

POLL: What Have Your Matches Been Like With MMR?

Member Posts: 1,679
edited September 2021 in Polls

There's been a lot of chatter on the forums about MMR. A lot of complaining, a lot of "Just give it time" rebuttals. This is simply a poll to see what people's experiences have been, in an organized way.

EDIT: For those who don't feel they've been matched fairly, have you been playing consistently the past few months? I'm wondering if there's not enough data on you as a player for the algorithm to match you accurately. Please feel free to share. It could shed some light on why people's experiences have been so different.

POLL: What Have Your Matches Been Like With MMR? 79 votes

I feel I've been matched fairly for the most part. Can't really complain.
19 votes
I feel I've gotten a roughly 50/50 match rate. Some are right on, some are way off.
15 votes
I feel I've been far more skilled than my teammates/the Survivors I've faced.
9 votes
I feel I've been far less skilled than my teammates/the Survivors I've faced.
6 votes
I haven't played enough to be able to tell yet.
3 votes
The old system wasn't perfect, but I miss it.
14 votes
I've noticed a different experience for when I play Survivor vs when I play Killer(s).
3 votes
I've noticed my matches were off at first, but now the MMR seems to be working.
3 votes
Other: "Let me explain. No, there is too much. Let me sum up!"
7 votes
Post edited by AshInTheTallGrass on

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  • Member Posts: 5,785

    Options are too complex

    New system is random like the old one but its more varied

    I enjoyed the old system better then the promises the new one "might" bring and definitely more then anything it has brought so far

  • Member Posts: 1,679

    You mean my selected options are too complex? I don't agree with you on that, but you said "I enjoyed the old system better" so I guess your answer is "The old system wasn't perfect, but I miss it."

  • Member Posts: 727
    I feel I've gotten a roughly 50/50 match rate. Some are right on, some are way off.

    I also would select that the old system wasn't perfect, but that I do miss it too.

  • Member Posts: 1,679

    Same. It might just take some time getting used to it, but I liked the old one better.

  • Member Posts: 3,127
    I feel I've been matched fairly for the most part. Can't really complain.

    Even though my current survivor matches are awful (Thanks nighttime for allowing people with no braincells or common sense to have enough free time to play the game). In GENERAL it has been better.

    Both as Killer and Survivor I have been matched with opponents and teammates my skill level.

    It's just a couple of survivors who lack any sort of game sense and common sense that infuriates me.

  • Member Posts: 2,926
    Other: "Let me explain. No, there is too much. Let me sum up!"

    my matches with my mains (Demo, Nemesis, Slinger, Trickster) haven't been very fun to play on account of being rather sweaty, but for some reason my matches with Pinhead have been consistently easy due to getting fresh installs for some reason

    and then there was the one Nurse game i played, which was a nightmare due to the game somehow thinking i could deal with a group of all super good survivors on Grim Pantry

    it's been a ######### mess

  • Member Posts: 1,679

    Would you say you can handle your matches with your mains, even though they've been sweaty? Or do you feel you weren't matched appropriately and should've started with a little less-skilled Survivors? I could be wrong, but I thought the devs said they'd been collecting data for months so matches were supposed to be relatively "fair" at the onset of the new system. Did you take a break or just not play as often for the past few months? I'm wondering if that would explain it (i.e., there wasn't enough data to adequately place you).

    Either way, I hope it levels off for you soon!

  • Member Posts: 2,926
    Other: "Let me explain. No, there is too much. Let me sum up!"

    i feel like i could handle them if i stopped thinking about having fun and only focused on winning by running quad slowdown and playing like my life is on the line, but i prefer playing nice, so i can't handle the games very well

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 2,252
    The old system wasn't perfect, but I miss it.

    Queue times suck and my games are boring.

  • Member Posts: 1,679

    That makes sense.

    The only way I could see you getting more chill games is if you don't try to do as well in games like that. I know that sounds like BS (why should you sacrifice your BP?), but the algorithm doesn't know how you feel while playing those games, just that you have the skill to handle them. So if you keep doing well, it's going to keep giving you games like that. What do you think?

