What to do to get chill matches

I'm a filthy casual, and after MMR was enabled, my matches have been like I've been playing in a tournament, not to say they weren't like that before. Why does every killer have BBQ and Infectious? I just want to chill and laugh while playing, but these past few days have been donkey balls.

What should I do?


  • boogerboy123
    boogerboy123 Member Posts: 119

    odd perks to complain about, but there seems to be no solution tbh. i was never a sweaty player but now i have to sweat my ass off to get a single kill. even still i usually lose

  • dnj510
    dnj510 Member Posts: 438

    Those were examples of what I've seen today. Just noticed everyone is bringing the big guns and I just want to have more fun. I'm sure the opposing side is having a lot more fun than I am it feels like.

  • Sweet_Tour
    Sweet_Tour Member Posts: 558

    You have to suffer alot before your MMR (May) go down. Like 40 straight losses and your killers might actually have 1 green perk.

  • dnj510
    dnj510 Member Posts: 438

    That's a good idea but I don't think I'll commit to it, lol. Bloodpoints, I have to get them somehow :).

  • Sweet_Tour
    Sweet_Tour Member Posts: 558

    Well if your getting sweaty matches then I don't expect to be high either way. The higher you go the more likely tunneling and slugging is gonna become common

  • dnj510
    dnj510 Member Posts: 438

    They do that at a higher rating? By higher, do you mean like the old red ranks?

  • Sweet_Tour
    Sweet_Tour Member Posts: 558

    I mean high MMR. This is DBD friend the balance is so badly skewed that the high MMR killers are gonna have to play like that to even make survivors worry a little bit. No matter what high or low Tunneling will happen but for different reasons.

  • Barbarossa2020
    Barbarossa2020 Member Posts: 1,369

    Most killers use bbq for awareness. It can be countered quite easily, indirectly. Lockers are your friends.

  • ukenicky
    ukenicky Member Posts: 1,352

    Try to stay out of the killers terror radius when they are chasing and down someone. By doing so you will avoid Infectious Fright. Alternatively you can use Calm Spirit..

    BBQ is run by many killers for the BP but if you want to hide from the aura reveal effect you have two options: 1. get in a locker quietly before the person is hooked and wait a few seconds before getting out or 2. Stay hidden behind the gen you're working on as best you can/align yourself so that you are straight with the person hooked that way if the killer looks your way your aura will be hidden behind the gens aura.

    These are just some tips for dealing with those two things but otherwise if you want "chill" matches just play as casually as possible and MMR should supposedly put you up against people of your same skill level. I don't recommend griefing your teammates by AFKing or trying to die as quickly as possible to depip as it ruins things for them.

  • Myla
    Myla Member Posts: 1,551

    It's always like this every time Rank reset.

    Give it a week.

  • Schardon
    Schardon Member Posts: 177

    Except that rank reset has nothing to do with it anymore since the latest update to the match making system.

  • Myla
    Myla Member Posts: 1,551
    edited September 2021

    It does. People sweat every reset to get their red colors quick then simmer down after that. The only difference now is because it hits harder since everyone returned to Ash I .

    Also sbmm is a placebo and you should treat it as it doesn't exist.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814
    edited September 2021

    1) BBQ isn't that good, any killer running it isn't being that sweaty.

    2) Don't bring meta perks.*

    Edit: *sorry, I meant don't bring bets builds if you want to rank down. Much of the survivor meta is rather crutchy, even more so than the generic killer meta, and not using seocnd chance perks will stop you form becoming boosted like it did me.

  • Schardon
    Schardon Member Posts: 177

    Well you do have a point of people sweating their asses of at first to reach red ranks again it's still not the same as before when we assume SSBM is somewhat working.

    Valid point though, didn't take into consideration people try hard to get back to red ranks asap since I usually don't care at all about the rank I'm sitting at, especially since you'll reach red ranks sooner or later anyways.

