Does fire up and brutal strength work together to make breaking pallet even faster

Yeah they stack. I used that combo on Nemesis for the one punch/kick man meme build.
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Yeah I think also on bamboozle for vault speed
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Here's another interresting question.
Do they stack additive vs multiplicative?
When 5 gens are done and you have Brutal and fire up do you have 40% faster kicks or 36%
Do you break it in 1.56 seconds or 1.66 seconds?
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Yes good question but on Wraith with Shadow dance.....I love seeing the survivor ######### their pants when the pallet is gone before they can turn to run.
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Additive. All bonuses are additive and all negatives are multiplicative. It's just after a certain point it isn't very noticable- like if Shadow Dance already increases it by like 60% then the bonuses won't be all too realised
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I believe you. I will try a game with just purple shadow dance, then one with just BS/FU and see if I feel much different. If not BS/FU will be replaced with Enduring/SF in my cracked Wraith build from now on.
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Well not all bonuses.
I recently learned item efficiency perks like streetwise, botany and self care stack multiplicative
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Wait really? I tested it before (about 2 years ago) and the results were the same as if they were additive not multiplicative
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does bamboozle make legion vault faster is free
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Healing bonus perks are additive as well.
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Really? I thought the change in additive/multiplication was only Iron Will.
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Yeah i was surprised too. It was a person asking how many heals you could have with a Ranger Medkit, Gel Dressings , and Gauze Roll while running self care, botany, streetwise and build to last.
So at first i thought 60 charges + 30 from build to last for 90 charges total times 1.78 from the perks makes 160 effective charges so 10 heals.
Somebody tested it in game and only got 9 heals
The only way i could find that working out was if the perks stacked multiplicative.
So 1-(1-0.2)×(1-0.33)×(1-0.25) = 0.6
90 times 1.6= 144 and that divided by 16 is exactly 9 heals.
So unless i made a mistake somewhere it does stack multiplicative