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"Survive With Friends Was Always Intended" - Louis Mclean Q&A 26th Oct 2018



  • only1biggs
    only1biggs Member Posts: 1,178
    edited October 2018


    Maybe you are just not a good killer if you get looped for 5 gens with BL3 :wink:

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,525
    edited October 2018

    @Master said:
    Just remembered that you are a streamer and checked your channel.
    Opened your clips and were only able to find 2 killer clips from this year. Seems like you mostly play survivor, but maybe your viewers dont clip killer moments, I dont know.

    I found a few killer clips though:
    Then a clip where you 4k with nurse, nice, but seems like you struggle a lot, even with billy

    Maybe you are just not a good killer if you dont manage to 4k all the time, I dont know :wink:

    I've never claimed I'm good, I also don't need to 4K every match to have fun - I've always said winning isn't about 4King

    But there you go, my internet has been down so not been playing DBD but I guess it only took me seconds to find those - you clearly didn't look hard enough.

    Again - I don't think 4King means anything + I've never said I was good....

    also like to add all your clips are from months and months ago, one of them was like the week freddy came out - hilarious.

  • Freudentrauma
    Freudentrauma Member Posts: 1,055

    @Giche said:
    Even worse.

    That mean they pushed it without even trying to balance it, while perfectly knowing the consequences.

    Another "[BAD WORD] you" to one part of their community.

    If you hear them talk about early design ideas, then you realize that balance wasn't really that important for them. They probably just wanted to create a god casual asymmetrical horror game, in which everyone can have fun. Planning SWF with KYF at the same time makes sense. Also the fact they've decided to go with KYF first also strengthens that they cared first about fun before balance. Or that they even didn't think about it in the first place that survivors might want to be chased. Etc.
    We should never forget DbD is build on a different design foundation as it's now. And the Devs clearly adjusted from that, looking back at recent patches and new content they added. Balancing is quite important for them now. It's what counts now.

  • SadonicShadow
    SadonicShadow Member Posts: 1,146

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @SadonicShadow said:

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @Master said:

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @Master said:
    Just throws bad light on the devs as usual.
    But I dont care anymore, if they will never balance voice comms, thats fine and I will live with it, you can always derank or lobbydodge and avoid most of it

    They've honestly done nothing but buff killers recently I have no idea what killer mains have to complain about, you make it like you've never beaten an SWF squad before.

    Yes they have fixed a lot of the broken loops, but they have not touched the SWF balance at all.
    Of course I have beaten several of those you can beat, but since I dont play billy/nurse, I have faced several ones where I didnt stand a chance :wink:

    As I said, I accepted that the devs will never change that and are acting accordingly now.

    Its one of those problems you gotta live with if you wanna play DBD, just like the peer to peer which is a huge joke aswell

    What exactly do you want them to do to "balance" around SWF? They've only made killers stronger, what else do you want, shotguns for your killers?

    If they were smart they would give all the survivors an optional in game voice and text based chat so that there was no disparity between solo and SWF then buff the killers around that advantage. Instead we get cookie cutter changes that dont address why SWF is so overpowered. The devs seem to be adverse to taking the simplest and most efficient path in solving this issue.

    SWF isn't overpowered though, you can quite easily beat SWF teams without blinking an eye I don't get why it's "overpowered" I have never dodged a lobby because of items, offerings, swf and I reach rank one every season it absolutely bewildered me how people say it's "overpowered".

    They are overpowered IF they tryhard. In most cases yes SWF is not a problem for me but every now and then you get that 3 and 4 man squad that knows the ins and outs of the game and unless you are a god tier nurse you stand little chance of defeating them. Now i know squads like that are more of an exception and not the rule but the fact that they have the capabilities to coordinate themselves so efficiently that the killer cant defeat them under almost all conditions should be addressed. Marths experiment proved how devastating good SWF players are when they go full sweaty try hard.

  • Tzeentchling9
    Tzeentchling9 Member Posts: 1,796
    They said that they always intended for people to play with your friends and that Voice Comms weren't intended, but they can't stop them. "Cheat mode" still stands.
  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,525

    @Tzeentchling9 said:
    They said that they always intended for people to play with your friends and that Voice Comms weren't intended, but they can't stop them. "Cheat mode" still stands.


