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Do people hate going against Pinhead
I ask because nearly every game someone DC's, mind you that i dont tunnel or camp, or even run meta perks for that matter.
I think hes fun. I play solo q and dont see dcs against him. nor do i see dcs when i play him
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Haven't played against him yet but he is fun to play now that I know how to use his chains. Hoarder is amazing on him! I literally unlocked the twins just for this perk and it was worth it. Though I used shards. The Twins aren't worth dollars IMO.
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I like him
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I hate the randoms when going against Pinhead because they're scared of picking up/solving the box. Pinhead is fine, survivors playing against him are terrible. 😂
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What makes hoarder so good on him? I roll with franklins but never saw the point in hoarder
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Hoarder lets you see when a survivor picks up an item, including the puzzle box.
I don't wanna put down my item, even if I do it willingly. I'm sure many other survivors feel the same. However it's either toughen up and pick up the box or it's chain hunt city.
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Didn't he cause the server to crash? I know I don't use him due to that experience.
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I will be completely honest. If I go for the box and the killer starts chasing me and I eventually go down just to see my team not doing ANYTHING while they get molested by chains, I will just suicide on first hook now. I just can't be bothered anymore, constantly being the only one chasing the box, then getting chased by the killer with no way of ever doing something else whole match long - aka just getting boldness points and nothing else and having the fewest points for doing most of the work.
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Hes the only "fun" slowdown killer in my opinion. Clown is just annoying, but pinhead feels cool.
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I don't mind him. He's just another jack-of-all-trades killer like Freddy
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Same reason people hate going against doctors, deathslingers, Pryamid head ect, they have abiltiies to where they will eventually get a hit in every loop, like doctor, who has the power to shutdown loops by spamming his shock, he will always get a guaranteed hit, same way where pinhead will lock his chains on you and you will get slowed down
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I just gotta get used to him I think. As a console player its rough cause you can just spin or do anything else quickly to get away but still I think I can get it.
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They fixed that
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Im a ps4 player and ive constantly played him since release, just gotta learn your angles and timing, and also how to use his power in the first place
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Oh I meant as survivor I ain't touching him just yet. I wanna wait till people stop screaming about bugs, learn how good the killer is, or if i'd even like him before blowing almost 10 bucks. I made that mistake too many times
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No, I don't hate him
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I haven't really gone against him, haven't been playing surv because Pinhead is so damn fun, but I would love to see people's thoughts on this.
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Some people have been DCing because of the inherent instability of any BHVR release.
On just general play - I like playing against the Cenobite, but I don't like the toxicity inherent to how BHVR rewards scummy/cowardly/low-skill play, from either side. I absolutely refuse to solo queue because of it, even if it's just me wanting someone out of the game on headset, and I've consistently seen camps, tunnels, and similar awful play get rewarded by Cenobite's power coupled with the awful matchmaking system.
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I don't find him super fun to go against but I wouldn't DC against him.
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Run hoarder+franklins and range add ons for his chains. When someone picks up the box you'll get a notification. If they try to solve it interrupt them with the chains. Then hunt them down. One hit will force them to drop the box. Pick it up and the chain hunt slows down the gens.
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I don't use the range add-ons, I use the ones to increase the time to solve, adds up to almost 15 seconds
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That works too. If you stop them from solving the box that's the focus. If you can keep the chain hunt going that is a lot of pressure on the survivors. It buys you a lot of time to chase them down without 3 gens popping at once.
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Prolly played about 30 matches with him so far, and I can say the worst thing about him, if I had to pick something, is that picking up the box stops the chain hunt for other survivers.
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I think he is fun. I am a hellraiser fan though ;)
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Hoarder+franklins remedies that >.>
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Yes it does, kinda, just got hoarders in the blood web finally and it's nice, but the box also spawns back in after about 10 to 15 seconds after I solve it....
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I was looking forward to him, but I have to say, Solo queue against him is a miserable experience. I don't D/C, but I do fight the urge to.
I think Pinhead illustrates just what an advantage SWF has over Solo survivors and Killers alike. It's super frustrating for Solos because for one, it's as if 90% of them are allergic to the puzzle box. i can't rely on anyone to actually solve it before it screws us over. Yesterday (can't stomach playing today), I was the only one doing the box. At one point, 3/4 survivors were injured and the chain hunt was looming near. I run injured to unhook someone. The healthy Quentin who has never been hooked, who is working on the generator closest to the box, doesn't bloody bother to even try to solve it. I had to run injured across the map to get the thing, chain hunt begins- and of course Pinhead teleports to me and I get downed.
I honestly just killed myself on the hook. What is the point in even trying? Then I spectated and surprise! They're immersed in the Chain Hunt and it's chaos.
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If you're in solo q he's possibly the worst killer to go against. Randos never go for the box. A good rule of thumb I've found is if you can see the box, solve the box. But then I still lose because I was the only one doing gens and I left to go solve the box while everyone else crouched around the edge of the map. I know this, I run bond a lot in solo. I seens it.
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It sounds like your issue is with bad randoms and not pinhead himself.
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I have only played against him on Live 7 times and I find it fun. Two people have DC'd (I am assuming purposefully) during those 7 matches total - so 2/28 survivors. I have more people DC against me when I play Doctor than I have seen in what short time Cenobite has been out.
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Love going against him. Horrible killer, easy to play against. Has no map pressure. Has no 1v1 pressure outside of chain event.
By far one of the easiest killers to go against
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I've tried hoarders and I don't like it. I feel like the ones that I verse don't pick up the box until they intend to use it, so I don't get value from it. I also don't like running franklin's because it interupts the chase, I'd rather just get them down and then get the box.
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I don't think this is exclusive to pin head.
What I see is, the new system feeding low rank survivors to high rank killers. The survivor knows their in a game above their rank and so d/c.
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he can be fun sometimes, but when they use his iridiscents he is not...
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I don't know if other players hate him. But I definitely do lmao
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I actually quite like him thusfar. The chains don't feel oppressive but still feel like they do something, the box provides some nice slowdown at basekit, and I have yet to deal with a ruin/undying/tinkerer player which makes it even better.
My only gripe is about him being a solo stomper, so I'm just hoping solos get that ping system soon.
It's a very dim hope.
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NGL double box slow down add ons + Franklins + Hoarder is lowkey obnoxious to play against.
That being said, I don't hate the killer. I just personally hate Franklins as a perk.
I wouldn't dc though as annoying as it is, but I have seen people dc in my matches which is even more annoying lol because it handicaps the rest of the team.
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It's natural since right now he's new and people don't fully understand his mechanics.
I think he has big potential to be very oppressive with the passive chain hunt which is why I'm worried about how BHVR decides to move forward with changes to him. Hoarder + Franklin's Demise allows him to very easily chain Chain Hunts and pressure everyone map wide with passive chains which is actually really, really strong and I'm not sure how to feel about it.
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I think he makes solo queue even worse so yeah
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That's certainly part of it.
I also think BHVR designs Killers leaving Solo queue and console players out of the equation. The Chain hunt is a lot worse for console players due to not having the same level of mobility.
My point still stands though, for all of the reasons pointed out, I find Pinhead tedious and frustrating to face.
I like him, like his design, like the music etc.
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I like facing him, personally. I think some of the complaints will die down once people understand how he works and learn how to deal with him properly, but there will always be some people who hate him because there are people who hate every killer.
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people hate going against everyone