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General Discussions

Should We Know (After the Game) Who Was in a SWF?

A lot of people chalk up their poor game experience to going against a 4 man SWF. I've been accused of being in a SWF more than once when I wasn't, so when I see posts from people saying they lost to a SWF, I wonder if those people were actually in a SWF.

So the question is, post game, should everyone know who was in a SWF? And if so, why?

On the one hand, thinking you were in a SWF and learning you weren't could A, help you catch and report actual cheating but B, show you that you simply weren't as skilled as those you faced, and that could help you get better as a player. (I know, I know. I've been on these forums long enough to realize that "B" is a pipe dream. It takes a lot of maturity to accept someone simply outplayed you. There always has to be a reason outside of one's own shortcomings (ex: "The map is broken"). Sometimes that is true, but realizing when it isn't true is hard. Still, I'm the type who would find it valuable.)

But back to the question, I can think of a lot of pros and a lot of cons. And it certainly would open up a lot of questions. Should Killers get a proportionate BP bonus based on the size of the SWF, for instance? And what about those times when people play together, but aren't on comms? The game can't possibly account for that.

So what do you think? Do you think the cons outweigh the pros? Or do the pros outweigh the cons?

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