    Game Developer Adds Friend Coop Mode - "Nah, comms definitely isn't intended in this friends only mode, not at all"

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167
    Not implying that it is impossible, only that there is a vast difference between coordination levels. The ability to react before any information is presented creates plays that a solo survivor would be incapable of. The biggest problem here is not a survivors actions, but the killers actions being reduced to a single focus. When this happens there is no point to switch targets as they will call it out. If they die, any end game is revealed to the team. In a game with one main mode, this one feature has created two vastly different levels of play.
  • Jack11803
    Jack11803 Member Posts: 3,918

    @Giche said:

    @SenzuDuck said:

    I’m a stalker too!!! Hey master, want me to get the comment where you said you rage quit every match you don’t get someone after 2 gens are done?

    Still this bad habit of ganging up on people huh ?

    Should we keep track of Master's number of "LOL" to see if you're all at it again ?


  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,525

    @Tsulan said:
    Nice choice of words. 
    No, the game isn't built around bad killers that need their hand held.
    It's built around bad survivors that need their hand held. SWF is exactly that. It boosts bad survivors to ranks they don't belong, which gives the impression that SWF isn't that strong. On the same it boosts good survivors to death squad levels. 

    And stop picking on @Master.
    EVERY killer has been looped for 5 gens in his life. No exceptions. 
    Now it's harder, because they nerfed BNP, and removed infinites. But every killer has experienced this at least once. 

    Lol, it's no different when You, Lowbrain, Master, RSB etc all had conversations with me all the same time etc.
    Also, he goes and picks some year old clips to "dispute" I play killer when he could just look a few streams back of me playing killer.

  • only1biggs
    only1biggs Member Posts: 1,178

    @Tsulan said:
    SenzuDuck said:

    @Master said:

     @Peasant said:

    SenzuDuck said:

    @AgentTalon said:

    How many of us would opt into a "no SWF" playlist? I'm seriously asking because I would actually prefer to play against a smaller group of even a few hundred in total than see another SWF group who uses voice chat.

    Obviously, because why play the "harder" mode, lol.

    Still, pretending SWF teams are impossible to beat seems to be the consensus and it simply isn't true.

    Most SWF groups aren't as bad as most generally assume. I've had several games where if I hadn't checked profiles a SWF duo would've gone unnoticed by me. It's just the handful of nightmares like the De-pip squad and the few others that use comms like a SWAT team that warrant concern.

    Sure, a lot of SWF are compltely potatoes because they boosted each other to a rank where they dont belong.

    But even if I 4k a toxic SWF, I simply dont have fun in those games and will do my best to avoid them now.

    And against the "SWAT" SWF, well sometimes I go afk and start a deranking series if sth like this happens^^

    The game isnt built around optimal play which is quite sad if you ask me

    The game isn't built around bad killers that need their hand held at every opportunity to be honest. You'll rarely get a "SWAT" swf team and even if you do you're getting angry at an intended mechanic because you're having a hard time dealing with it.

    Nice choice of words. 
    No, the game isn't built around bad killers that need their hand held.
    It's built around bad survivors that need their hand held. SWF is exactly that. It boosts bad survivors to ranks they don't belong, which gives the impression that SWF isn't that strong. On the same it boosts good survivors to death squad levels. 

    And stop picking on @Master.
    EVERY killer has been looped for 5 gens in his life. No exceptions. 
    Now it's harder, because they nerfed BNP, and removed infinites. But every killer has experienced this at least once. 


  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095
    SenzuDuck said:

    @Tsulan said:
    Nice choice of words. 
    No, the game isn't built around bad killers that need their hand held.
    It's built around bad survivors that need their hand held. SWF is exactly that. It boosts bad survivors to ranks they don't belong, which gives the impression that SWF isn't that strong. On the same it boosts good survivors to death squad levels. 

    And stop picking on @Master.
    EVERY killer has been looped for 5 gens in his life. No exceptions. 
    Now it's harder, because they nerfed BNP, and removed infinites. But every killer has experienced this at least once. 

