How has everyone's MMR matches been so far?

I'm slightly curious to know how everyone's SBMM experience has been other than my own.
Hopefully, it's not all negative, but my matches so far are a mixed bag. I don't wanna say I'm 100% okay with MMR yet. My survivor matches, most of the time are great. My teammates actually pressure gens and I rarely go to the second stage on my first hook. Some matches are questionable, where I just put with people who are completely new to the game and they aren't that much of a help against a killer with the same amount of hours I have.
Killer matches are slightly on the "Eh" side. I haven't been playing killer as often, but whenever I did it was hard to say if I should be placed against these types of survivors. I do get placed with survivors with way fewer hours than me, sometimes don't even have perks whenever I play one of my less played killers. Though, playing with the pig is a lot harder challenge. Sometimes I barely win my games until the best survivor makes a mistake/gets greedy. It was a given since pig isn't that good of a killer. The only plus side is being able to play other killers now.
How has everyone else's been?
I get sweaties every game so it's kind of stressful. I guess I should have took this game less seriously. 4k hours. Been playing since release.
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Since the second day of SBMM, I am tossed against team after team after team where I have to sweat by balls off and still can't get more than 1 or 2 hooks. This went on for 20-30 games (all on Myers), on the 9th and 10th, and my MMR never did go down. Every match was just the same level of survivors.
The 8th (launch day) was fine, and the matches were balanced and close. I don't know what happened for day 2 and 3, but it was a nightmare with no downward adjustment.
Look, I'm casual. I never played enough in a month to ever hit red ranks, and many, many of my games were not 4k's. I never sweated for them and never played meta builds. If a 4k happened, fine. But most the time, I would allow the last survivor to get the hatch. And since I like to play Myers, any Laurie's in the match got an automatic escape from me in the end.
I liked to do a rotation of 10 killers, and I did whatever perk build struck my fancy at that moment in the lobby. My MMR was never going to be high by any stretch of the human imagination. Yet, SBMM apparently tossed me into that end of the pool as of Day 2 and won't fix the mistake.
So, I haven't logged in since Day 3 of SBMM, September 10th. And right now, I don't know when I will login again.
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I'm literally at a 50 / 50
Sure i get gen rushed and i can still try and comeback but, when you have 4 ds's on a team... a comeback is just bout neigh impossible..
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For Solo survivor it's just tunneling sweatlords, So I stopped playing 2 days ago.
My partner wanted to try Killer. Literally a former Rank 20, and was matched with survivors that obviously knew the game very very well. Flashlight saves, knew how to loop, body blocking etc. By the fifth match like this my partner got frustrated so I told him to just face a wall and let the survivors escape.
They sought him out, and started trying to blind him and flashbang him just be little arsehats.
Now he will probably never try Killer again.
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Clownery. 3/4 slowdown every game with strong add-ons on Blight, Slingrer, Nurse. :) Fun.
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Nurse main now 😁. Gave me time to chill out and practice her blinks against survivors obviously new to her as well.
I can tell when the MMR starts ramping up because there are more jukes, but I still 2k or 3k normally thanks to getting some quality practice.
It has also made me more interested in playing other killers as well although I kinda don't want to stop playing nurse now 😏
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Hard to get double pips on Survivor since match ends way too fast but perfect matches for killer.
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Low MMR and I am the actual killer from the movies up until the final girl. High mmr? All 4 are final girls. Rofl.
Survivor has been a lot more fun, though.
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Very positive experience overall for me.
My solo survivor escape rate has been startlingly high. Well north of 80% over the last week. In my MMR bracket, it seems like non-meta killers stand zero chance unless the killer is outstanding. I have 3100 hrs and try to be as optimal as possible on survivor. Prove Thyself in every game, hold W early, the works. I'm usually being matched with really smart teammates who play like I do, so it seems to be working as intended. Can't say it's healthy balance-wise though. Most games have 3 or more escapes and many killers are getting less than 5 hooks.
My killer games have been tough but I like that. If I have to sweat, I'll sweat. I enjoy difficult games. Running theme seems to be very smart survivors. They know how to break 3 gens, when to run early and where to go, etc. I'm seeing some survivors do comp strats like run to corners.
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My survivor games feel about right, but I might be escaping more than I should...
Killer games are tough, my survivors are generally pretty good. My normal gen regression/delay perk is Surge, and more often than not 4 or 5 gens get done.
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Everything seems the same to me - same kill rate, escape rate, wait times, etc. BP gain is up some on survivor and a little on killer. Matches lasting somewhat longer as well. Haven't had any shut-outs as killer or survivor.
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I can't say much about my survivor games, but my killers seem to have abnormally low mmr, to the point that I'm steamrolling the survivors with no real gen-slowdown perks.