Using sbmm data what quality of life changes are bhvr going to implement?

Take your pick...I vote for smaller maps and,selfishly, buffing some killers. Split some of the larger maps into two sections (hello rpd).
I mean trickster got how much time and work put into him while other killers like legion pig Myers and trapper sit there outdated🤨
I love sbmm knowledge is power🤑
Bold to assume the balance team will do anything.
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This is all data the devs will use to add more perks to fix said issues
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perks wont fix it. it needs to start being at a base kit level for killers addon reliant or perk reliant is a joke lol. just a bandaid fix
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Especially considering we don't know how flawed their system is.
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90% of the perks in this game are bandaid fix
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Trying to be positive...I mean they cant ignore the game balance issues any longer right?🤔
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Probably nerf gen slowdown perks. "There has been an increase in their usage. We don´t know why exactly, but we will do something about it."
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Yep but that won’t stop the devs from doing it anyway
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Also feels like 90% of the perks are useless IMO
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Myers hasn’t been buffed in 4 years and it took 4 years for trapper to be able to reset his traps
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My “totally unrealistic but hey I can dream” list:
- Rework RPD, Badham and Haddonfield
- Give survivors some QoL buffs that will help solos but make much less of a difference to SWF (seeing perks in lobby, base kit totem counter, etc.)
- Improve baseline killer FoV and remove stretched res just so people shut up about it
- Buff several weak perks
- Buff Trapper
- Nerf some of the more stupid killer add ons
- Make the camp and tunnel playstyle less viable, make a more aggressive “spread pressure” playstyle more overtly rewarding (I think scourge hooks will help this actually)
- Add the previously mentioned early game warm up and nerf gen slowdown perks
- Tweak Spirit somehow - not a flat nerf, maybe nerf some things and buff others, just something so people who like her still enjoy her but people who hate her don’t dc 30 seconds into the match
- Delete Twins
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I can see that...but what info will the "stats" give them? because gotta balance around the stats.
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Stronger Killers and Killer buffs
Less Pallets on Maps
Nerfs to Survivor Perks
New Mechanics
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Hopefully they start with removing hardcore camping, tunneling and slugging. Knockout getting a rework and Blindness not applying to slugs seems like a good start, followed by basekit DS and some early-game warmup or something of the sort. The system itself takes care of genrushing, so that's fantastic.
Then they can move on to perk changes, as as I like to dream of it, "who gives a #########, we're a casual game so let's go hog wild and change a bunch every week".
Then we can come to the add-ons and killers and such. With the new MMR the killers themselves should be fine, but there aplenty of little things that need changed. Spirit getting her breathing bug back and basekit, Legion having a second knocked off their stun, that sort of thing.
And finally... There is no finally, it's a live-service game.
Edit: HOLDING W!!! I almost forgot, they can nerf the crap out of the W key! I haven't gone against that since MMR was switched on, but I imagine it's still a huge problem.
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I vote...absolutely nothing because SBMM is such a lazy implementation that weights mostly on survival rate and match length, but doesn't even seem to have that detected correctly yet.
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Probably nerf slowdown perks while ignoring other issues.
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Myers was last buffed in 2019, with the addition of the Undetectable status.
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Fair point but that was more so a net buff to stealth killlers and not a specific change to Myers. He still needs much more simple changes like stalk gain based on distance being removed
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no ######### of course it wont .... wait for boon totems to come out .... they come out i hope or suspect the killer playerbase will drop no one wants to deal with that on top of trying to keep or apply map pressure plus gens. stupidest idea ive ever heard or read lol
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I'd like to not be placed in the lowest mmr possible, the system dont work at all, 5 years experience, always rank 1. Always doing the longest of chases etc. And I'm placed with people who hide and selfcare all game.
The killers I'm versing can barely use their powers but I cant do 5 gens and be chased without dying and my mmr dont seem to be increasing
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He needs... Honestly, I have no idea any more. I just want them to buff his T1 to 110 speed with a normal lunge so we can at least have fun with perma-t1 builds. That's sounds nice.
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Probably nerf Pig again, remove her ability to swing.
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considering that all the data they collect from SBMM right now is the exact same data they have been collecting previous to this system for years as well, i very much doubt any huge balance changes are going to be made because of it.
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I'm not confident in their system d the stats it gather / how they interpret stats, so I dont think anything will change.
There is no gameplay direction anyway so...
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*proceeds to nerf every single slowdown perk in the game*
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Honestly one of my greatest wishes is if they deleted slowdown and exhaustion perks ... and uh, maybe do something about medkits.
