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Pyramid Head Cage Glitch (Immortal Survivor)

Right, so I'm playing via steam and we got a match on Ormond and the Pyramid Head cages me and my cage ends up in killer shack. I'm about the third one to be sent to that spot via the cage, but when my friend tries to get me out of the cage, he can't. So I try to let myself die, by failing skill checks, so he can get hatch. The bar depletes itself, but I don't die and I keep getting skill checks. My friend is hooked and dies, I'm still in the cage. The Pyramid Head closes hatch to start end game collapse and the timer lasts approximately 4 minutes. I'm still alive in the cage. The game would not end after the timer expired. I had to dc so the killer and I could leave.

Here is my friend trying to un cage me.

During endgame collapse, after everyone is dead.

And this is after the timer ended.

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