24 matches losing streak... and finally an escape (with video)

Jasonisanicefella Member Posts: 377
edited September 2021 in General Discussions

Dear BHVR,

I have been a dbd player since 2018, I started on PC (around 200 hours) and then moved on ps4 so I could play with my friends (around 1600 hours on ps4).

70% of my matches are as a survivor and 30% as a killer where I main Legion, Spirit and Trapper.

I am a decent player, I know the maps and I can go on good chases, although I am obviously not a Monto or an Ayrun.

In the last three days I have been defeated, as a survivor, 21 times in a row.

I don't think this has ever happened to me before.

I have played quite extensively during the latest MMR test, at least 30 survivor matches, all around purple ranks.

I play on average 7/8 matches of dbd per day.

I think you had more than enough time to assess the way I play this game.

I normally run perks like head on, Q and Q, Flashbang and BT (if playing duo) or adrenaline if solo.

Or if I am getting lots of stealth killer I run detective's hunch and spine chill instead of flashbang and BT.

I don't think I am sweating, I like to goof during matches, at least to an extent... so why am I getting all these unfair matches?

The amount of tunnelling I am getting is unprecedented, and I am frankly not having fun.

I should be supposed to win every now and then, at least I hope.

Can you please explain to me what to do in order to enjoy a normal game?

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