Chapter Concept: Candyman

HealsBadMan Member Posts: 1,122



Chapter ??- Candyman

Killer: The Candyman

Killer Lore/Backstory:

In the neighborhood of Chicago’s Cabrini-Green a rumor and myth dominates the minds of its denizens and fear runs rampant at the mention of a single name- Candyman. The legend told that Candyman was initially the son of a slave, born on the Espanade Plantation which originally stood near where Cabrini-Green was; His father became extremely wealthy after inventing a machine which mass produced shoes during the American Civil War. With his newfound fortune, the father had sent his boy to all the best schools in America, the young man growing up to become a polite and good natured gentleman as well as a well-known painter, most famous for capturing a person's status in portraits. Sometime around 1890, the young painter had been commissioned by a wealthy landowner to capture the beauty of his daughter, a white virgin.

Daniel Robitaille’s only real sin was falling in love with the girl in question with whom they were to have a child out of wedlock. Unfortunately, the girl's father had discovered their relation and was left so outraged that he hired a lynch mob to find and kill Daniel. As the mob chased him down the streets of the Near North end of Chicago they eventually overpowered him and sawed off his right hand with a rusty blade. The young painter's body was then smeared with honey from a local apiary, causing the bees to sting him to death and prompting the future generations of the neighborhood to christen him "Candyman". Daniel’s dead body was then burned on a pyre with his ashes being scattered around the entire region.

Sometime after his death, Daniel's ghost rose from the grave, a spiteful and vengeful spirit who tormented anyone who dared to question his existence. An urban legend arose which stated that whoever shall recite the name Candyman five times in the mirror, then immediately turn off the lights, will summon the ghost that will slay his summoner along with anybody else who has witnessed the specter's appearance. Throughout the years, Candyman would come to the nonbelievers who had dared summoned him- they were slaughtered and openly revealed to the world. His followers were spared so they could continue his story- he believed that, as long as his story and infamy lived on he would continue to exist and kill, He was correct.

Though he had been defeated and nearly killed once or twice he always managed to come back as his story never truly died out. There was always something out there that kept him from the edge of death itself. After his last string of murders which finally cemented him as a permanent fixture of Chicago’s myths, Candyman was more powerful than ever- which is when it all went wrong. As he went to slumber and await his next summon, he became freezing cold and awoke to a familiar sight- the plantation he had lived on so long ago. The gold from honey was too bright however, the dirt too black and the house too decrypt. Meat hooks swung and stood all around the property and screams filled the night as Candyman instinctively knew to go forth and find his new victims.

Stats: Medium, 24m Terror Radius, 4.2m/s;115%

Weapon: Iron Hook (An iron hook shoved into the bleeding stump of Candyman’s arm, used to gouge and disembowel any victims who dare dismiss his greatness.)

Mori: Candyman allows the Survivor to stand up before gutting them from behind with his hook, then picking them up and ripping their insides out from groin to gullet. Finally, their corpse is dropped onto the ground in front of Candyman.

Killer Overview: The Candyman is a mythical Killer who can appear suddenly from anywhere with his power Immortal Myth. His personal perks Be My Victim, Urban Legend and Scourge Hook: Sweets for the Sweet allow him to torment his Obsession, see his victims movements and inspire fear to his followers.

Power: Immortal Myth

The Candyman can teleport to wherever his victims are or will be before adding them to his great legend.

  • Whenever hitting a Survivor with Swarm, that Survivor gains the Infested status effect.  If an Infested Survivor comes within 8m of another Survivor, the Candyman will get a notification and will be able to teleport (1s) to them for 3s.
  • The Candyman can Infest a Generator, Totem or Chest, up to 5 at a time. If a Survivor interacts with an Infested Generator, Totem or Chest then the Candyman will get a notification and be able to teleport (2s) to it for 3s.
    • Infested- A status effect unique to Candyman, for marking future targets.
  • Survivors can rid themselves of Infested by performing a Worship action (5s) at an Altar to Candyman. 5 Altars spawn in the Trial evenly dispersed. The Candyman can see the Auras of these Altars in white, and will get a noise notification when Survivors begin to Worship.
  • Special Attack: Swarm
    • The Candyman can send out a Swarm of bees to attack and plague Survivors. A small cloud in a straight line flies out from the Candyman damaging any Survivor in its path. Has a cooldown of 20s.