  • dnj510
    dnj510 Member Posts: 438

    I'm not a new player, lol. I know a bunch of those tips you've mentioned in the first two paragraphs but thanks for your advice. As for your last paragraph, I'm not sure how to play anymore casual than I already am.

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,152

    Why do people expect to be able to play a PVP game with two distinct opposing sides and counteracting objective to chill?

    You never have any control over how your opponent is gonna play, also chill or trying hard to "win", outside of not caring for the outcome of one's own match.

    Especially as killer when all responsibility lies on oneself or as survivor with potatoes teammates.

    I could understand to be able to chill in team pvp games with premades to goof around but never as solo (again outside of not caring for the outcome and just playing relaxed. But that would make this whole question thread obsolete and seems not to be the goal of the op).

  • Jasix
    Jasix Member Posts: 1,245

    BBQ is a sweaty perk?? I assume every killer has it until I can tell they don't. BBQ has been one of the most used perks for years - this is definitely not a new thing.

    Infectious - I rarely see that - I see Tinkerer, Pop, or Corrupt Intervention way more on killers.

  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759

    Describe what "chill" means.

  • TicTac
    TicTac Member Posts: 2,406

    But this are not really the big guns. If i would get this perks against me, i would think the killer takes it easy. I get Corrupt, Ruin, Undying, Pop, Tinkerer most of the time. And im not even on a really high level, bc i see many different killer.

    I tested 20 matches and got a 50% escape rate. So if you play how you want, the game should give you killer, which match that. But it could take a while. Maybe play normal and never escape, but nobody knows how the mmr works.

  • Purgatorian
    Purgatorian Member Posts: 1,146

    Bbq is run often to increase the bloodpoints gained, it normally goes unused once all characters have been levelled as there are better tracking perks out there. Unfortunately most of us have not got that far yet.

    It is actually an anti camp perk, you only see the aura of those outside of a certain distance. If you are in the killers terror radius it should not show your aura and encourages the killer to move away from the hook to stop that gen being worked on in the distance. It is very easily countered by either hiding in a locker or hiding behind the gen, not working on it, if you're at the right angle. It's not impossible to do that.

    Unfortunately most do use it for bp though and campers will ignore the auras even if they see 3 on the other side of the map.

    It's more of a casual perk imo, not sweaty at all.

  • Xayrlen
    Xayrlen Member Posts: 329

    You could play something else or something. Try Civilization.

  • lordfart
    lordfart Member Posts: 538

    Meh maybe a change of perspective. You're never gonna be able to control your opponents, so I just play chill matter how it goes down. Of course that's after gaining enough experience to be able to chill nd have a good game, but letting go of aiming to either survive or get a 4k helped me a lot. I just focus on my tome challenges

  • Dr_Loomis
    Dr_Loomis Member Posts: 3,703

    Don't do achievements, especially killer adepts. Very anti-chill.

    Only do rift challenges which involve orthodox gameplay eg healing others, unhooks, gens etc and don't rush the challenges. Do them in the background and await for the completed notification.

    Don't take things personally like teabagging etc. Ignore it.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614

    In theory, you'd have to just start playing very chill.

    Then you'll lose and lose and lose and you'd eventually get to people who play more chill or who play seriously but are on the same skill level as those who play chill.

    In practice, idk.

    Haven't done that myself.

  • PureDoctorMain
    PureDoctorMain Member Posts: 341

    I was using my favorite build that never works of no mither, UB, soul guard, and kindred and the moment I go down I got camped by a myres shaking his head a whole lot at me. Yeah my other teammates escaped but not just cause I was on the hook but cause he could't down them even in tier three. He snuck up on me in tier one in swamp and got the down. Then sat on me getting evil within while they tried to save me the first 30 seconds.

    I tried the build 3 more times and just sweat after sweat trying their hardest to get me out of the game immediately.

