Chat filter is so bad.

I wrote:
"Her ping is fine."
And the game decides to censor my entire sentence.
Today, I also watched Truetalent, and he wrote "Eh", which also got censored.
Meanwhile, people can type out literal death threats, and get away with it.
Some content creator tried to type GG Leon and the entire sentence censored itself. Made it look like he was BMing, ha ha ha.
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Meanwhile, people can type literal death threats, and get away with it
Yeah, i know. When i get stuff like that and none of it gets censored it just feels terrible.
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god i am so glad there is no option to disable the chat filter.
could you imagine the incredible inconvenience of having actually readable end chat conversations?
nooooooo thank you!
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I had once where a sentence of mine got completely censored.
Then i wrote something along of "Wow, the censor is off the rails!"
And then the word "censor" got censored.
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I'm surprised there's no filter in the forum as well.
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There is, though, and it's ######### hilarious when people get angry over it.
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difference is, this one is actually working mostly fine xD
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Only because it's a static filter that doesn't try to discern context. That also makes it easily bypassable.
Anyway, as I always say, if people want to see the filter improved, they need to provide feedback on it to the devs, not just complain to each other. There isn't going to be an option to disable it, at least for now, so that's your best option.