  • Member Posts: 452
    The old system wasn't perfect, but I miss it.

    I either get really sweaty nurses and spirits or i get baby killer. I dont enjoy it

  • Member Posts: 1,679

    Have you been playing consistently the past few months? Wondering if maybe the algorithm doesn't have enough data to accurately place you. 🤔

  • Member Posts: 1,679

    Oddly enough, my queue times have been faster than usual (not crazy fast, but faster nonetheless). That sucks though. Sorry.

  • Member Posts: 452
    The old system wasn't perfect, but I miss it.

    Yes i have played pretty consistently. My latest break i have taken has been around resident evil chapters release and i started playing consistently after the mid chapter patch which was after resident evil chapter

  • Member Posts: 1,679

    Hmmm. Well, I hope they start living off for you soon.

  • Member Posts: 621
    I feel I've gotten a roughly 50/50 match rate. Some are right on, some are way off.

    I like this one more personally, but it needs some sorting out

    some games are perfect, fun, and balanced, and in others the games over in minutes

  • Member Posts: 452
    The old system wasn't perfect, but I miss it.

    Yeah. If it gets worse for me i gotta switch games

  • Member Posts: 911
    I feel I've gotten a roughly 50/50 match rate. Some are right on, some are way off.

    Been quite inconsistent for me but thats probably because i play with someone in a swf and our mmrs are a bit off.

  • Member Posts: 1,146
    I feel I've been far less skilled than my teammates/the Survivors I've faced.

    The second day after sbmm went live my killer matches were perfect. Now they are back to me facing ultra hard-core survivors even though I keep losing.

  • Member Posts: 1,679

    That's a very good point to remember. SWF is going to through a wrench into the mix.

  • Member Posts: 496
    edited September 2021
    Other: "Let me explain. No, there is too much. Let me sum up!"

    I don't know if it's matchmaking, but on both sides I very often see letting people reach second stage of sacrfice without killer even being there (as person who always has Kindred on it's just painful to watch...) and a massive increase of keys being brought in. Like way, way more often than before.

    When it comes to matchmaking I can't really tell, because I have a lot of games when I will trade hooks for someone close to dying when I wasn't hooked yet... just to die on my first hook with Kindred on so I can see why I often see potato survivors in my team... but as killer it is ALWAYS one of these three:

    1. 1 really good looper (who I will ignore most of the time), 2 people who have no idea what is going on and 4th person who is there for the memes.
    2. 2 people, obviously in swf with only meta perks either bringing keys with Haddonfield offering (seriously, played against this setup 5 times today) or last second switching to flashlight with 2 other randos who seem to be matched well.
    3. Weird players who kind of genrush, literally letting people die on the hooks when I'm not even there, but who fall for the basic mindgame 95% of times and end up dcing or killing themselves on the hook.
  • Member Posts: 52
    Other: "Let me explain. No, there is too much. Let me sum up!"

    I have had one fun game and no even games in 20+ matches.

  • Member Posts: 1,679

    Wow. Have you been playing consistently for the past few months? Maybe there's not enough data about you for the algorithm.

  • Member Posts: 52
    edited September 2021
    Other: "Let me explain. No, there is too much. Let me sum up!"

    Yes, not super consistently, but I held red rank survivor for a year.

    Next three games after posting this was;

    dc at 5gens; tunneled by plague.

    Oni that was fairly good at using his powers and managed to get three downs in 30 seconds in the middle of haddonfield.

    Next game was pinhead where someone dced after 30 seconds and second person killed themselves on hook.

    My only guess is that I usually play with one other friend, I am wondering if the MMR system doesn't know how to handle it. They quit playing because of the MMR, so now this is my true solo que experience. Just got into another game will update it on results now that I havent had an escape in 6 games (three times died first hook).

    Edit: Next game was against a hook camping huntress, couldnt really determine skill cause they were hitting people pointblank.

  • Member Posts: 1,679

    If I had to guess, I'd say you were right about your friend's MMR impacting your games, and it might take some time for the new system to get accurate data about you.

