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Can we rework Trickster already?

lemonsway Member Posts: 1,169
edited September 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

He needs it. Visually and character wise he is pretty fantastic, the most out there killer we have, he looks good and he knows it but he can't freaking deliver...

I honest to god am tired of giving him chances. I tell myself oh it's an aim issue, with practice i'll get more knifes in and end chases faster but IT'S A LIE. His recoil and wobble screw his aim too much and survivors LOCOMOTION makes evrything even more random and it only get's worse with distance. His move speed gives no room for mistakes. You have to be glued to Survivors in which case you might aswell just M1 and give chase. And LAceration reset when you hit someone with an M1 so you can't even take advantage of survivors coming too close and the M1 just being the better option. WHY? You have the iridescent add-on to 1 shot after 4 knifes which tecnically is still a 5 hit... why does he need to hit so much? Is he throwing Knifes or Nerf Darts?

Main Event takes almost all of the Blades to get and then it suffers the exact same drawbacks as throwing them normally. Plus again you might not even make use of Main Event, as in actually trigger it. Main Event is even less frequent and even harder to use than before.

Why BHVR keeps tunning Trickster to be a precision killer when he doesn't need just 1 hit but multiple is beyond me. Trickster is Frank's MixTape Legion, that's all he is. You're only going to make use of Tricksters power when Survivors are out positioned or locked in animation, throwing 1 or 2 blades when looping is not effective, you're wasting more time than you would if you go for the M1, even as a 110% killer...

In short his kinfes only work when survivors have nothing to work with, he has no mobility, he has no 4v1, he can't zone out survivors unless the next Blade is the Damage one.

I don't understand why he only has 44 knives or how the max capacity now is below what the normal was before, especially considering the huge increase in requirements to trigger Main Event. You have to reload everytime for each Main Event. You ARE FORCED TO WASTE MORE TIME RELOADING IF YOU WANNA POWER UP. How is this conceivable? Forcing players to do something that gives them no benefit so that they can sometime later not knowing exactly when or if at all, get a power up that is even harder to use than his normal power...

Trickster needs more time in the oven...It's not RAW as Gordon would say but it's pretty bloody...

Post edited by Mandy on


  • UnknownKiller
    UnknownKiller Member Posts: 3,024

    Welcome to dbd where all killers are fine

  • lemonsway
    lemonsway Member Posts: 1,169

    Well i still have more interest in Trickster than Nemesis i don't even wanna talk about that Nightmare Barbie wrapped in Plastic.

  • FlamingkittyUmad
    FlamingkittyUmad Member Posts: 313

    Haha Knives go Brrrrrrrrr

  • theplaggg
    theplaggg Member Posts: 267

    Trickster is easily one of the best killers right now. He just has a very high skill ceiling and needs to be really precise.

    Main event is way too strong imo. The timer should be cut by half and it should only be usable after reloading. He may be weak in chase but those drawbacks are balanced by the 24/7 map pressure and 4v1 potential. I think they should buff his chase and nerf the oppressive map pressure.

    The knives as throwables are such a unique and interactive power and main event takes it even further. A true masterpiece.

  • Ssajbambusa
    Ssajbambusa Member Posts: 496

    Me and other people already made countless topics about it... :(.

    It's good that devs buffed Trickster, he needed it... but it's sad that the buffs went into completely opposite direction everyone who plays the game for some time suggested.

    He didn't need to be stronger during chases, he was decent enough. He needs map pressure. How to easily fix him:

    Make knives never fade away, instead make it possible to be mended away. This way Trickster's time and knives are not wasted when he decided to switch targets or after long range throwing (he pretty much has to tunnel now, because all the knives will simply go away when switching targers). Survivors now have interesting choice: Rush the objective, but stay more vulnerable or mend themself to be safer, but pause doing objective for couple of seconds. It's not deep wound, they won't go down if not mended.

    Boom, it's that simple. Also I would like him to be able to store main event like Oni can, at the cost of it taking twice as long to build up and not get removed when M1ing.

  • RenRen
    RenRen Member Posts: 1,443

    I wish he got a rework but I feel like if they ever do rework him it's gonna take a year.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,488

    Did you read his post? he is complaining about trickster's 1vs1 being weak. not his 4vs1.

    His first major point is that trickster is required to be pointblank to be effective which defeats the purpose of being a ranged killer.

    his second complaint is that trickster has poor anti-loop.

    his third complaint is that his power hurts him more than help him because of constant locker reloading.

    OP post is what I said about trickster like 5 months ago and I mostly agree with his post. I know they buffed his movement to be 96.5% but it still feels like too slow. as OP says, you still need pointblank to use his power. Its because missing feels like "double losing". I believe I recommended that his movement speed would be 105% in throwing mode so he does not feel like he is double losing distance. He just spends too much time in throwing mode compare to other killers.

    His anti-loop being bad is again reflection of his movement speed in throwing mode and reflection of needing to throw many knives to damage full health state. It just takes more time to throw 15 knives than it takes to throw 1 hatchet. Its combination of having few windows of opportunity to fire while not having long enough windows of opportunity to damage a health state.

    Locker reloading is result of their nerfs to trickster. he had no problems with that before.

    Don't think he needs rework. probably just more adjustments to his movement speed in throwing mode and revert of ammo change.

    I think they need work on making his 1vs1 good before they go on making his 4vs1 good which is what your post is all about, but I have feeling that him having strong 4vs1 could make him unfair to face.