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Thats exactly it...anything that slows down the game needs to be nerfed give this man a raise🤣 now let's make it 4 gens that need repairing instead of 5...this 3 gen strategy is to boring for survivors and more lockers to hide in🤣🤣🤣🤣
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Yeah its like a relationship...I know he/she will change he/she promised me an offline bot mode and a key nerf and optimization...why wont you believe them🤣🤣🤣🤣.
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We added a second objective more pallets and walls to break....ooooo you mean for survivors🤣
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No deal.
I'll trade a complete Spirit nerf for a complete NURSE BASEKIT NERF REMOVAL. (BUG FIX ALSO)
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Bold to assume that behavior will do anything
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"we did a pretty good job"
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Somehow they'll find a reason to nerf pig
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They will buff killers tremendously around high skill data as they will show how impossible it is to win against 4 good survivors especially when they still bring "insta heal", toolboxes and flashlights.
And those ######### still think they are awesome pro. I was a main survivor, way better than most of them and i know as a killer player now that a team of 4 survivors like me is unbeatable, no matter the killer you play, you won't win and you won't even get 1K most of the time.
A good survivors can hold a killer for 1 minute most of the chases, no matter the killer. Bring 4 guys like this and you have the scenario below :
- Find the 1st survivor to chase (like 10 to 20 seconds)
- Option 1 : chase this survivor for 60 seconds, then hook the survivor (10 more seconds)
- Option 2 : drop it 20 seconds in chase to go to another survivor and repeat the Option 1/Option 2 choice
Option 1 : you lost 90 seconds for 1 hook, 3 gens are done.
Option 2 : you lost 110 seconds for 1 hook, 3 gens are done, the 4th is almost done and the 5th is at 40%.
That's how a trial goes when you face 4 good "loopers". You don't even need good loopers. Survivors that win some time (a little) in loops and go straight forward to draw distance when hit will make you loose a ton of time.
You can have Ruin/Corrupt/PGTW, it won't change anything.
For now, in high rank as a killer, i still face potatoes survivors but it won't last, soon this rank will be full of great loopers and unbearable for killers in the current state of balance.
Priority ?
- Removing the fact that you can bring items. Items are found in chest and that's all.
- Remove some pallets and close some windows
- Change some maps, indoor maps are terrible and the maps too big are a pain in the ass
Then we will see.
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That is being extremely optimistic hasn't nurse been bugged like four years as killer mains put unjustly put up with a lot🤑
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She won a tournament and made it look easy😱
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Nerfing Pig again.
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The same changes they implement 95% of the time: "Whatever they feel like, even if it makes no sense or makes the game worse."
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Basekit ds will be too op, Js,
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I honestly doubt anything will change, it will just be a vicious spiral of facecamping killers and survivors telling you to "remove" yourself because they have a gang to back them up and you're alone. And then the devs saying, go play civilization.
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I would laugh if people boycotted the game for a while and actually went and played something else and say well they told us too🤣🤣🤣🤣
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I have no idea if that's sarcasm or not, but suffice it to say that it's almost impossible to get DS'd without tunneling.
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It's not really Sarcasm...
I'm saying that'd be waaay too op. giving survivors 5 Perks like that? Unless you're making killers get pop basekit..
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Bold of you to assume they ever plan on letting Nurse do what she used to be able to do with no cooldown ever again
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Up gens by 10-20 seconds til completion. They're too fast. "But they're gonna take forever!" You'd be amazed what an efficient team of survivors can do when they're not complaining about "long" gen times. When pre-nerf Ruin was still around, survivors never complained that gens took too long, even though they took longer on average back then because people didn't know how to hit great skill checks. Now they're faster than ever, and people still say they're too long. So I think the "it will make gens too slow" argument really just comes from a place of survivor entitlement as a result of all the gen defence nerfs, and the emphasis on every survivor loss being the killer's fault.
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I'm surprised RPD wasn't split to begin with. The RPD over the course of its lifespan in RE has had numerous locked doors, barricaded areas, etc. I don't see how it would be hard to have variations where one wing is barricaded or certain doors are locked. It could also help cut down on rendering and give the spaghetti code a break.
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I have a terrible feeling BHVR is going to go EA on us and say something like "Looking at the data we've discovered our player basis want loot boxes!!!!"
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Bold of you to assume they will add perks to fix said issues and not get a speed boost every time the killer searches an empty locker
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I got a bunch of brown add ons and 50 blood points🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Buy 50 rare loot boxes for only 2000 auric cells