The DCing needs to stop



  • Adeloo
    Adeloo Member Posts: 1,448

    i mean they DCed so they get the penalty and if they DC for a certain killer they probably DC for other tiny unimportant things so their DC penalty must be 24h by now. Honestly it's selfish and stupid from them but just move on to the next match and have fun ^^

  • TunnelVision
    TunnelVision Member Posts: 1,375

    I mean you can up the timer as much as you want, i die on first hook so it won't even affect me. Like i said, work out why spirit's DC rate is so high. There is clearly a problem..

  • Jasix
    Jasix Member Posts: 1,245

    No clue why people DC on purpose - seems silly to me. In my chan when someone DCs on purpose a random gif plays to signify their inanity and temper tantrum. Here's a few of the ones that randomly plays - pretty much sums up what I think people who DC on purpose are like:

  • GrimoireWeiss
    GrimoireWeiss Member Posts: 1,452

    I think the first penalty should be 15 minutes instead. It's not too long so it doesn't punish people who have urgencies but it's not so short that you can just rage quit, go to the toilet and come back for the queue.

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    Well the person clearly isn’t having fun so why should anyone care if they leave?

    Even if they don’t leave they’ll probably just suicide or throw the match. I’ve seen it happen a lot especially in match against certain killers. If you don’t give them one option they’ll just do the next best thing

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,227

    Imagine DCing because you didn't like the killer smh.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    If the penalty is irrelevant, then there's no reason to change it. Yet, DCers come to the forum constantly to rally against it.

  • GannTM
    GannTM Member Posts: 10,853

    Yeah they got hit once and then decided they weren’t having fun. That’s in no way excusable.

  • GannTM
    GannTM Member Posts: 10,853

    You being a Freddy main and me being a Spirit main, I’m sure we’ve both dealt with that many times.

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    I never said to change it. Fact is it doesn’t stop people from suiciding/throwing matches which is essentially the same thing if not worse since they might actively hinder the team by helping the killer

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531
    edited September 2021

    I’ll agree that case is a bit extreme but I personally have no issue with anyone DCing because they are not having fun in the match. This isn’t a serious game to me so the match outcome doesn’t matter.

    if you have a problem with it then fair enough but people will always dc for any reason they see fit and they have a right to do it. They bought the game after all

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    Throwing is throwing. Hardly matters whether someone gives up in a football match by throwing a tantrum and walking off the field (DCing), getting a red card (suicide), or scoring own goals (actively helping the killer), the result is the same: the team loses because of one person who can't deal with the fact that not every game will go according to plan.

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    That’s exactly what I mean and why I don’t care about DCing in particular. If someone doesn’t want to play a match they won’t and this is why the dc penalty essentially does nothing imo.

    I’m not condoning it but I can at least understand why someone who isn’t having fun in a game might quit and do something they actually do find fun

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    And my point is that if you were right, DCers/quitters wouldn't be coming here to whine about the penalty. They'd just suicide or whatever.

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    Tbf some people do dc even before the killer shows their an A hole

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    That’s more so people complaining that they have to throw/suicide instead of just DCing. It wastes more time for them and makes them have to play a match they don’t want to longer

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    "The killer found me first? DC!"

    How do you prevent these DCs, given that someone has to be found first?

  • toastcrusher
    toastcrusher Member Posts: 110

    never had that happen, but its possible, even possible that someone had to take a call or open the door....and who knows maybe his game crashed. my experience is that when i see people dc then i always find out verry fast why.

  • GannTM
    GannTM Member Posts: 10,853

    Omg this comment is filled with false information it’s insane.

    “People don’t DC or kill themselves on hook on hook because get hit once or don’t like the killer.” -Well this statement was contradicted in your next paragraph so now this is meaningless. And the survivors I went against DID DC on their first hit and because I was Spirit.

    Quit defending DCs like survivors don’t abuse them. It’s not right, it does ruin games for others and if you don’t see that, then you’re admitting something you don’t wanna admit about yourself.

    If the majority of survivors unanimously decided to DC every time they see a Spirit, us Spirit players will literally never be able to play the game. I love Spirit, I want to enjoy her. I understand why you people don’t like her but please just quit doing the small PP move.

  • toastcrusher
    toastcrusher Member Posts: 110

    depending on the how....try to look at it from a survivor point at view, first 10sec of a game, a killer got you from behind with a 1 hit kill.....hmmmm not a gen popped and you didn't even take a step....or could take a step, imo i understand that someone like that thinks....f this. A killer player should atleast put in a litlle effort to make a game fun, not just go for easy kills and speedruns.

    in the situation i described a killer could have initionate a chase, a sort of heads up that he is coming if you not start running, but thats not always the case, and there you have it, problem reaction

  • GannTM
    GannTM Member Posts: 10,853

    This has gotta be a joke. Please……tell me you’re joking. Please!

