Trying to get killer adepts with MMR on is simulatenously painful and amazing

Just the title, really. I've put off getting them since I switched from console to PC and figured I'd finally give it a go, and it's 8 parts awful and 2 parts euphoric.

When I finally got Adept Trapper I actually jumped out of my chair and whooped out loud, hahaha. It took several matches of hearing gen pop after gen pop with just a few hooks, but I eventually figured out the key to getting it.

On the positive side, it feels REALLY GOOD to unlock an adept against survivors who are decent. Plus, I feel like doing this will help my killer fundamentals a ton, because you have to play aggressive, not guard hooks, commit to chases and keep them short, and use your power well. And you get way less bothered about losing.


  • Veinslay
    Veinslay Member Posts: 1,959

    Yeah, I've been working on these recently too. It gets easier if you do them right after grade reset because you can get merciless killer without 4 iri emblems. I got Adept Trapper, Wraith, and Hillbilly. Hillbilly took the longest by far. I'm currently struggling badly with Adept Hag.

  • Jarol
    Jarol Member Posts: 1,985

    And i who got all the adepts of killers before the MMR was activated.

  • xenotimebong
    xenotimebong Member Posts: 2,803

    I'm leaving Adept Hag til last because I think that will be my easiest as a former Hag main, haha. If you want a tip, I'd recommend using a map offering for Midwich because a) totems are hard to find there so your perks will probably last longer, b) corridor traps are really strong because they're hard to avoid, they'll definitely get triggered, and the ground is quite dark so they're also harder to see, and c) if you run a trap range add on you'll be able to teleport from almost anywhere on the map.

    I'd also avoid trapping hooks so survivors save each other, and don't hook anyone in a hidden corner of the map or Third Seal will make it hard for them to find each other and give you enough Devout points.

  • xenotimebong
    xenotimebong Member Posts: 2,803

    I'm kind of jealous, to be honest. I wish I'd just done it when I first started playing on PC, it would have been a lot less hassle but I was adjusting to keyboard and mouse so I kept putting it off. :(

  • Jarol
    Jarol Member Posts: 1,985

    The same for me was a challenge, but with the MMR it may be easy and in other cases more difficult, what if it is convenient is to obtain maximum blood points in each category, obtain a minimum of 10 hooks and a maximum of 12, I had spent many sometimes when I didn't do that and sometimes they ended up escaping through the trapdoor because he trusted me too much. Before I had complained in the forum that getting a killer Adept was very difficult and strict but I realized that it is easier than you think, perhaps for the survivor it is ultra easy, but the killer benefits from more blood points, slowing down the game, sluging to 2 or 3 at a time consecutively, not letting the survivors breathe was always the key to finding an adept.

  • xenotimebong
    xenotimebong Member Posts: 2,803

    I think the biggest difficulty is having no slowdown at the start. You lose a lot of Gatekeeper points if they pop two or three gens early, which is likely to happen if you're on a bad map, have no info perks and have no mobility power.

    But I'll get there! Unlocked adepts for Trapper and Wraith, which I think will be some of the hardest. Just 23 more to go 😎