Pinhead's add on, engineers fang

I just found out, that hitting a healthy survivor with the possessed chains will injure them, like it says. However, hitting an injured survivor will chain them like normal. This add on is quite useful now.
It was like that In the ptb. It is ridiculous tho
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It’s kinda dumb if I’m being honest. Having an easy injure every chase for no downside is quite useful
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I refuse to use this add-on. Literally never touched it and I've played Pinhead enough to P3 him. It's way too powerful for an add-on. A contender for one of the most powerful add-ons in the game.
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I mean for the worst killer in the game it’s only fitting he have a decent add on. He deserves something for all the downsides his power gives him
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This and Greasy Black Lens.
Much fun to be had.
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It still adds all 3 chains? I never used it on injured survivors. I thought it only did 1 chain.
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He isnt the worst killer in the game. That medal goes to legion
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At least the legion can injure everyone before being an M1 killer. Pinhead needs an add on for that.
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Pinhead has 4v1, map pressure and anti loop. True his anti loop is rather crap right now but ive still had moments where his anto loop as allowed me to win the game.
Unlike legion Cenobite actually has major potential to be top tier
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His ‘map pressure’ is wholly reliant on him actually being able to capitalize off it which he can’t given he’s an M1 killer most of the time. He has an extremely high skill cap with no reward. So far the only pinhead I’ve died too was on Hawkins and he didn’t even use his power he just kept tunneling me off hook with Plaything so I never knew he was nearby
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How can you say that when legion and trapper exist?
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Trickster is worse than legion in my opinion
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Trickster is really weak definitely bottom 3 but he has chase potential legion is just an m1 killer.
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at low loops trickster can down faster than huntress or nurse from what ive seen so i cant give him the low rank like they said.
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Thinking Hellraiser is worse than Trapper and Legion. lol
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I dont disagree with you. But ive had a decent amount of success with him maybe that's because i have decent experience with m1 killers.
But to call him the weakest killer in the game is simply wrong. Imo
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He becomes what Legion always wanted to be. Can easily injure people on the 4v1 and has a decent 1v1.
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^ this
I used this Add-On to get my Adept with Pinhead. But other than that, I would not use it. It is such an easy removal of an Health State, it is laughable.
And I dont think he needs it because some people think he is weak. After playing him for some time, he is not weak at all. Not saying he is a very powerful Killer and will be a contestant for the Top 5, but he is decent and fun to play as.
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I do agree with the sentiment that its a lot of work for not much reward in some cases. Nurse blink into skill shot into pathing to make sure they can't break the chains easily or you don't break them on accident. Not to mention even if you do all that the chains could just randomly spawn in walls and do nothing. Probably not a console favorite. His redeeming trait is honestly the chainhunts.
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I would say trapper since he is still add-on dependent and requires a long setup
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this addon is the weaker ultra-rare compared to the one that hides the box
still m1 killer with almost useless power for the last healt state and it activates survivors ability to use dead hard
starting chain hunt has much more impact than getting an injure on 1 survivor
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Definitely gives him a ton of more pressure. Being able to hold a 3 gen becomes so much easier with this add on. Very deadly in dead zones as well. Easy slowdown value with Thana.
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he may be an M1 killer, but he's an M1 killer who you are oblivious to and killer instincted. If he might not be able to contest in time, he can position himself to fit in a blink snipe to interrupt your box progress.
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I just used this for two games, had no idea it was so hated. But seeing the comments, I guess it makes sense
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I feel like if they ever added a downside to this perk, the removal of 1 chain when hitting an injured survivor with a possessed chain would be fair.
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Legion and Trapper exist.
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When nemmy came out I was going to just play as him for a long time, loved the idea of the zombies, we all know how they love them trees, now I just hit them out of spite
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His power just feels inconsistent & hard to control on PS5. Or maybe I just need more practice.
I feel like this addon gets more use from PC killers using a mouse.
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No it's fine.
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I think for such a weak killer its a unfair addon because it shouldn't be an addon it should be basekit
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Being the map pressure a joke due to they see the box in all moment.
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Well yeah obviously. If they couldn't see the box ever youd rarely get to use the teleport
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It’s quite hard to hit the chain
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Good pinheads like good nurses will hit it consistently and since you can place it anywhere it will become basically a free hit anywhere
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Faster than nurse are you on crack
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Yeah but you could say the same about nurse, is nurse a free hit? It’s not free because you have to be skilled to do it
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The main problem with it is that they can’t really buff pinhead unless they nerf it. It makes him substantially stronger at little
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with nurses fatigue after ahit. at low loops a trickster can def knock down faster than a nurse
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Im saying something like able to see aura at 8m good survs will get the box and the chain hunt will last 3 secs.
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Pin head is definitely weak. His power is high skill little reward. "Oh but you're not playing him right" yeah ok. His chains break to easily, has 4v1 doesn't really work if survivors are solving the cube, and has to rely on Franklin's and hoarder to actually use his lament. Overall the power comes from the survivors mistakes which means they have control over his power.
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damn this killer is [BAD WORD] weak, even when survivor get chain , survivor can drop the pallet in front of him and vaulting easily -_-
Post edited by EQWashu on1 -
I use every killer on the roster and I can promise you he is not the weakest. Legion, Trapper, Trickster, Pig (God that hurt to say), Mike are all below him and there are more I just didn't want a giant list. Not saying you can't win with these characters but they just have less in their overall kit.
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Yeah thats how it works. Mostly chain hunts are used as 4v1 so the survivors must go out of their way to solve the lament onfiguration.
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Lol what? Trickster is crazy strong after his buff
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Say's who? You? I disagree and I'm far from the only one. I play on console and he's hot garbage. I was being nice just putting him in bottom 6 but to be honest if I really want to win he is the last one I would pick and yes I would take Traps, Mike, Legion, and most def Pig before him.
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ok look. pinhead is weak or bugged he misses due to lunge bug not to mention breaks his own chains which he shouldnt. he is addon dependent which he shouldnt be he needs things as base kit
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I mean its easy to miss, is predictable, and can only injure healthy survivors. Not to mention the slower channel recovery and then still having to catch up to the Survivor.
Its more like a less reliable huntress hatchet.
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It's better to use hoarder for the chainhunt like the box pink add on its good, but i think hoarder it's better
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Yeah he’s trash on console cuz u can’t aim