Killer Tier List based on how high their skill cap is.

I was bored and I never saw anyone do this tier list so I decided to make one.
Please notice that this tier list refers to the skill CAP, not FLOOR. The skill floor refers to how hard a killer is to pick up, while the skill cap refers to how good you can get with a killer. Huntress, for example, is a killer with a low skill floor (you throw hatchets at people, it's that simple) but with an enormours skill cap.
The tiers are divided into:
S - Nearly infinite skill cap;
A - High skill cap;
B - Intermediate skill cap;
C - Low skill cap;
D - Very low skill cap.
It's also ordered from right to left. So for example Blight has a higher skill cap than Huntress.
So, do you guys agree?
Twins should probably be in A tier if Hag is there, considering they have similar skill requirements and ceilings. Also, there are things that you can learn and perform as Legion which I think put him above Myers and Freddy, since those two killers are very up-front and don't have much to them.
Otherwise, I completely agree.
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Glad im a S tier then.
Just call me Coconut.
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Blight do not have higher skill cap than Huntress and Nurse, really honestly. And Nurse has the higher skill cap as her power is not limited by the environment.
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I’m really happy you put blight before nurse dude, and yea I agree with pretty much everything
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Hillbilly probably has the highest skill cap in the game, and Legion should definitely be higher up than D
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I think Pinhead is a High A , almost low S because there's alot of creative ways to use his power.
Otherwise i'm fine with your choices.
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I personally find nurse should be lower.
Always found her difficulty overrated, once you get the hang of blinks you're good to go.
The hardest part is learning to work around her bugs
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I think overheat limits Billy a lot. Old Billy was S tier but now you can't feather anymore as good, and you basically need double engravings for some flicks so you're going to overheat even faster.
Imo the thing with Legion is that he has pretty much a guaranteed hit in Frenzy. His tracking has a sort of skill to it but I don't see it being higher. He cuts chases by half so he can't be above Freddy or Wraith. Maybe Myers is easier though.
As I said this is not a skill floor tier list. I agree with you Nurse isn't that hard to learn, but getting to the tier people call you "god Nurse" requires a lot of effort and dedication.
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Pinhead and Slinger could be at the top but solid list overall.
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Shhhh, the Nurse worshippers rely on this phenomenon to feel better about the fact that they've essentially unlocked easy mode after some grinding!
I agree, Nurse would be the lowest S tier, but still tough. Blight would be higher, as well as Billy. I disagree with Huntress being S, but rather high A. Plague would be lower A, and Oni B.
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Honestly Legion should be at least C tier. There are situations where you can use your Frenzy lunge in loops when it's about to run out in order to mindgame them.
I'd also put Wraith higher because a chase-oriented Wraith can take skill in loops. Same with Bubba, he can actually down survivors in LT walls if you know what you're doing. And Pig's ambush can actually get a hit in some loops, if it's a good Pig. And finally, maybe Nemesis higher because of the linger tech.
I'd just leave Freddy at the top of D, and Myers at the lowest. Freddy's appeal over Myers is his ability to zone survivors out with Dream Projection, if you know what you're doing. It doesn't take as much skill as the others, but it still requires a decently functioning brain.
I feel like PH should be at the top of A, or even S tier, simply because of how difficult it is to land hits through walls.
Anyways, good list!
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Trapper has a pretty low skill cap imo. He's weak, but he's by no means complicated. I appreciate you need to carrel survivors into traps sometimes and know the best trap placements, but that's still pretty simple stuff from a mechanical point of view.
Also, hag is pretty damn easy once you know her general playstyle.
otherwise, agree.
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GF does not have that high of a skill cap. You're just an M1 killer, with no power 90% of the time. *Cries*
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Honestly i think ghost face would be closer to the bottom
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Thats the thing, Hillbilly can do almost everything he could before the rework, its just you need to micro manage it. So now if you really need to think about whats the best option and he requires pinpoint accuracy when it comes to properly doing curves
Legion is all about widdling down survivors ressources and using the information given to you, and figuring out whos the most vulnerable target
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I disagree with a few placements.
Blight is simple. Only on console I can see him being difficult to play as his entire gameplay consists of rapid turning after bouncing off of stuff which is probably fairly hard to do on joysticks as opposed to M+K.
Other than that there's no depth to his power. Sure you slide off of things here and there but that doesn't make his power complicated or hard to use but rather inconsistent depending on the map.
