The DCing needs to stop

GannTM Member Posts: 10,910

So I just recently had a game where I queued in as Spirit where I wanted to try out Hex: Plaything on her. Guess what happened though, I hit a survivor out of phase early in the match and first thing the survivor does is DC because I'm Spirit. Two other survivors ran to me and DCed after that. One survivor stayed and got hatch. They didn’t notice I was Spirit until end game chat so I guess they were solo.

Survivors, I don’t think that Spirit is the problem here, it's you for making games so much more stale and unfun and also ruining games for people that actually just want to play the game and have fun, like me and the Steve that decided not to rage quit. Here's the end game chat:

The chad survivor that didn’t DC: wtfffff

Survivor 1: lol

The chad survivor: what happened???

Me: survivors like that make this game more unfun than it needs to be

Survivor 1: would rather wait 5 mins than play against spirit

Me: dude quit being selfish

The chad survivor: HAHAHAHAHA

The chad survivor: #########

Me: you have bt adrenaline and iron will

The chad survivor: only because it’s spirit?

The chad survivor: u ok??

Me: ikr

The chad survivor: i

Survivor 2: tbh i just find spirit boring and unfun

Me: i dont

The chad survivor: thought it was a hacker

Me: just wanted to try out pinheads new perk on her

Survivor 2: i just prioritize my fun over others, call me selfish

The chad survivor: whay a baby

Survivor 2: gl in next

Survivor 3 was console so they couldn’t say anything.

Straight to the point, people like this just straight up ruin games and it needs to stop. I don’t care if you don’t like Spirit, DON’T DC. Not that you’re going to listen to me anyway because there will always be people like this but it’s really aggravating having to deal with this.

Sorry for the rant.

