Totems seem off

Ok so I have been playing a lot since I started my vacation a few days ago, something I have been noticing on the killers that I am playing with totems and even when I jump on survivors and play I have noticed it.

So it seems to me (and I could be wrong here) and I am paying a lot of attention lately, that Totems are spawning in the open where they are easy to see. I would say 7 out of 10 games I play both totems are taken out by 5 minutes. 2 out of 10 games one totem gets taken out and it is with in 3 minutes of the match starting. Also yes I have paid attention to the fact of whether or not the survivors have maps, and they don't.

Before the Pin Head patch and update it seemed like they would find my totems about every 4 to 6 matches quickly, because of bad open spawns. I am not mad if I lose a totem 10 minutes into a 20 minute match, what is frustrating is there are killers that use these for their builds and some don't have warding's or ways to protect them with out suffering (like Pin Head) His Plaything is amazing, and his dead lock benefits from the synergy of Ruin. but it seems like I am wasting 2 perk slots just to have them constantly taken out with in 3 to 5 minutes of a 20 - 25 minute match.

Has anyone else been noticing this bad spawning of totem locations as of late, or am I just getting that bad of luck over the last three days?

if you would like to see what I am talking about you can view my 6 hour streams with the same name as here


  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,384

    I don't think it's totem spawn changes tbh. With sbmm matching good killers against good survivors you are likely just facing more survivors who will do totems to deny perks.

    I've seen many survivors who would do a gen next to the ruin totem and never cleanse the totem back in old rank matchmaking.

  • Kaimick
    Kaimick Member Posts: 24

    what you're saying has no relevance to what I am saying.

    If the totems were well hidden like before and they were being taken out I wouldn't have an issue with it.

    What I am saying is the totems are in the wide open, not hidden at all. meaning you casually walk by an area and can see it from 4 tiles away

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,384

    Most totem spawns were never well hiddened. You can easily remember 90% of totem spawns.

    Even maps like midwich and hawkins have some really obvious spawns.

  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383
    1. How are you playing 20 minute matches.
    2. There are only few "out in the open" spawns. The most are hidden, but they repeat from realm to realm/map to map (like a jungle gym totem or killer shack)
  • DoomedMind
    DoomedMind Member Posts: 793

    Sure, there is some places where totems are in the open, impossible to miss, but these places are not the majority, or Ruin/Undying wouldn't be that used (I mean per game, an average of 1/5 totems are too easy to find, like right in the middle of nowhere).

    But, let's say we change some spots and replace them in some super well hidden spots : these places are rare in each map. Super damn rare, so these locations become obvious to go to check, and not numerous.

    The strength of totems-not-that-well-hidden, is that when you're searching for totems, you feel you have to search around all rocks you see, run aaaall around the rock to be sure there isn't any totem there, so if you're lucky (or unlucky as a killer), you're going straight in the good loop over the 5 others of your surroundings where there is the totem, but unless, you'll have to search the entire zone just to find a totem. This is why "obvious" places are good. There is plenty locations to search, and that is buying time for the killer, and sometime you just pass by without seeing it

  • Purgatorian
    Purgatorian Member Posts: 1,146

    The only thing that really stood out to me is '20 minute matches'. How on earth are you getting 20 minute matches, I envy you right now lol.

    There are times when I think 'it's right out in the open, bye hex perk'. If it's ruin, it will be cleansed quickly. If it's Devour, they don't tend to take notice until it procs then they are quite easy pickings if they start to swarm the hex lol. That was before sbmm unfortunately, things are very different now lol. Even in Hawkins it managed to spawn in clear view in a hallway :(

  • VikingWilson
    VikingWilson Member Posts: 789
    edited September 2021

    Iron Works? Guarantee a totem is upstairs. If there's a hex, that's where it WILL be.

    It's as constant as Pantry's totem in the rocks in front of the shack.

    Temple of Purgation, people sleep on that totem up top.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,384

    Speaking of guaranteed totem spawns.

    Badham always spawns a totem under the stairs in the house of pain and there's always a totem in the school and there's four possible location for that one.