Slightly Worried about a new pinhead build

First time using the forums in a while, but I wanted to bring attention to the devs a new way of playing Pinhead that was used against me and my friends. Keep in mind that while we aren't diehard survivor mains, we all probably come out to around 500 hours on survivor each, so we're not shabby.

The idea of the build is for Pinhead to run Hoarder and Franklin's Demise, along with addons that make the Lament Configuration take longer to solve. He plays the game like normal until he finds the survivor with the box using hoarder, then interrupts them from solving it using his addons and possessed chains. He will NOT teleport to it, which would cause the box to disappear. After interrupting the survivor, he hits them with franklin's, making them drop the box and allowing him to pick it up. He forcibly starts a chain hunt, then downs the survivor. The newly-started chain hunt FORCES the other players into picking up the box. Pinhead then goes to that survivor and begins the process anew. For good measure, he can also bring ruin and undying.

The problem with this build is that once pinhead gets a chain hunt going, survivors can no longer solve the box. Once they pick it up, chains will interrupt the solving process, giving Pinhead plenty of time to come over. Then he can just force survivors into multiple chain hunts over and over, until the game ends. I normally wouldn't post about a build that bothered me, but this felt like a special case. Usually when I lose to a gimmicky build as survivor, I understand that it was our fault for misplaying the situation. However, this build felt OPPRESSIVELY good; like, to the point where there was genuinely nothing we could do.

We couldn't do gens, we couldn't do totems, we couldn't heal. The chain hunts only ended when another survivor picked up the box, which would only last about 20 seconds before Pinhead was on top of them ready to start another hunt. I don't know how the devs could tweak this, but this build is something that should potentially be looked at. Maybe we just didn't have the right tools, or maybe it was a bad map for us (it wasn't, it was Crotus Prenn Asylum, which would've made him walk FAR to stop the box), but it was the first time a game of DBD has felt genuinely unwinnable. And mind you I have over 1200 hours so I've seen my fair share of bad situations.

