Suggestion: Survivors also have lobby themes

I know there's plenty of other things the team is focusing on, but I wanted to throw in this suggestion. Survivors share the lobby music with the killer their DLC is associated with.
For example, Nancy, Steve, and Jonathan can all have the Demogorgon's lobby music when they're selected. Or Cheryl, Lisa, Cybil, and unannounced 3rd legendary can all share Pyramid Head's theme.
It's a little thing to do but it'd be able to let Survivors feel a little more important, even if they just are fancy skins of eachother. The little details the team is taking with Legendary skins are definitely great strides in the right direction. Like the legendaries having their own voices is an excellent idea. But I think the lobby music would be a nice idea too :)
You could theoretically make unique lobby themes for each of them if you really wanted. On YouTube, FirsEncounterAssault gave me the idea. They have a couple examples up already, like this one of a potential Lisa Garland theme
As nice of an idea as it is though, most survivors would just fit with the killers pre-existing theme.
Please consider this before you lose the rights to the Stranger Things license. Idk if you need the rights to change something like that, but just in case you do, you should consider changing it soon!