The Dead by Daylight team would like your feedback in a Player Satisfaction survey!

So...which are you excited for?

HaunterofShadows Member Posts: 4,092
edited September 2021 in Polls

So recently I've been seeing a lot of assym games that have been brought to my attention via my friend and this community...I'll be posting a ######### ton of links so get ready to watch some videos and make up your mind.

Haunt Chaser which is like dbd combined with Phasmophobia and it is really good in my opinion:

VHS which seems to be the most well known one of these forums:

Carnival Hunt which I'll let speak for itself:

The Ash vs. Evil Dead Game:

And this game called Charlie: The Legend which is basically a chucky assym game brought to my attention by @Kilmeran: take a look and tell me what you think

Edit: one thing I didn't mention is the people who made VHS are the same people who made the horror game Wick so if you liked that I would check out VHS.

So...which are you excited for? 69 votes

Haunt Chaser
ElusivePukkaHippieHaunterofShadowsMain_Freddie 4 votes
Carnival Hunt
TapeKnotdiscopumpkin200SOMENINJANAMERyRapsYTUssu 5 votes
MiriamGUnicorn_scarecrowMrPenguinCornpopers_EvanMooksmewmewtenoresaxCornHublandromatAwkward_FiendCluelessMapersonglitchboiYordsdarkcloudlinkCheeseAntonHeaderBrodieDBDvacamanGuiltii 29 votes
Charlie: The Legend
Ash vs. Evil Dead game
Seiko300kodiakySlaughterhouse3WalterBlackMat_SellaKilmeranI_am_NeganTragicSolitudemusstang62Dr_LoomisDetailedDetrimentTatariuThePoliceGamekeeperDarkMagikLuciferr_2ndbm33bubbabrothaTsukiYureiJarol 31 votes
Post edited by HaunterofShadows on


  • HaunterofShadows
    HaunterofShadows Member Posts: 4,092
    Haunt Chaser

    while I am excited for them all after seeing gameplay of Haunt Chaser I am really hyped for it

  • Kilmeran
    Kilmeran Member Posts: 3,142
    Ash vs. Evil Dead game

    This was a tough one because I only got one vote. 🤣

    I voted Evil Dead: The Game because I already have a Friends & Family group awaiting its release with me. So, it'll be a blast for us, being diehard Evil Dead fans.

    But I am also very looking forward to VHS, even joined their Discord (a rarity for me) and signed up for the Beta and would love to get to test it.

    I'm also very interested in Charlie: The Legend that launches on October 1st. It's going to be interesting to see if that gets a player base since he is a one-man development team. My understanding is that its launch price on Steam will be $35. So, that might be a barrier to some, with him being so small and an unknown commodity.

    Just saw some gameplay for Haunt Chaser, and that has my attention now as well. Especially with the PvE option.

  • Seiko300
    Seiko300 Member Posts: 1,862
    Ash vs. Evil Dead game

    I haven't heard of any of these except for the Evil Dead game so thanks for putting them on my radar.

    I'll still be voting for Evil Dead though, just because it seems to be the greatest departure from Dead By Daylights core gameplay and that's what I think makes it look the most fun. All these other titles that have spawned in the wake of Dead By Daylight have so far only served to disappoint as poor imitations or Great Value versions of what makes DBD fun, interesting, and successful. I'm also looking forward to hearing more of Bruce Campbell voicing Ash since he's retired the character from the big screen and finally figuring out who's shittin' in the tall grass...

    Honorable mention though is Carnival Hunt which I see has no votes yet as of now. If I wasn't as interested in Evil Dead as I was I'd probably have voted for that instead, because that DEFINITELY seems like a wild out there concept. Such a unique art style and horrific Tim Burton-esque world that they set up in that trailer which certainly piques my interest.

    Thanks again for showing off these trailers, I'll be keeping a lookout for further updates on them.

  • Purgatorian
    Purgatorian Member Posts: 1,146

    I can't vote right now due to not knowing the full mechanics of all the games. I would say evil dead though just for the name alone.

    I like Dead by Daylight because the survivors can't fight back and must use the resources available on the map or hide.

