Facecamping Fix?
Something like is a killer is stays within 8 meters of a hook for more then 10 seconds it slows the sacrifice by 30%. Another Amazing idea is preventing de-pips in ashe-low elo where if you spend more then 50% of your time in game on a hook or in chase you can't de-pip that way. when you are facecamped out of a game at least it's not wasting your time when trying to climb.
Face camping was removed with the introduction of swivel hooks.
You're welcome.
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Already been tried. Survivors abused it. BHVR reverted the changes. The end.
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Was a PTB but yes, these ideas aren't new.
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It would be nice not to depip when on stuck in chase for most of match. But the hook slowdown thing was already tried and failed coz it was abused
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you can't just abused a system like this facecamping is an abuse of gameplay, and swivel hooks don't solve the problem they just prevent easy grabs when facecamping. maybe change the numbers around like if you spend 70% of your game on a hook there is a way to balence this.
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Do gens. Facecamping loses now. Moving on
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Does it suck to get camped? Sure!
But it's not abusing gameplay.
Swivel hooks prevent a little more than easy grabs. Before them, it was simply impossible to unhook. No prompt "press m1 to unhook" appeared.
Your proposal would result in a 100% escape rate for everyone.
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I stand by what I keep saying. Give the camped survivor some extra BP. "Why should survivors be rewarded for being caught"? Well hooked survivors already get BP for struggling, right? Incentive for trying to stay in the game and compensation for being stuck in a crappy situation? Just add some points to the "sitting there defenseless" phase and have the accompanying text in the corner read "suffering".
Hell, if they wanted to they could even make it a diminishing multiplier situation in which the "suffering" bonus decreases as the match goes on to balance out the fact that people who are camped early get virtually nothing while people who get camped late got to enjoy a full match.
Nothing dramatic, just a little extra BP to make up for the fact that they can't play which still allows for the killer to play however they want. Boom, problem solved.
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Face camping is boring for survivor and killer equally. If it happens, oh well.
Also sacrifice time slowing down is basically camaraderie. Which needs to be buffed from 34 seconds to 60 seconds.
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As it was already said, this was tried. Survivors abused this by staying just out of easy chase range, but close enough to stop the countdown. Facecamping is here to stay and with how common BT is, is effectively a losing strategy anyways. If a killer wants to facecamp, let em. They'll get one kill and next to no points.
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Actually...I like this idea and have proposed this in the past as well as giving the overall survivor team extra points for escapes, kinda letting them reap some rewards together as a team.. Doing this might alter the thought of just being a defenseless victim to "Eh, I'm at least keeping this f***er busy with them face camping me hard.
In general I do think survivors should get more BP than what they do now, especially if they do end up winning. I see nothing wrong with that.
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Yes it sucks and it wastes everyone time and It should be seen as abusing gameplay just like infinites and thus should be reported as unsportsmanlike gameplay.
Since face camping is an easy 2 hook 2 kills in higher ranks and has a good chanse at 3-4 kills in low ranks.
Changes that prevent facecamping don't lead to 100% escape rates! in face a good anti facecamping change would have no effects on killer that don't abusing facecamping. so only the minority of killers facecamping would be effected by a anti facecamping change. I think the most likly effect is the cannibal kill rate lowers and play rate drops.
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They really should give the camped survivor a bonus. In Solo queue, every survivor camped just hook suicides or disconnects. I don't blame them. I've started doing it myself in certain circumstances.
Currently there is no incentive for those not in SWF to stick around and let the rest of us do gens.
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IMO, the only way to fix face-camping is to force the killer to complete a secondary objective away from the hook, in order for the sacrifice to take place. If they do not leave the hook to complete this objective, the survivor will not die on the hook. This would be something that spawns once for each survivor, and can be interacted with at any time.
So long as a killer can sacrifice a survivor by doing nothing but watch them for 2 minutes on the hook, some killers will be content to do just that.
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What about a solution similar to Pyramid Head's cages? Where the survivor is transported to a random hook if the Killer stays too close without being in chase (since it's not camping when they don't let you leave)
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Every killer would be affected. Simply because survivors would abuse the system by running the killer around the hook. Or by rushing gens.
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Why do we have this thread every day?
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Did it slow down when killer was close enough or when survivors were close enough? The latter is just Camaraderie, but I don't see how the former could be abused.
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It paused the timer outright. It slowed down if the killer was close enough. It worked by having two survivors hover around hook, while someone else did gens. It was busted for obvious reasons
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Could they not try it like if a survivor is also within 10 meters, to avoid looping abusing it, this will cancel out the camping penalty. So face camping is 8 metres is the slower hook progress, survivor within 10 metres, normal hook progress. For example, a survivor hooked in the basement and another looping the shack and a possible very close loop to it.
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It could work just fine if it were fine-tuned to be like Camaraderie. But I do prefer the BP event method.
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No joke, the facecamping change only hurt those killers who did not camp because the facecampers would wait outside of the distance to pause the timer and survivors would just for noncamping killers to loop then near the hook or keep them within that range. The best change they could make is like pyramid heads cages but people would complain that they cant save their friends with flashlights and that if a killer tunnels you your now going to die because the did not camp you but still killed you extremely quickly.
Hooks, like gens are fundamental to this games design and any change made, large or small, will result in a new meta that WILL be worse than what they tried to change <BT made to discourage tunneling but now people with BT block killers from chasing unhooker. Ruin only gets better with each iteration not worse and only leads to more broken combos>. This community will find anyway to abuse any mechanic and will call it a tech to make it more ok.