  • Purcell’s Book- Swarm no longer injures Survivors. Double the amount of Bloodpoints gained for Infesting Survivors. (A book detailing the myths and legends surrounding the Candyman, written by the definitive historian and eventual victim of the man.)
  • Razor Candies- Slightly increase the range of Swarm. (Wrapped candies with a hidden razor blade in the middle, set and prepared as an offering.)
  • Concrete Chunk- Slightly increase the attack speed of Swarm. (A large piece of concrete from the apartments of Cabrini-Green. Some spray paint is vividly painted on it.)
  • Artist Supplies- Show the target path and range of Swarm. (Old paints, brushes and an palette for making masterpieces. Remnants of a long forgotten past.)


  • Spray Can- Moderately increase the range of Swarm. (An empty spray can used for tagging and painting the walls of Cabrini-Green with Candyman’s myths.)
  • Defaced Cross- Moderately increase the attack speed of Swarm. (A warped and chiseled cross that has hooks on the edges and a bee in the center. A symbol of worship and prayer.)
  • Helen’s Thesis- Slightly decrease the cooldown of Swarm. (A report on the Candyman legends with some more modern pictures and stories from the Cabrini-Green community, left unfinished after a tragic case.)
  • Dead Bee- Slightly increase the amount of time it takes for Survivors to Worship. (A dead bee that stung the hand of a curious artist, one that would change his life forever.)
  • Gang Leader’s Hook- Increase the amount of Infested Generators, Totems or Chests by 1. (A makeshift hook used by a local gang leader to increase his reputation, practically a miniature version of you.)


  • Detective’s Gun- Slightly increase the range that Infested Survivors need to be from other Survivors to allow the Candyman to teleport to them. (A gun owned by a prejudiced detective that tried killing your kin, ironically with a hook. Another end that nearly ended you.)
  • Mirror Shards- Slightly decrease the time it takes to teleport to an Infested Generator Totem, Chest or Altar. (Broken shards of a mirror that was used to summon you, hurting you in your godlike state.)
  • Graffiti Photo- Moderately decrease the cooldown of Swarm. (A picture taken of graffiti made of you. Your massive head devours people who go through the hole in your mouth.)
  • Dog’s Head- Moderately increase the time it takes for Survivors to Worship. (A bloody and mutilated dog’s head, torn off a violent mutt.)
  • Candyman’s Portrait- The Candyman can now teleport to Altars that Survivors are Worshipping at. Slightly decrease the time it takes for Survivors to Worship. Teleporting in this way removes the Infested status effect from Survivors. (A large painting of your true self, resplendent in your splendor and inspiring fear in others.)


  • Charred Remains- Increase the amount of Infested Generators, Totems or Chests by 2. (The broken and burned corpse of Helen Lyle, whose spirit came to haunt Cabrini-Green when you passed for the first time.)
  • Bathroom Mirror- Moderately decrease the time it takes to teleport to an Infested Generator, Totem, Chest or Altar. (A bathroom mirror where many victims foolishly called your name and met their ends at your hook. Each kill extended your own life.)
  • Anthony’s Hand- Moderately increase the range that Infested Survivors need to be from other Survivors to allow the Candyman to teleport to them. (A cut off bloody hand from Anthony McCoy, the latest of your reincarnations.)
  • Digital Camera- Survivors who remove the Infested status effect suffer from the Oblivious status effect for 30s. (A digital camera that captured many scenes from your legend, including the eventual transformation of its owner into a myth.)

+Red/Ultra Rare

  • Caroline’s Mirror- Infested Survivors suffer from the Broken status effect. (A handheld mirror belonging to your true love, the source of your power for so long before it was destroyed by your descendant.)
  • Iridescent Icon- Tremendously decrease the time it takes to teleport to Generators, Totems, Chests or Altars. Moderately decrease the amount of time it takes for Survivors to Worship. (A statue crafted from the Fog that recreates you in all your splendor. The tiny bees buzz with energy and your eyes are filled with darkness.)

Killer Perks:

+Lvl 30: Be My Victim

The one you seek will join you in your myth of immortal death and slaughter.

“We shall die together in front of their very eyes and give them something to be haunted by. Come with me and be immortal.” -Candyman

  • You become Obsessed with one Survivor.
  • Everytime you hit your Obsession or hit a non-Obsession twice, Be My Victim gains a token.
  • A token is consumed when the Obsession performs one of the following actions:
    • When the Obsession hits a Skillcheck while repairing a Generator, the Generator explodes and loses an additional 10/12/14% progress. If they hit a Great Skillcheck, then the Generator explodes and loses an additional 2.5/3/3.5%.
    • When the Obsession hits a Skillcheck while healing a Survivor, the Survivor cries out and loses all healing progress. If they hit a Great Skillcheck, they do not lose progression.

+Lvl 35: Urban Legend

Your land is your domain, so see the actions of those who defy you.