    I was interested in vhs until I looked it up and saw you could attack the killer directly.

    I dropped out of resident evil resistance due to the fact fighting the creatures gave too much of a time bonus so things like that would go against it too.

    I wish for some serious competition for dead by daylight but games similar to it which allows you to fight back always seem to fail. Deathgarden (although bhvr as well) and predator hunting grounds, as well as many others that turn it into a shooter, take away so much from the horror, failed.

    It needs to be something like dead by daylight but takes it to the next level and devs who listen to their players. You know, the people who are keeping the game going and providing them a profit.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,707

    Gonna go with VHS, though some of the weapons of the teens seem already obnoxious.

    I don’t know what was going on in that Carnival Hunt trailer? Might be interesting..

    the rest I don’t have any interest in..

  • musstang62
    musstang62 Member Posts: 517
    Ash vs. Evil Dead game

    Thanks for linking all of these. Tough call, all looks pretty great. I'm sick of bhvr's usual bullshit shenanigans, so any good competition is very welcome. Ash vs Evil Dead still looks like it'll be the most legitimate competition to DBD right now imo, and looks like it'll have a little higher production value compared to the rest. I'm very cool with them delaying it until it's ready to release

    That said, had not even heard of haunt chaser or that an early version was out now. Gunna go check that out. Thanks OP!

  • Slaughterhouse3
    Slaughterhouse3 Member Posts: 901
    Ash vs. Evil Dead game

    I'm getting kinda bored with these games nowadays but cant go wrong with Ash.

  • Luciferr_2nd
    Luciferr_2nd Member Posts: 911
    Ash vs. Evil Dead game

    Definitely Ash vs Evil Dead,

    I haven't really heard of the other games, apart from I slightly heard someone mention VHS but the others don't intrigue me.

    I hope this game is good and fun, been really enjoying Predator Hunting Grounds recently so I hope its similar to that game.

  • HaunterofShadows
    HaunterofShadows Member Posts: 4,092
    Haunt Chaser

    Give me your definition of fighting back and I'll see if I can theoretically make the list shorter for you

  • Purgatorian
    Purgatorian Member Posts: 1,146

    You can shoot them.

    Friday the 13th and dead by daylight stun mechanics are better since I prefer the run for your life aspect rather than the run and gun aspect.

  • HaunterofShadows
    HaunterofShadows Member Posts: 4,092
    Haunt Chaser

    ok so with this information I've dwindled it down to haunt chaser (which is more similar to friday the thirteenth in terms of fighting back) , I'll assume carnival hunt because the only thing I saw in there was hiding, dying, and running, and ash vs evil dead which even though there is fighting back you said yourself that is the one your most interested in.

  • Purgatorian
    Purgatorian Member Posts: 1,146

    There has to be something amonst them because I am honestly so close to uninstalling this game due to how unfair the matchmaking is being lately. It has taken all the fun from the game and leads to a lot more frustration than it does enjoyment.

    Utterly disappointed in the way this game is headed and I was all for sbmm to begin with thinking matchmaking would be even.

  • Nathan13
    Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,695

    I’m sticking with DBD.

  • Duvie
    Duvie Member Posts: 80

    I've never heard of any of these, but after watching those trailers I'm interested in Haunt chaser, Carnival hunt and especially VHS.

    Thanks for the info.

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,152
    Ash vs. Evil Dead game

    Evil Dead mostly because I'm a huge Evil Dead fan. Also helps it will be available on console, others as far as I know are PC only with no current plans for a console release - just the generic "we hope one day..." response.

  • Kilmeran
    Kilmeran Member Posts: 3,142
    Ash vs. Evil Dead game

    Oh, I didn't buy it. I wasn't investing $28-$35 in a one-man studio game at launch. That was a wait until I saw how it did, deal.

    Well, steam reviews: Mostly Negative. Yesterday on Steamcharts: 2 people in game with a 24 player peak for the previous 24 hours.

    I would say it failed, but it's gone several steps beyond that.

  • D4M4VR1CK
    D4M4VR1CK Member Posts: 58

    VHS because it already looks really good in beta and The Ash game because that’s just sounds awesome as an Ash vs. Evil Dead fan