The DCing needs to stop

So I just recently had a game where I queued in as Spirit where I wanted to try out Hex: Plaything on her. Guess what happened though, I hit a survivor out of phase early in the match and first thing the survivor does is DC because I'm Spirit. Two other survivors ran to me and DCed after that. One survivor stayed and got hatch. They didn’t notice I was Spirit until end game chat so I guess they were solo.
Survivors, I don’t think that Spirit is the problem here, it's you for making games so much more stale and unfun and also ruining games for people that actually just want to play the game and have fun, like me and the Steve that decided not to rage quit. Here's the end game chat:
The chad survivor that didn’t DC: wtfffff
Survivor 1: lol
The chad survivor: what happened???
Me: survivors like that make this game more unfun than it needs to be
Survivor 1: would rather wait 5 mins than play against spirit
Me: dude quit being selfish
The chad survivor: HAHAHAHAHA
The chad survivor: #########
Me: you have bt adrenaline and iron will
The chad survivor: only because it’s spirit?
The chad survivor: u ok??
Me: ikr
The chad survivor: i
Survivor 2: tbh i just find spirit boring and unfun
Me: i dont
The chad survivor: thought it was a hacker
Me: just wanted to try out pinheads new perk on her
Survivor 2: i just prioritize my fun over others, call me selfish
The chad survivor: whay a baby
Survivor 2: gl in next
Survivor 3 was console so they couldn’t say anything.
Straight to the point, people like this just straight up ruin games and it needs to stop. I don’t care if you don’t like Spirit, DON’T DC. Not that you’re going to listen to me anyway because there will always be people like this but it’s really aggravating having to deal with this.
Sorry for the rant.
It does seem like since sbmm has come in there are more DCs on both sides. In my matches either survivor DCs early or killer DCs if couple gens pop before they hook someone. I've been watching streams and it's the same thing, just lots of DCs from both sides in the matches.
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Haven't really noticed. I haven't played much since SBMM came out so it's too early for me to notice a difference.
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I went from maybe 1 or 2 DCs a session to nearly every match has a DC. I thought maybe DC penalties were off because of how quickly they have increased in my matches.
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I had someone DC because I hit a hatchet through a pallet they were camping. It was one of those head on, quick and quiet, deception gamers. So... I think she was mad I was on Huntress.
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I had someone DC because I baited a pick up, turned around and knocked the flashlight out of their hands with franklins. They ran to a dead end and I got a 2nd hit in. They DCed as I hooked the first person.
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You are doing God's work. Without their flashlight, they were powerless to do anything, you can hardly blame them for quitting.
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I played 27 survivor matches today (I played each survivor one match). Of those 27 matches - two survivors DC'd and 1 killer DC'd.
The killer did come into my stream and apologize around 20 minutes later - apparently his puppy was having an accident so he DC'd real quick to go deal with it LOL. Tomorrow I am playing each killer one match - will see how that goes for DC's. I don't usually get many survivor DCs (except when the penalty was off).
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Someone left DC yesterday when I down him. 35sec after the start of the match. I was pigi ...pigi is now s Tier or what?!?!
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Survivors just want them easy games. I don’t like playing against Spirit, but good lord it’s only a game for crying out loud.
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The devs just need to stop playing games with the DC penalty and keep it permanently in. "Oh, but a few people were crashing." Then they shouldn't be playing the game until it's fixed if it's that common of an occurrence for them. I've said from the beginning, they needed to differentiate between people pressing "leave match" and people actually losing Internet, but nooooo, let's make it ambiguous and complicated for everyone.
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Damn that sucks they disconnected against a spirit. Oh well.
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The day pinhead released I crashed my first game. Got like a 2 min ban. Next game it crashed again. So I played something else until they fixed it. Not that hard.
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I knew I was gonna get a comment like this. Survivor mains at their finest.
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I know this thread is about the dc'ing against Spirit and dc'ing in general but I love how the chad survivor was so confused what was going on they thought it was hacking. 😂
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Spirit and DC in the same sentence.
Yeah, pretty usual.
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You don't have to be a survivor main to admit Spirit is the killer with less counterplay and fun to go against, calling them survivor main so fast is just entitled mentality.
Also weren't you the one sad because of the sounds multipliers rework (iron will "buff")? Turns out Spirit is still overperforming without stridor and you don't seem surprised
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It’s fine if you think Spirit doesn’t have counterplay and boring to face and I understand that. However, justifying that in a DC is where you have the entitlement.
If you DC against Spirit, just look at your equally as boring DS Unbreakable Dead Hadd Borrowed Time. Should killers be allowed to DC when they find out that build is in play? No, they shouldn’t go out of their way to ruin other people’s games. It’s not that hard to comprehend.
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I want to ask where in @th3 's comment or mine we're justifying DCing to Spirit
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They were acting sarcastic in their comment. Sounded like they think it’s fine to DC against Spirit.