TLDR | New mechanics that are supposed to punish those who abuse <camping or other>, only hurt those who play the game normally.
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1 facecamped person should equal 3 people doing 3 gens and so on
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The games I play as survivor are one person facecamped, 3 people trying to hook bomb lol.
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Just make all of the killer's actions slower within range of the hook... someone told me that the developers already tried this but I feel like it was not the case. After 10s of a survivor being on hook the killer has a choice of walking away or playing a much slower game
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Oh this solution....NEXT
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Why was it abuse that killers would have to go for "hard" chases (whatever that means) as though anything less that an easy hit is abusive to killers somehow?
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Complain all you want, it would work
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That would be considered abuse by killer mains on this forum because anything that would stop killers from winning while camping is considered abuse. Watch
Hey how about all gen speed is doubled if the killer is camping? Answer that's abuse thr killer would have to stop camping or they would lose.
What about stopping hook progression while camping the hook outside a chase? That's abuse becuase it would force killers to leave to chase a nearby survivor instead of camping.
You can try too, think of anything that would actually stop camping it would be considered abuse.
I mentioned a perk like borrowed time but in reverse so it protects the survivor doing the unhooks. Didnt even flesh out how it could work but it didn't matter becuase anything even close to that would stop bubbas impossible to stop chainsaw camp....and you guessed it thats abuse according to killer mains
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I wasn't talking to you
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But it seems he was talking to you. I mean he quoted you and everything hiw did you not pick up on that?
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I did. But I wasn't referring to their comment I was referring to the solution mentioned in this thread which was abused.
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I think his response to you still stands in that case
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Trapper mains are seething
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Don't get hooked. Easy, can't camp if you don't have a hook.
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2 tips which reduce camping effectiveness;
Avoid attention and assume you'll only get your first chase
Utilize the first tip and be one of the three survivors to push gens while the killer is occupied
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Well that is one fix I suppose, but since they design killers to be faster than survivors and get faster if they don't catch them after a while I'd say that runs contrary to how the games currently designed. Becuase they want survivors to get caught
But I suppose equaling speeds running vaulting etc to address camping is sort of a solution. I wouldn't be for it but who knows. Killer mains thoughts?
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The sad part is that most players who think they're winning or losing do not understand the game at all. There is no winning or losing, it's a point game and that is all it is. Players make up their own rules to satisfy their lack of gameplay prowess, and use these fake rules to defend their actions.
Plain and simple, if you're a camper/tunneler you're just not good at the game. If you gen rush, again not good at the game.
The game is gonna, sooner than later, die although it is fun, but because people abuse the gameplay and make up their own rules of how game is supposed to be played. It is and always has been a point game. Bring back double depips for players who camp and tunnel and gen rush. Toxic players won't change, but the true gamers will.
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I feel like the game has the potential to stick around forever, but at this rate, new content will start to slow down and it'll merely be supported and not actually very active.
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I'd rather have more posts of a certain horror video game character that gets heavily criticised (when it comes to dbd) because of it's intended audience than this.
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Without changing any of the mechanics, I would just slowly take away BP from the points gained from hooking, the longer the face camp, the bigger the point loss.
I get that it's a strategy, but it shouldn't be encouraged, although I wouldn't take away the points if the face camping was after the gens are done.
No risk, no reward
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What are you referring to? Console player here.
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I think the bp increase idea for survivors would be a good addition. Seeing as how any other idea is shutdown without a discussion or debate.
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I am sorry I am clueless. :(
I usually don't complain and people should talk about anything they want but it is kinda weird when everyone suggest the same "fix" and then people tell them it was tried and abused. And this keeps going on and on and on and on.
Same threads same answers.
Every day.
But it is my fault for not ignoring it. I can admit that.
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I am sorry I am clueless. :(
Begins with an S.
I usually don't complain and people should talk about anything they want but it is kinda weird when everyone suggest the same "fix" and then people tell them it was tried and abused. And this keeps going on and on and on and on.
I think it's important to remember that not everyone comes on the forums all the time. Some have busy lives.
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Yeah but isn't it weird how the fix is always the same thing?
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But hiw does that address the main issue with camping? That it is incredibly boring being camped. You sit there doing nothing so you spent five minutes plus waiting in a lobby to play a game only to sit on a hook doing nothing beforewaiting again for a couple minutes to die.
Sthe other 3 get to play gen simulator for a couple minutes till you die which isn't fun either but mainly it's the one om the hook that needs addressing. How does a few extra points help this?
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Sadly I don't think camping will ever get addressed Bhvr likes to make perks as bandaid fixes instead of balancing.
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No it wasn't. Killers can still 100% prevent unhooks, with either a STBFL or any killer that puts survivors in a vulnerable state.
Your welcome.
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I was being sarcastic. But inflection is hard to tell via text.
Last night i was having some great games, nice open maps was landing some great hatchet shots and making a mess of survivors.
Then i got Haddonfield. Had 2 survivors from a previous game i had stomped on and guess what i couldn't touch them, the amount of loops and tight corners screwed me, got down to ecg, got 1 down near a gate faced a wall and went for the pick up got blinded from the side. They all got out.
The point is sometimes you eat and sometimes you're eaten, through no fault of your own. It's just rng.