  • Member Posts: 545
    I feel I've gotten a roughly 50/50 match rate. Some are right on, some are way off.

    For the most part before the rank reset I was getting balanced matches when I play killer. Sometimes there was a survivor or two in certain lobbies that I could tell were definitely newer and/or didn't know how Trickster worked.

    My survivor matches have been way worse. Rarely I get lobbies of people who seem to know what they're doing. But most matches I'm left on hook to die because the rest of the team is hiding because they're too afraid to get me when the coast is clear.

    After going back to Ash IV I noticed that my matches have been a lot easier. Consistent 4ks again and I'm put with people who definitely are way below my MMR. Maybe I was unlucky in my matches today but I even had one lobby with people with around ≈100 hours who definitely got crushed under the pressure I have with Trickster where I believe not even a single gen was completed. It feels like my MMR got reset along with the grade? Maybe that's the point just so it can recalculate where I belong but idk. I liked having the balanced lobbies I had before rank reset with people with 2k-5k hours.

  • Member Posts: 1,679

    I thought the devs said MMR was not going to get reset, but that's very strange timing so I wonder if that is what happened. I hope you games start leveling off soon! Mine have been messy, too, but I wasn't playing consistently the past few months.

  • Other: "Let me explain. No, there is too much. Let me sum up!"

    I'm not playing right now

  • Member Posts: 293
    I've noticed a different experience for when I play Survivor vs when I play Killer(s).

    When playing Killers I play often like Oni for e.g, I only get sweat lords that most of the time out skill me by a lot, when playing Killers I for e.g. never even touched since MMR got activated I get fair matches at first but after some time It just goes into the same boring sweat fest I get with my mains. It got better the more I played, but currently it's still very unfun.

    For Survivor, it's somewhat similar. I only play survivor with friends since I'm a Killer Main so from my almost 900 hours I played Surv for only about 150 - 200, so it's natural that my killer MMR is much higher, so it probably doesn't come at a surprise that my Survivor games for the most part are far more balanced except some matches where I get the same sweat I get when playing Killer.

  • Member Posts: 687
    edited September 2021
    The old system wasn't perfect, but I miss it.

    Currently, gens fly by when I'm playing killer, even killers I haven't touched in ages. So I am constantly losing until the survivors mess up and I barely scrape a 4k due to them all messing up simultaneously, so now I have to sweat harder next game. I don't ever feel like I win or that I outplayed them, it really does feel now like I'm babysitting until one of the kids trips and KOs themself.

    Having games like this is fine, but holy hell give me a break sometimes game, I don't want every game to be stressful. Give me a mix of sweat fests where I win, sweat fests where I lose, and casual games where I can be merciful and relax a bit because this just isn't it, chief.

  • Member Posts: 1,679

    I wonder if this is the new normal. "Casual" games might translate to "below your skill level" so the MMR might not match you. Too soon to tell though.

  • Member Posts: 1,878
    I feel I've gotten a roughly 50/50 match rate. Some are right on, some are way off.

    Lately I've been playing at off-peak times due to my schedule, so I think that may be part of it, but it feels like a toss-up between getting a pretty good match and getting a completely random one.

  • Member Posts: 322
    The old system wasn't perfect, but I miss it.

    I've played this game since 2018 and since mmr went live I've been having consistently unfun games.

  • Member Posts: 322
    The old system wasn't perfect, but I miss it.

    "My survivor matches have been way worse. Rarely I get lobbies of people who seem to know what they're doing. But most matches I'm left on hook to die because the rest of the team is hiding because they're too afraid to get me when the coast is clear."

    I've been having this same issue. It doesn't help that being left to die on hook also tanks my mmr, which means I continue getting low skill survivors, and continue being left on hook.

  • Member Posts: 1,599
    Other: "Let me explain. No, there is too much. Let me sum up!"

    I haven't noticed at all, but that is probably because pretty much everything increases your mmr, you start at 1100, and it caps at 1900.

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