    I tried to make it a casual game. I tried to give the killer a break cause I know from experience that killer is mostly a sweat-fest. And this is what I get. I just ended up going back to my other build of repressed alliance, dead hard, kindred, and bt. Still casual and fun but useful too

    In conclusion trying to offer a casual game don't work. Not anymore it seems.

  • Gwinty
    Gwinty Member Posts: 981

    Chill yourself.

    You have 0 influence what kind of Killer you are getting but you can influence your own mindset. Try a new build with some new perks and set different goal for yourself. I run a chest focus build right now with Plunderer Instinct and Rummage. Is it any good: Probably not. But it feels very rewarding to find the needed toolbox to push through that Pop goes the Weasle 3 Gen Killer or the Map to find Ruin. I go in without any items and farm a little collection...

    Maybe you can find such a goal for yourself too, to make it more chill.

  • KateDunson
    KateDunson Member Posts: 714

    Stop playing like i did, it's only way for them to understand SBMM was the worst thing they could add to the game

  • dnj510
    dnj510 Member Posts: 438

    I've been using Balanced, Open Handed, Bond, and Spine Chill a lot lately as a solo queue build. Is it the best build, probably not but it has helped me to know where my teammates were so I can focus on other objectives. Maybe I'll try that build like yours and see how that goes or any other kind of specific build.

  • Neamy
    Neamy Member Posts: 359

    I use BBQ specifically for the blood points. If there was a different perk that just gave the blood points, I'd be using that instead. I don't believe I play all that sweaty (killer main I guess you could say). I use corrupt intervention as my only slowdown, and usually don't bother even kicking gens anymore.

    Used to use NOED a lot, but even stopped doing that. (I'm glad NOED isn't the perk that has a blood point gain). I don't notice my games changing much since mmr has been on. 

    Funny side note, if there's a lot of cakes, or party streamers, I'm all for hanging out maxing everyone's BP, cause that's what those are for.

  • SPADESinst
    SPADESinst Member Posts: 84

    I'm pretty sure almost all killers use BBQ because it's a BP bonus perk. It makes the grind easier because getting everyone to p3 isn't easy, if you think that's sweaty then I don't know what to tell you.

  • dnj510
    dnj510 Member Posts: 438

    Why does everyone keep implying I think BBQ is "sweaty"? I never said that nor Infectious was, I just said they were used a lot in my matches from what I have observed.

    "Sweaty" isn't even in my initial post, that was the guy under me that said.

  • Gwinty
    Gwinty Member Posts: 981

    Well I admit, I use BBQ on Ghostface. It is a good perk after all and Ghosty needs his recovery add-ons to get some stuff done. As such BBQ combinds information about my next stalking victim with BP that are required for my next match. I think most Killers who level or want to prestige use BBQ for those reasons.

    Just like survivors use "We're gonna live forever!" for that reason (even thou that perk could get a better side effect).

    I took it that you just saw a lot of BBQ and wanted to see some different perks on your opponents. Varity is fun after all and a Killer using some unique perks is always more fun than a Killer using the generic perks (Ruin/Pop/Undying with NoeD, Leathal or Tinkerer that would be the sweat-build).

    This is why I like facing certain Killers more because they usualy bring a different build from the Meta. (Please not that I do not blame Player for use a meta build. I just like off meta builds more.) Most Pigs I face use some weird combos as an example and same goes for Nemesis and Plague. Which is why I like facing them.

    I think it would be a good way if there would be a reward for using more creative perks on a Killer. However I noted that the best Killer players often use some non meta builds for their games. Maybe we casual noobs should try this too to get a bit closer to their level. XP

  • dnj510
    dnj510 Member Posts: 438

    I do want more variety but I understand why I always face BBQ, Undying, Ruin, Pop, Infectious, Tinkerer, and Corrupt, as they are the top 7 perks I see on killers. Often, it's the BBQ and Pop combo I see the most. But I do get it. Without them, games will go by too fast. I don't even think the build I mentioned I used a few posts ago is even a good one, but it does help.