MMR Is Trash

Poggy Member Posts: 43
edited September 2021 in General Discussions

And what's sad, everyone knew it going into this. BHVR should have listened. But they didn't. I'll be the first to say I am uninstalling the game for the last time today. BHVR is a shît show and have no fückîng clue how to listen to their community and are too arrogant to give a fück.

Every single game as killer has been an absolute sweat show and I'm done. This isn't fun. This isn't entertainment. I don't care to win every single game, but Jesus fücking Christ EVERY game for me now has to be a sweat fest and gens are done in 3 minutes? The efficiency of MMR teams is ridiculous.

You guys fücked up your game and you appeased one side over the other. FÜCK THIS GAME.

It's so fücking demoralizing to play every single game and have to completely get spanked because of the insane efficiency of the high MMR survivors, and that's not why I got into gaming.

Post edited by Poggy on


  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    "everyone knew". No. Last test was actually amazing for a lot of people. Idk what they changed though, because right now, it's not that great.

  • Poggy
    Poggy Member Posts: 43

    A lot of people were concerned and complaining about MMR a year ago when they first introduced it and not once in any update or PTB was it introduced in a way that anyone felt good about, or any significant majority.

  • DragonMasterDarren
    DragonMasterDarren Member Posts: 2,804

    bypassing the filter is going to get you a talking to from the mods just a FYI

  • Poggy
    Poggy Member Posts: 43

    Oh noes. Mods are going to give me a talking to on a game I am uninstalling and don't want to play anymore? How scary!!!

  • DragonMasterDarren
    DragonMasterDarren Member Posts: 2,804

    if you didn't care and plan on uninstalling then why did you feel the need to scream into the ether about it instead of just uninstalling and moving on with your life?

  • Poggy
    Poggy Member Posts: 43

    I want the company to know from at least one person that they have pissed off customers who are completely abandoning their game because of their stupidity. Because you know what? If they ACTUALLY ever started listening to the community in the future, then I might come back. But at a minimum, maybe I keep others from wasting their hard earned money on this ######### game.

    But my guess is they'll kill their own game first. They're not far off.

  • Poggy
    Poggy Member Posts: 43
    edited September 2021

    Also I find it hilarious that you consider a public forum with a lot of readers an "ether". Very telling. And why not post? It's not a huge time sync to make a quick post about it to the devs / mods or whomever will see this, especially compared to the 2200 hours I'm resentful about having lost on this game. I am resentful of BHVR for never EVER listening to their community on the stuff that matters and continuing to just do whatever they want because they think they know best, when nearly EVERYONE speaks out in agreement against something and they do it anyway.

  • Bedwyr
    Bedwyr Member Posts: 6

    Mate, just uninstall the game and move on, why you need to yell in the forum no one cares...

    You can't blame the MMR system (it's actually working ok for me).

    Remember that losing streaks still can happen...

  • DragonMasterDarren
    DragonMasterDarren Member Posts: 2,804

    it's cute you think the devs read the majority of posts on the forums, it's even cuter that you think they'll pay attention to your tantrum

    you have a point, don't get me wrong, high mmr teams are awful to play against, but screaming at people that don't read 90% of the stuff here instead of explaining why it was a terrible idea isn't a great plan

    if you're that upset over it, just uninstall and move on instead of wasting your breath

  • KateDunson
    KateDunson Member Posts: 714

    I think the same way, that's why I uninstalled the day after SBMM came out.

    At least before i was able to dodge 4man swf, now no matter what i do I'll get the same type of survivors over and over again, and no i don't want easy games, i want to play the game and have time to actually try, 5m games is not fun and get tbagged by ppl that hold M1 and W and thinks is good is nosense and pathetic

  • Poggy
    Poggy Member Posts: 43
    edited September 2021

    Pretty much exactly where I'm at. I miss the days when the gens getting done in 5 minutes was a rarity because of a comp SWF on coms that just knows the game in and out and getting crushed like that was rare. That was at least tolerable. Now for me it's 9 games out of 10 that feel like I'm completely helpless. And again I have 2200 hours in this game the majority as Killer and have been playing for 2 and a half years on and off. It's not like I don't know how to loop or down a survivor. It's just so obvious that at high MMR, you're screwed. At the highest level this game is 100% in favor of the survivors.

    At this point in the game's development, I feel like killer, the role I once enjoyed the most, is a glorified distraction.

  • solidhex
    solidhex Member Posts: 889

    "appeased one side over the other"

    Many people have no side, they play both roles as it should be. My survivor games have been far worse especially when playing with my friends since the update, while killer was sweaty but at least playable and more challenging than before. So it has nothing to do with appeasing to one side.

  • Psycho_
    Psycho_ Member Posts: 360

    I didn't even have a good time during the tests, but it's way more "tuned now". Typically I'm down to 2-3 gens within my first hook. I remember people saying mmr is great for beginning - mid level mmr players, but as you hit high mmr you really see the flaws in balancing.

    We where promised more/quicker balancing, hopefully they actually do that. This game at a high level just isn't fun anymore, me and my friends are taking a long break. If your frustrated you need to do what feels right to you.

  • Poggy
    Poggy Member Posts: 43
    edited September 2021

    That's not remotely the point. The point isn't about how many people play which side. It's that the developers have favored the survivors side over the killer side from a fairness perspective. If you play killer, you are at a disadvantage. And most people I know main one side or the other, and I'm pretty sure this applies to most players, and is still irrelevant to my point that one side of this 2 sided game is at a disadvantage.