“I am the writing on the wall, the whisper in the classroom. Without these things, I am nothing.” -Candyman

  • After kicking a Generator, Urban Legend activates turning the Auras of it and the closest two Generators highlighted yellow.
  • While Urban Legend is activated, see the Auras of Survivors who are working on these Generators and who are within the area of these Generators.
  • If you damage one of these Generators or enter the area within them, Urban Legend goes on a 180/150/120s cooldown.

+Lvl 40: Scourge Hook: Sweets For The Sweet

Your victims made the mistake of calling upon you, now they will suffer for their disbelief.

“What's blood for if not for shedding? With my hook for a hand, I'll split you from your groin to your gullet.” -Candyman

  • At the start of the Trial, 4 random Hooks are selected to be Scourge Hooks.
  • After being unhooked from a Scourge Hook, Survivors who perform cooperative actions reveal their Aura and the Auras of any Survivors they are working with.
  • Survivors suffer a 20/25/30% debuff to repairing or healing while performing cooperative actions.
  • These effects persist until the Survivor is next hooked.

Realm: Backwater Swamp

+Map: The Esplanade Plantation (The old farm plantation where Daniel Robitaille lived and loved has been turned into a cruel joke of the Entity to both torture Survivors and Candyman himself. Angry mobs rage and burn crops all across the farm, ignoring Survivors who attempt to contact them and the Killers that hunt them. In a locked room of the mansion, a solitary lover crying over the death of a charismatic painter.)

+Map Offering: Caroline’s Portrait (A beautiful portrait of the daughter of the plantation owner, Candyman’s greatest work and love reminds him of all that was torn apart from him those many years ago.)


  • Dripping Candy (Killer) (A golden wrapped candy dripping with golden honey with a dark red interior. Bees buzz around it with glee.)
  • Looking Glass (Both) (Legend has it if you say his name five times, he will appear and slaughter you where you stand. Do you believe?)


  • Default (
    • The Rumor (A handsome face whose eyes glint with malice.)
    • Fur Trenchcoat (Thick and wooly, keeps the warmth and the bees in.)
    • Iron Hook (An old burnished hook shoved deep into the bleeding stump where your hand used to be. The ocean of blood it spilt never left a mark on it.)
  • Prestige
    • The Legend (A handsome yet demanding face with dark eyes that hint at the man’s depravity.)
    • Bloodcaked Fur Trenchcoat (Thick, wooly and drenched in the blood of unbelievers, hides the true nature of your death.)
    • Bloody Hook (Dripping with both blood and honey, this old hook has seen just as much death and bloodshed as any in the Entity’s realm.)
  • Modern Murderer (Candyman 2021)
    • Immaculate Suit- (A clean white suit that repels blood and marks you for what you are- legendary and powerful.)
    • Silver Hook (A hook of pure silver which contrasts nicely with the honey gold and crimson blood.)


  • Idle Animation: Candyman stands tall with his chest out, left hand keeping his coat closed and hook at the ready.
  • Walking/Running Animation: Candyman walks forward with a purposeful gait.
  • Stun Animation: He grunts and bends down a little. Some bees fly and buzz around him angrily before returning to the idle position.
  • Basic Attack Animation: Candyman swings from down below to gouge the Survivor from behind.
  • Basic Attack Cooldown Animation: Candyman laughs and flicks his hook to the side tossing the excess blood off.
  • Breaking Pallet Animation: Candyman hooks the Pallet, pulling on it until it shatters (Like the Twins)
  • Breaking Breakable Wall Animation: Similar to his Pallet Break Animation, pierces the Breakable Wall and pulls until it shatters.
  • The following interactions are the standard for the Candyman as for other Killers (Medium)
    • Locker Grab Animation
    • Breaking Generator Animation
    • Vaulting Animation
    • Pick Up Animation
    • Hooking Animation
    • Generator Grab Animation
    • Opening the Exit Gate Animation
    • Checking Lockers Animation
    • Window Grab Animation
    • Interacting With Glyph Animation
    • Basic Attack Missed Cooldown Animation

Scoring Events:


  • Worshipped- 200 BP- Awarded for getting rid of the Infested status effect.


  • Swarmed- 200 BP- Awarded for each Survivor injured and Infested by Swarm.
  • Congregation- 300 BP- Awarded for teleporting to a group of Infected Survivor(s).
  • Summoned- 200 BP- Awarded for teleporting to an Infested Generator, Totem, Chest or Altar.

Terror Radius Music:

Credit: First Assault Encounter 


Another infamous concept down! As always, let me know what you all think! Also I will shortly be uploading another post with links and references to all my concepts (and maybe a little more) so look out for that!