Huntress would be difficult to play if it wasn't for her whale sized hitboxes. She was the 2nd killer I mained back in the day before Bubba was released. That was on XBOX One with incredibly terrible FPS (it didn't stutter and freeze back then if I remember correctly but the fps was generally very low in 2018 because grass and stuff had way higher resolution). Even then I found her easy and strong - and thus enjoyable to play.
I only played her once since I switched to Series X and got kinda bored of how simple her power is. You look at the survivor and throw. It's not like survivors can jump and dodge all over the place like in Hunters in Destiny 2 so I find Huntress quite beginner friendly to be honest.
I'm typing too much so I doubt anyone's gonna read my opinions on the other placements I disagree with.
Overall the list is ok-ish, though.
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I actually agree with you, both Blight and Huntress have very simple powers which are probably very beginner friendly. However, as I said the tier list is based on the maximum potential you can get with a killer, so while a beginner Blight could use his power for mobility and deadzone hits and a Huntress could use her hatchets for close hits, you can't really expect these players to consistently hit flicks around circular loops or arch cross map hatchets without putting tons of hours into these killers.
I'll give another example with Nemesis. His attack is incredible tough to learn while you're learning him, I'd say he has a pretty high skill floor, but once you understand how the tentacle and its hitbox works, there's not much you can do from there. Same with Deathslinger, he's considerably harder than Huntress to learn, but his range limitation means his skill cap will be lower than Huntress.
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Pinhead has way too high of a skill cap for how little reward he gets 😭
Slinger DOES take a bit of skill but I don’t think he’s at the very top. That instant ADS isn’t really a DBD skill per se, it’s more so “are you familiar with a shooting style game”.
Huntress, Nurse, and Blight are much more in depth than Slinger is :/
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IMO this is actually not too far off what I would say. Simply from a skill point of what the killer is capable of.
Clown should be down a tier. Nothing he does is really "skillful." Throw bottle. w key. The only "skill" is using your yellow gas, but thats for getting around the map faster, not chasing.
Hag should go down as well. She isn't hag skill, she's killer skill. Knowledge of maps and how they work makes you a good hag, not playing hag herself. With a few games of practice and a rekeybind of her teleport to mouse wheel and you're basically an above average hag, assuming you're already a good killer. It's based almost purely on map knowledge and where survivors tend to go and loop.
Freddy probably up one tier. Simply because of knowing when to fake things, when to commit, and having survivor knowledge of map macro.
Deathslinger should be higher up. He theoretically has a near infinite skill, but the maps and game limit him more than any human limitations.
Other than that I actually like the list.
I personally would put Nurse alone in a tier as no one plays like her, and she IMO is truly the only killer in the game with an infinite skill cap. Nothing in the game limits her, she is truly limited by only what a person can do controlling her. No other killer can claim that. Blight is the only one that comes close, but he is still limited to what he can see.
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I don't see why Freddy is so low
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Depends how you look at it. Having just skill in general for Slinger is hard but as you said, it’s not a DBD skill.
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Plague should be way higher
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I watched a VOD of a streamer who I went against and I was playing Plague.
This streamer said “All Plague has to do is 360 and she’ll always hit you”. So according to that streamer, Plague requires zero skill 😂
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I would actually make an SS tier and put Huntress and Blight there, and keep Nurse on S
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Hot Take: I don't think nurse has that high of a skill cap. She has a higher skill floor than the other killers but just like a sniper, once you learn to aim... that's it... You don't do anything else.
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My recommended changes:
-Put Twins MUCH higher, near the top of A above Deathslinger but lower than Billy. You'd be genuinely amazed what dedicated Twins players can pull off (e.g. last week I figured out how to consistently ricochet Pounces off map terrain to land hits round corners).
-I'd lower Demo below Nemesis simply because the only thing seperating the two of them is Nemesis's lingering hitbox after his M2, which is a skill a master Nemesis has to learn. Demogorgon is mechanically identical to Nemesis in every other way, so move Demo down or Nemmy up so that Nemmy is higher than Demmy.
-Put Pinhead in the bottom of S tier. We don't fully understand yet exactly what the best Pinheads are capable of, but there's so much in his kit to manage and so much you can do with the gateways (plus how you use the Lament Configuration to your advantage) that I think his potential skill ceiling is almost uncapped.
-Move Spirit between Plague and Ghostface: Spirit's main skill requirement comes from how punishing her cooldown is if she is if she messes up, but once you've learned to not mess up there's not really much more you can do with Spirit.