People are practically begging the devs at this point to stop making new content

I'm glad it's not just me. I'm not seeing the same sentiment expressed in the comments all over their social media posts.
People are really not happy with the state of the game. Since 2.0.0, chapter after chapter has been pushed for this game, introducing more and more bugs that accumulate on top of old ones still being worked on.
It's going to reach a point where the dev team can no longer keep up and the game really will be unplayable.
If the devs read this, I'm asking them to take these concerns to heart and focus on game health and optimization before releasing any more new content. Players can't enjoy new content if the game doesn't work and I promise you more will leave than the game will bring in if you don't address these concerns soon.
Please upvote if you agree.
well with VHS, Evil dead and Charlie the legend coming out DBD has 3 games to compete with that might make them step it up
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I'm really hoping they have a side-project going where they're rebuilding the game. It's clearly too unstable to support everything they're doing to it.
If not, hopefully we'll get some private servers eventually lol
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Obviously you don't know what you are talking about, because people are begging to stop making new cosmetics and get to balancing/reworking existing stuff.
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And yet people are also furious that this chapter only came with a killer. You can't please everyone.
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BHVR has already mentioned that there is no plan to skip a chapter to work on the game health-wise.
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I've said it before and I'll say it as many times as I need to, I'd gladly go months without any new content or balance changes as long as they rebuild the game with brand new code that's stable enough to support the new content.
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Ye well, i don't see the point to add so many new killers when they are clearly out of ideas (except Pinhead and Blight).
All killers are almost the same with W + M1.
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Are you willing to go years instead?
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If that's what it takes for the game to be better, then I'll go play VHS.
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We're all worried. I feel bad for the devs who actually work on the code -- I've been in situations like that and it's clear that this is not a good pace. However, without knowing their finances, and how big the pile of undone tasks is, I honestly can't say whether it would make sense for them to do a "health chapter" or not. I wish they would, but I'm not the one who's gong to lose my job if the revenue stops.
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Make chapter 22 the chapter that fixes the bugs and release the updated maps that haven't been done yet. Give us a break from all the perks, powers, arguments and stream content lol
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Who knows, if they have a more lax take on modding, we could even play the same characters we like from DBD lmao