I just don't think killers get enough bp with what they have to put up with

This isn't me saying survivors should get less bp or that survivors don't get as much bp either, but that loading into a bully simulator just to come out with 20k in bp just isn't fair.
You're telling me if I subjective myself to add-onless trapper the most I can get without bbq or bp offerings is 32k? I'm trying to level up Pinhead here, but this bp discrepancy isn't right.
What about being tunneled and camped as survivor and getting out of the match with less than 10k? If anything, leveling up as killer is too easy.
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Yeah no.
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True, but no one is playing survivor for bp. If someone is playing the high bp role I don't think it's fair they get so little in scale of the massive grind.
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You like the grind?
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Tbf... no one gets enough bp.
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Just use BBQ and offerings. You can get close to 100k per match with that. You want more than that?
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You don't?
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Well, more BP for everyone means everybody can bring the strongest stuff all matches. While I believe the grind for perks should be reduced (by removing perk tiers), I don't believe every killer running purple/pink addons and survivors running BNPs and Keys every match would be healthy.
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I saw a video where it took someone 4+ million bp just to get bbq. 90k isn't enough
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"Harder and stressful" is subjective. I have a way better time playing killer than solo survivor. In fact I barely play survivor anymore because I don't SWF and solo sucks.
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If this game is something you have to "put up with" you shouldn't play it... in that case probably staring at your desktop wallpaper would be more beneficial
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Killers arent the only ones who can get bullied.
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Nah killers can get much more BP, it's not even a Discussion.
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We should get auric cells for each killer match honestly
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Everyone should get more BP tbh ;_;
I always thought that there should be more daily rituals to help with the grind. Like 4 dedicated killer ones and 4 dedicated survivor ones, and you get 4 fresh ones a day so you always have the option to get at least 200k extra bp.
On top of that it would be cool to see rituals that are the adapts to those characters. I think it that would help with seeing more perk/character diversity.
As for killers specifically they should be awarded bonus BP for every unique survivor they hook ^^ kind of a mini bonus for spreading out hooks and not tunneling.
Those are just some of my ideas ^^
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When you have survivor pudding and BBQ
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I saw that video too, haha. They weren't taking all the yellow perks though, kinda shooting themself in the foot... what do they expect when they leave the perk pool bloated with perks they don't want?
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Gotta love threads that are not about Killer VS Survivor, but the only argument against a good idea is "But the other side".
I literally see no issue with getting more bloodpoints. I agree wholeheartedly that players should get more bloodpoints. Actually I don't really care the reason they get more bloodpoints. Players should get more bloodpoints.
Remove perk tiers.
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...What? Killers get more BP on average. Even a bad game on Killer with a perk like BBQ is going to net you more points then playing Survivor with WGLF and getting facecamped/tunneled into death on your first hook and not hitting 10k points. (Had something like this happen to me last night actually- though to be fair, I had gotten insta-moried by a Tombstone Piece Myers. Why he killed me and my bud who weren't running super strong perks instead of the two we were paired with who were running full meta builds, I will never know. Still sad he didn't let me finish my archive challenge first lol.)
I mean, yeah, Killers are expected to run add-ons, and some Killers don't make as many points compared to others (Like Wraith and Legion are BP machines, where Plague struggles a little more, and like Pyramid Head might not get as much BP value out of BBQ compared to others due to Cages not giving you stacks and all.) but they get a ton of points, especially compared to their Survivor counterparts.
If anything, there should be a net change to the BP system on both sides, taking away the BP cap for the different categories- making it so that you can gain more BP overall, making it easier to hit the 32k cap- mixed with more shards obtained from the game.
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I am honestly fine with killers bp since I use bbq and offerings if I need it.
Surv gets less but on my surv account I am always at cap since I rarely need it. So also fine by me.
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Why do you have different accounts for killer and survivor?
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Back in the day I was more sensitive to toxicness and people holding grudges so I tried to lessen it with having two separate accounts for both roles.