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Having the opinion of not being surprised or worried isn't justifying anything about DCing
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You know what I find less fun then playing against my least favorite killers by orders of magnitude?
Waiting for another match to be found, after someone decides that this match isn't up to his standards and sabotages it for everyone else.
And you know what I find more unfair then going against the most unfair killers?
Going against the most unfair killers with only two teammates because someone bailed and made the match even easier for him. Thanks, fellow survivor. Really looking out for us there.
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I only have 1 killer that I will consistently dc against but anyone else is fair game. This is why I also don’t mind if the killer DC’s. If someone’s not having a fun match i couldn’t care less if they leave
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It certainly sounded like they were based off the way they worded it. Sounded like they were acting like “you’re a Spirit so what do you expect, they have a right to DC against you.”
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I never believe a DC because of things not going in a game should be warranted. It just ruins games for other players.
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I mean - aren't you a killer main?? Seems that way from your posts.... Come on Alanis Morrissette sing it!
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I love the mentality that those people bring /s
Everyone should go into queue with the mental preparation to expect to face any of the 20+ killer and play it like a big boy instead of trying to cherry pick their adversary.
As if I would quit every game in league of legends once no one has banned and someone has picked yasuo, yon or master Yi or the like. The ones in my team always suck with the usual 0/10 powerspike or get fed when in the enemy team and I still play that game out instead of going afk or quitting.
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No I play both sides. I probably play slightly more killer and am better at killer but I’m not a killer main. Also I am one that hates survivor mains’ egos.
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I don’t take dbd seriously at all so if a teammate dc’s I don’t mind. This game can be very frustrating and I’m fine with someone leaving if they need to cool down a bit.
Plus some games are just going to be inherently unfun. If I play billy on RPD I’m not going to have fun since I can’t use my power for its intended use. In that case I dc
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"Survivor 1: would rather wait 5 mins than play against spirit"
There are times when I wonder if they should increase the DC penalties to 10 minutes rather than 5. You could argue that the person that just DC won't do it again, Sure, but having 10 minute at the start will stop the "It's just 5 minutes" mentality. But that just me.
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I feel like 10 minutes would be too long if we consider people’s games crashing unintentionally.
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I thought we were supposed to be getting bots for DC's?
Can't say i blame them though. Personally i would have tried to die on first hook because Spirit is just frustratingly unfun. I for one cannot counter her no matter what i do, but then i'm a filthy casual who prefers head on plays to the meta.
Games so much more enjoyable when you just don't give a [Insert bad word]. But even filthy casuals have their limits :D
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Why though? Please just don’t DC. It ruins people’s games.
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I don't DC?
I die on first hook.
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Pretty much same thing.
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I honestly forgot about the game crashes lol. If the Dev manages to find a way for players not getting the DC penalty when the game crash then sure, 10 min would be fine. But you're right, 10 mins is a bit much at the current time.
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Oh yeah definitely. It’s hard to do that though as some players could just completely turn off their router to leave a game.
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So me giving you a hook and some points is the same as me just straight up quitting? Ok well i may as well just DC in that case!
Thanks for saving me some time!
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I have yet to see you call out any killer mains in any of your posts - so - it's ok for killer mains to state their biased opinions, but not survivor mains?? Seems - a tad hypocritical.
I call out every main and their bias because neither is conducive to an actual conversation. But hey - you do you :)
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I mean i don't like spirit. I can't counter her personally and dislike going against her. Nothing will change that fact. Hell i'd take nurses all day than face one spirit. The point of games is to have fun, and if i'm not having fun then why bother?
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I prefer what other games did like F13 - Salt mines. DC more than once in 24 hours - go to the salt mines where you only play with other DC players. You have to play so many matches without DCing in the Salt Mines to get to go play with the people who don't DC.
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I mean you give me bloodpoints titled “quitter bonus” anyway lmao
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I‘ve never played F13 but that honestly sounds super fascinating.
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Then maybe the devs should try and work out why her DC count is so high in comparison to every other killer. I'm not remotely worried about if someone else is having fun the same way i don't expect anyone to worry if i'm having fun. i'm really not bothered if someone DC's or dies on first hook against me as a killer. This is pretty much the definition of a casual vs a try hard.
No matter what happens, you will never stop people doing something they do not want to do.
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You get BP and potentially BBQ stacks and a tick towards emblem progress which increases your bp..
But hey if you're happy with taking just the DC bp then that works for me too 'lmao'
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I actually loved reading that 😂
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Honestly that system would work 10x better for this game
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Yeah at least I don’t have a reputation of rage quitting like you do.
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I get this a lot as Twins makes me sad coz I like to make fun matches for survivors and not the Victor slug nonsense :'(
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Who said anything about rage quitting?
Now you're just clutching at straws..