  • Yatol
    Yatol Member Posts: 1,935

    That is blatantly untrue it's known that a lot of players of this game dc at the slight hint they might lose or have to deal with something they don't like.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    So why is the killer responsible for making sure survivors who can't handle losing continue playing? Hell, does anyone (besides those survivors) even want them to continue playing (read: DCing/giving up)?

  • CluelessWanderer
    CluelessWanderer Member Posts: 939

    I don't usually D/C, but recently with the SBMM I killed myself on the hook against a Spirit.

    3 tunneling Spirits in a row. I always go in with a mindset of playing normally, but when a Killer is scarcely allowing my feet touch the ground after being unhooked, and tunneling through DS, I know I'm not going to get a chance to play the game. High level Spirit players have a reputation for tunneling, and they can take you out of the game so fast. I admit, after 4-5 matches like that one tends to get frustrated and bitter.

    I usually hate it when team mates D/C as it screws the rest of us over, but I can understand being absolutely fed up and not wanting to entertain players like that for one more second that you have to.

    Not saying OP plays like that or anything. But a LOT of Spirit players do. A lot. Every one is human and this game can get to the most chill of people.

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    Both sides do DC though. How many huntress’ and Billy’s do you see dc on indoor maps? While this is fine imo it still does ruin the match for survivors who might have waited a long time for said match

  • toastcrusher
    toastcrusher Member Posts: 110

    it ruins the game for others hey...didn't you read my comment? the players who starts to ruin the game is the killer, he is the one that makes or breaks a game....and i'm not talking about your swf's...they dont just dc

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    I'm a survivor main. I get annoyed by survivors DCing because it almost inevitably leads to me taking the hatch, instead of having a fun trial.

  • toastcrusher
    toastcrusher Member Posts: 110

    we are not talking about the same matches, cause else you wouldn't get the hatch but you would be dead before you could even think about a fun game

  • HPhoenix
    HPhoenix Member Posts: 569

    Not a bad idea but game crashes are a thing sadly. :I

  • Jasix
    Jasix Member Posts: 1,245

    One look at your post history shows you are a survivor main who refuses to accept other's opinions. Your bias is evident in the majority of your posts.

    Survivors DC all the time for a plethora of selfish and immature reasons. That's not to say killers don't also throw temper tantrums and rage DC - they do.

    You continually complain that killers don't allow you to have fun - uhh that's not their role. Their only objective is to stop survivors from completing gens any way they can. Generalizing what killers do or don't do is not conducive to an actual conversation. I am prolly one of the least sweatiest killers there is (Never camped or purposefully tunneled anyone) but it is not my job to make sure you have fun or survive. If I am facing an obvious potato - I go easier on them than someone who can loop well etc. BUT again - when push comes to shove - I will sacrifice you to the entity.

    Anyways back on topic - I actually wish the DC penalty escalated quicker - keep the first one the same because it can be a hiccup in internet etc - but after that - I say go straight to an hour - then 6 hours - then 24 hours. If people (survivors or killers) wanna throw a temper tantrum and do multiple DCs in a short time - I'll be happy they are blocked from playing for even more time. Better yet would be to implement a salt mine like F13 had - let the people who DC and throw temper tantrums play with one another.

  • Schardon
    Schardon Member Posts: 177

    Wow, really? Why should a killer put in effort to make the game fun for survivors? I haven't seen survivors who put in effort to make the game fun for killers. The second they see a gen, they're on it. The second they see ruin, they're on it.

    You're not responsible for the fun of the other side whether you're playing killer or survivor. I don't expect a killer to give me hatch and I also don't expect a survivor to grant me a free kill.

  • GannTM
    GannTM Member Posts: 10,853

    So it’s illegal to play as Spirit is what you’re saying?

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,227
  • Szakally
    Szakally Member Posts: 56
    edited September 2021
  • lemonsway
    lemonsway Member Posts: 1,169

    I've faced a couple Spirits, i honestly don't have anything bad to say about them. I was mostly outrunning their first aproach with Sprint Burst to see if they gave up on me, most did. Those who persisted i made sure to avoid grass and i doubled back a bit, other times i'd just shift W from loop to loop prioritizing window vaults from inside the loop to the outside so i could progress to the next and try to waste their power and time.

  • Gitamish0
    Gitamish0 Member Posts: 26

    As someone who plays killer and survivor equally, I think people who DC in general are just babies and deserve higher and higher time penalties and/or being sent to the Salt system some people here brought up earlier.

    I don't care who the killer is or how bad your luck is, survivor DCs just make the game less fun for literally everyone else. Once you catch on to how killers tend to play at different levels and how certain killers are often used, you can figure out ways to play against them, some like Spirit just take more effort than others.

