.
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they are well-established characters with multiple traits and many mentioned relationships of any sort.
including sexual orientation may not have been important, but we already have heterosexual relationships, so there is no need for exlcusion of LGBTQ+ anymore.
Also the creators have stated they want to be inclusive and add them in their story.
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Wait so Chatterer is not gay? I faintly remember having seen a discussion about that a few days ago.
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i.. dont really care if he is? he is a licensed character and thus not a BHVR creation. people are arguing that he isnt even human anymore after changning to be a Cenobite etc. Also we have confimed licensed killers/monsters in the CryptTV cast.
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Tell me about it.
Jake was left out in Seoul Sights collection despite being Korean & Trickster is the only fashionable male and he's a frickin Killer! lol
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Wow people care about which character prefers to pork who and who?
Yeah I don't care. The topic came up and I gave my piece, I think it's dumb that the ideas is being shaped in mind because they HAVE to include a group is just mad to me but whatever.
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If you don´t mind me asking, why is it important to you if the gay representation comes from a license? I just read it up and he has a confirmed backstory and all.
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Wow, you actually care about what other people care about in the media they enjoy?
if you dont care, then act like it. and statements like "what the hell" or asking in such a way if people care about it show me that you do care.
and my main point was that they shoudlnt exclude a group just for exclusions sake.
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Good post. I too would like to see more survivors from the slasher era. That's why the counsellors in F13 : The Game are all so liked. Because they all look like they are from a horror movie.
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Well I personally wouldn't see it as exclusion if a game only has hetero sexual characters. It's by far the most common sexual orientation, and video game devs aren't forced to try to cover up all forms of sexual orientations or genders.
But if they said they wanted to add an LGBT character a while ago already, than of course it would be nice if they actually did so in the near future.
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as far as i am aware, BHVR has confirmed they are working on including an LGBTQ+ character of their own creation (while working with Gaymer on doing it the right way).
in the end, i dont care about what representation we get whatsoever, i am already very content with the character cast as is and as long as they dont exlcude just because. so i am happy with how things are.
for licenses like Hellraiser and CryptTV where the representation is through killers and moreso non-humans in some way its cool that they are there and they probably have great lore in their media.... but i havent seen those or really care about them.. and i dont need them to be the representation because we will get BHVRs own creation after all.
hope that makes sense^^
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well... the devs used to say they wont add LGBTQ+ characters because they want their chars to be portrayed more 'open' and that people could project however they like... BUT they actually have confirmed multiple heterosexual relationships despite their statements so they were contradicting themselves and heterosexuality was included while LGBTQ+ on any sort was (unintentionally) excluded.
i mean.. it happens. stuff like Nurse having a husband is just something bound to be revealed in the backstorys of this kind of game. they have seen their 'mistake' on it and acted on it. and i am very sure that they would have added relationships etc. even if they never had heterosexual relations added before since they have been gradually gotten deeper and wider with their backstories whatsoever.
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This problem is not as bad with with females but is terrible with males like it has been 3 years since Adam (Black/Jamaican) 5 Years since Jake (Asian/Korean), And a Latino or a Middle Eastern character is still not in the game
Correct me if I'm wrong but Jane is Latina and Zarina is Middle Eastern. But I do agree that we need more males of color especially ones that are Latinx, Pacific Islanders, Asian and etc.