  • KerJuice
    KerJuice Member Posts: 1,878

    Yea, OP- I agree…MMR is trash. My last five games in a row I had someone Ragequit early every single time. I just got out of the fifth game five mins ago. I had a lot of ragequitters in the previous days as well. (Is the DC penalty off?) I keep getting screwed over by this trash system. The old ranking system wasn’t perfect, but it was better than this. I don’t play like the teammates I’m getting. I don’t ragequit, I don’t suicide on hook, I don’t farm, I do not run the killer around the player on hook, I do gens, I do totems, I do safe unhooks, I heal teammates but yet I get the COMPLETE opposite of how I play- for support. And then to top it all off, all the killers we face are actually good. ######### is this?? I’m not having fun. This is ridiculous. I paid over $200 for all the DLC (except this one) and a ton of cosmetics. I’m seriously thinking about quitting soon. I don’t think MMR is going away. I am livid. I’m trying my best to try and remain calm, and to work with the system- hoping at some point I will adjust. I’m finding it very difficult because again, I’m not having fun. I’m not making another purchase until I feel like I can consistently have fun as before.

  • SkerpiTwitch
    SkerpiTwitch Member Posts: 327

    SBMM is terrible for killers. Killers need a weak link on the survivor side to have a decent game. Unless you go top 3 killers with ultra rare with thousands of hours into a killer then sure.

    The element of match RNG is gone.

    You face good survivors, and it shows. In a bad way. Games go faster, more boring, you have to cut chases because most m1 killers will get you looped to every single pallet in the game.

    A good survivor will always beat a good killer, period. Thats why you have much more second chances as a survivor then as a killer. A killer cannot make mistakes, or he lost.

    Look at otzdarva lately, widely known as the best dbd killer player with the most knowledge and skill. Wel sir, he's getting his Sh!t pushed in since mmr has come into play. Just saying

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,155
    edited September 2021

    I love it. Nee mmr is out less than a week and despite "everybody knowing" how it would be, no one is chill enough to endure a few months of slightly more ######### than before so the admittinly slow ASF devs have even the chance to balance the game.

    Mmr is THE first time they took something rng out of the game and gave themselves a rather "fixed" point to balance around (given the assumption mmr works and that the sweat problems right now origin from in-game balance problems).

    But everybody complaining is seemingly expecting to get a perfect system from one patch to another despite the devs having to build it on the ruins of their screwed up base game.

    What people have to understand is that this kind of change has to be looked at like for a new released game. There mmr is also wonky, balance is not given and everything has to iron itself out over the course of several months. Just DBD is already out for 5 years and has been the constant reason for whining on the forums, even before sbmmr but since the were mixed between people on the same skill level and bad players most people were fine.

    But streamer going on a several dozen winning spree is not something that should be possible in any pvp game with a proper matchmaking. Just like eSports player in league of legends end up nearly exclusively playing each other in their respective region and not stomping the 95% of the rest of the player base on a regular basis.

  • Midori_21
    Midori_21 Member Posts: 723

    I agree, SBMM is terrible for dead by daylight. How do you add SBMM to a heavily unbalanced game that's almost entirely RNG-dependent?

    SBMM works in balanced games when both sides are equal, with the same objective. In DBD, the 2 sides have completely different objectives, and it's a 4 v 1. So it's trying to match 1 person's "skill" to 4 others, when the 2 sides aren't even doing the same objective, and the 4 have far more control over the match than the 1.

    And that brings up another question: how is skill determined in dbd? As of right now, nobody but the devs know, and I'm pretty sure they're never going to tell us. But there are so many different factors that affect and determine the outcome of a match, that it's almost impossible to make a proper MMR system. It's possible, but it's very hard and not realistic.

    For example: lets say you play trapper and get sent to The Game. And there's so many pallets on the map that by the time you get a down, 4 gens have been finished, maybe all 5. And you try to camp but the survivor still manages to get saved with bt and everyone escapes. Will the game just count that as a heavy loss and considerably lower your MMR? Or will it take into account the map, number of pallets, strength of trapper, and what the survivors brought in, and recognize that you were at a tremendous disadvantage, and not drop your MMR way lower? My bets are on the former.

    As of right now I genuinely think SBMM is what will kill DBD, because SBMM has a track record of causing player burnout. When many people get fed up with the stressful experience of high level matches, they stop playing. It happened with COD, it happened with fortnite, there's no doubt in my mind it'll happen with dead by daylight, until most of the bigger names have left DBD almost entirely. And the only people left are new players. Then once they get better, they'll leave as well since they don't want to deal with high level.

  • CluelessWanderer
    CluelessWanderer Member Posts: 939

    It's trash for Solo survivor too. My issue is the constant camping and tunneling. It's nearly every game now.

    Solo survivor was always bad, but since Wednesday (Tuesday was pretty good? I don't know wth happened), I can't even hope to play the game as intended. Killers will camp from their first down. When that person disconnects, they camp the next person.

    One Pinhead was facecamping so close to the hooked survivor he was body blocking all attempts (and that was at 3 generators). And most of them are supposedly former Rank 1 players. The he sent a message afterwards gloating about ruining the game.

    I wonder if the imbalance and advantage of SWF's have been exacerbated by SBMM and Killers are just embittered to the point that they're making every game as miserable as possible. Or else, maybe they were used to getting 4 Kills a game, almost every game, and now that they're being matched with survivors that can handle them and maybe get 1-2 escapes, they're ticked off so just use the scummiest tactics available.

    I just don't know but I hope something changes.