    On the killer side, I sympathize slightly more since Rank 1 four team swfs can be so toxic and infuriating, but once you observe how the patterns of those kinds of groups tend to play, you can also catch on and take them down even though it may be a way closer game than it would against say 4 solo queues. I have no pity for Killers who quit based on Map though, it's no better than Survivors who quit based on Killer, actually worse. Especially since at this point Killers have the advantage of basically being able to expect most survivors to have DS, BT, DH, and some other perk like Unbreakable or Deliverance

    If you go in as Survivor, you should prepare to face any killer. If you go in as Killer, you should prepare to face any sort of Survivor group and map. Simple as that in my perspective, then again I don't struggle against Spirits as much as a lot of other people on this forum seem to, and I tend to not bother playing Killers that can be absolutely crippled based on map alone, so maybe I'm just having a different experience but that's my two cents

  • Jasix
    Jasix Member Posts: 1,245

    Yes let's discuss my post history. I play 50/50 and call out mains from both sides for their hyperbole and vitriol. I use statistics I have gathered over 5 years of playing this game as the basis for my "opinion." Insinuating someone is in cahoots with BHVR simply because they don't agree with your extremely biased opinion is the epitome of childishness and inanity. Your assumption about my gameplay is so off it is sad. I don't camp. I don't tunnel. I don't use NOED. I don't use Decisive or Deadhard EVER. I don't care about how many kills I get - I care about having fun. Heck some matches I just goof off with Pig and Legion.. so don't come in here assuming you know ANYTHING about how I play. What I stated was factual though - NO ONE has a duty to make sure anyone else has fun in this game aside from themselves. You may not agree with what some people consider fun, but that doesn't matter because you do not get to dictate to anyone how they SHOULD have fun. You have these rules on what you think a killer should and should not do - then go play killer! I don't tell anyone how they should play - you play how you want - you bring whatever perks, items, addons you want - because you paid for the game just like everyone else. If you wanna hide in lockers 90% of the game - knock yourself out. If you want to camp and tunnel - more power to you.

    What makes you the authority on how this game SHOULD be played? If you don't like the way people play you can either disconnect, die on hook, or simply stop playing the game. I have over 4k hours in this game and almost all of that I have streamed - to entertain people. I do goofy builds, perkless builds, heck I even have channel redemptions that can make me find the killer and point at them for no frickin reason, channel point redemptions that make me let survivors go or run around letting them boop my snoot - why??? Because that is fun to me. So maybe stop assuming how others play when you have no idea because it simply makes you look even more inane and jaded. So before you decide to "come for" me - I suggest you take a step back and rethink that. You simply are not equipped to have this type of battle of wits and facts with me. Sit down.

  • toastcrusher
    toastcrusher Member Posts: 110

    sorry, to long read and besides that....not really intrested

  • Jasix
    Jasix Member Posts: 1,245

    You are the reason these forums need a block/ignore function.

  • th3
    th3 Member Posts: 1,810

    Pretty presumptuous of them to automatically assume any comment that isn't in lockstep "<survivor> bad" like the majority of their posts are is a biased entitled <survivor> main.

  • toastcrusher
    toastcrusher Member Posts: 110

    ah what the hell, updating so i have to wait anyway....still not reading it, but i've seen enough comments of the usual suspects, always in attack mode and ignoring the main issue. That this forum is biased towards behaviour is what to expect.

    Maybe look around on other sm and forums and see what the real player base really thinks of dc penalty's, toxic behaviour etc...

    like i said, people dont dc or hook kill for nothing, fix the problem and you dont need a solution....its as simple as that

  • GannTM
    GannTM Member Posts: 10,853

    Holy ######### this thread is blowing tf up while I was in American Government and Chemistry classes back to back.

  • GannTM
    GannTM Member Posts: 10,853

    No one is attacking you. You’re talking in a way that’s being condescending and trying to defend a ######### move that isn’t a tactic in the game. People have a right to argue with you about that.

  • GannTM
    GannTM Member Posts: 10,853
    edited September 2021

    Ok so what were you really trying to say in your comment?

  • InnCognito
    InnCognito Member Posts: 720
    edited September 2021

    All online games have this happen. Intentional or not. (WiFi, PC quality, The Cat)

    What we need is 2 public match modes which are Ranked and Unranked.

    • Ranked Public matches which has the penalties.
    • UN-Ranked Public matches which does NOT have the penalties. With the Caveat that if a person plays in a group such as this. That players will leave regardless.

    (Of course with the MMR system still in place) - Props, I do like the new ranking system. : - ) .

    I cant tell you how many times I've seen streamers have to move on to another game because their Dead by Daylight stream crashed due to their streaming software crashing and then encountering this penalty system and have to move on to another game.

    As much as I do NOT like to say this. i will. That streamers are a "necessity" for games today. Because it promotes this game. Half the games I play today I wouldn't even KNOW about had it not been for a Youtube gamer or a Twitch gamer. But it also should not entitle only streamers to special treatment.

  • GannTM
    GannTM Member Posts: 10,853

    Oh my ######### god I am not calling out every survivor. If I was, I wouldn’t have called the Steve a chad.