Now it is late to go back since I payed for stuff on both. And also perks.
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Sorry wasn't it literally you who said that you don't want a bloodhunt during the anniversary event because "the economy would never recover" and "it would be ultra-rare city for weeks"? Like I'm not making this up that was actually you and not someone else on your account, right?
Source for these comments: https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/discussion/267200/anniversary-event-update/p1
And for someone who doesn't use add-ons ever, you seem to care an awful lot about bloodpoints all of a sudden.
Like, yeah, you want to level Pinhead, but others may use it on add-ons and ooooo spooky add-ons so scary
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That was written in a moment of weakness, I can't disagree with what I've said in the past?
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Oh no, of course you can. You just usually create bait threads so I wanted to check if you'd actually changed your stance or if this was yet another bait thread
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No I don't like the grind I just don't like this "killers needs more bp" instead everyone needs more ur pointing one side of story when u get bully squads and request higher reward if u lose this isn't charity it doesn't give u reward based on how hard game was survs are also getting camped and tunneled ans slugged etc etc and they don't get more bp for it but most likely exit match with 7-8k bp
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Oni being the most attractive character isn't bait I assure you
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Killers get more than enough. Survivors are really the ones that need more BP in my opinion.
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Oh no I'm referring to the one thing waybackwhen that lead to a jail
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My opinion is that with killer you're not relying on anyone to get your BP, while at survivor you're relying on 4 other people, including the killer.
As killer you can just stack 3 slowdowns and BBQ on Spirit and have an easy 50~60k every match.
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Killer is the easiest it ever was. I slap on BBQ and get so much BP, I dont even know what to do with it. All my Killers are satured with addons and offerings.
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Yeah, I gotta agree with some others. Both sides can deal with unfun tactics, but that is the game. And I am all for eliminating some of the grind and giving more bloodpoints.
But, if you want , play Spirit with BBQ and a Pudding and you can get 100k a game.
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More than enough? Don't forget that most killers need a steady supply of add-ons to be bearable. Even if you don't use add-ons they have less bp add-ons than survivors.
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Killers bully survivors too. Stop pushing this narrative that only survivors are bullies.
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I don't use addons on killer. I'll usually throw on BBQ for even more BP. I feel like killers get enough. As survivor you barely get anything.
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If killers get more than enough bp then why do most people agree the grind is awful?
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Something you dont agree with=bait
Funny to see how ppl have a twisted view on the meaning of some words
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Yeah I get you, killer really doesn't have that much free time per match, but you don't really have to do anything different besides playing the game to get tons of BP, while survivors have to do a bit of everything (gens, altruism, chases and escaping) and sometimes you barely go above 20k. Not even mentioning WGLF stacks are way harder to get than BBQ.
I run Chewed Pen on my Ghostface every match and I still have almost 300 by using BBQ and spending BP on him. If killers want they can bring the best addons every match.
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We don't need more bp, stop making the devs think we want more of the same bp events etc and compensating players with bp for their broken updates that take months to fix
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Not quite the case but do go off
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The grind is pretty bad if we're talking about unlocking perks on new killers. That can be solved without giving killers more BP, though. They already get a lot, especially if you throw on BBQ.
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I've had too many matches as survivor where I leave with 5-8k BP to be sympathetic.
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Sure, if they give the same boost for solo survivors.
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Love when people accuse me of being survivor main when 90% of my matches are as killer. Huge brain for you.
Not every match you're going to do everything. Sometimes the killer just randomly decides to tunnel/facecamp someone out of the game and survivors barely get any BP.
WGLF is way harder to get stacks because you can only have 6 chances of unhooking per game, and protection hits are dependant on the killer and don't always happen. As killer to get your BBQ stacks you literally just have to play the game normally, although it must be hard for you because you seem like one of those who lose 5 gens trying to tunnel a Nea who pressed ctrl.
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i wasn't being entirely serious with the image