    Lol, it's no different when You, Lowbrain, Master, RSB etc all had conversations with me all the same time etc.
    Also, he goes and picks some year old clips to "dispute" I play killer when he could just look a few streams back of me playing killer.

    No comment on what I wrote?
    K then.
  • Jack11803
    Jack11803 Member Posts: 3,918

    @Tsulan said:
    SenzuDuck said:

    @Master said:

     @Peasant said:

    SenzuDuck said:

    @AgentTalon said:

    How many of us would opt into a "no SWF" playlist? I'm seriously asking because I would actually prefer to play against a smaller group of even a few hundred in total than see another SWF group who uses voice chat.

    Obviously, because why play the "harder" mode, lol.

    Still, pretending SWF teams are impossible to beat seems to be the consensus and it simply isn't true.

    Most SWF groups aren't as bad as most generally assume. I've had several games where if I hadn't checked profiles a SWF duo would've gone unnoticed by me. It's just the handful of nightmares like the De-pip squad and the few others that use comms like a SWAT team that warrant concern.

    Sure, a lot of SWF are compltely potatoes because they boosted each other to a rank where they dont belong.

    But even if I 4k a toxic SWF, I simply dont have fun in those games and will do my best to avoid them now.

    And against the "SWAT" SWF, well sometimes I go afk and start a deranking series if sth like this happens^^

    The game isnt built around optimal play which is quite sad if you ask me

    The game isn't built around bad killers that need their hand held at every opportunity to be honest. You'll rarely get a "SWAT" swf team and even if you do you're getting angry at an intended mechanic because you're having a hard time dealing with it.

    Nice choice of words. 
    No, the game isn't built around bad killers that need their hand held.
    It's built around bad survivors that need their hand held. SWF is exactly that. It boosts bad survivors to ranks they don't belong, which gives the impression that SWF isn't that strong. On the same it boosts good survivors to death squad levels. 

    And stop picking on @Master.
    EVERY killer has been looped for 5 gens in his life. No exceptions. 
    Now it's harder, because they nerfed BNP, and removed infinites. But every killer has experienced this at least once. 

    It happened to me ONCE. During a 5 streamer match. Never using leatherdaddy again! Or no perks and add ons again! On patch 1.4 again!

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  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,525

    @ZombieGenesis said:

    @Tsulan said:
    I would consider my complaints to be productive criticism. Because I always explain WHY something is bad or OP or weak, etc. 
    Instead of just writing nonsense and insult people. 

    Can you say the same?

    In the reality everyone else lives in, no he can't. In his self-created victim world; that's all he does.

    lol wut? Yea dude - I always play the victim.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @Master said:
    Just remembered that you are a streamer and checked your channel.
    Opened your clips and were only able to find 2 killer clips from this year. Seems like you mostly play survivor, but maybe your viewers dont clip killer moments, I dont know.

    I found a few killer clips though:
    Then a clip where you 4k with nurse, nice, but seems like you struggle a lot, even with billy

    Maybe you are just not a good killer if you dont manage to 4k all the time, I dont know :wink:

    I've never claimed I'm good, I also don't need to 4K every match to have fun - I've always said winning isn't about 4King

    But there you go, my internet has been down so not been playing DBD but I guess it only took me seconds to find those - you clearly didn't look hard enough.

    Again - I don't think 4King means anything + I've never said I was good....

    also like to add all your clips are from months and months ago, one of them was like the week freddy came out - hilarious.

    I only searched for clips as I said.
    Ofc I dont go through thousands of hours :wink:

    What happened in the games I linked though. You were playing one of the strongest killers and yet lost considerably, just a bad game from you I guess? :wink:

    Regarding your timesteps.

    First timestep - survivor waiting at the first pallet.... clearly not competent, next one
    Second timestep - survivor is afk? Not sure how that hit in the shack was possible, maybe he just picked up the phone lul?

    I see where this is leading.

    I am not claiming that you cant beat any SWF, I am claiming that its the competent SWF that break the game.

    Now that im typing this I am curious what rank these survivors were at because they were that horrible that I cant believe that they are rank 1 (even in the busted rank system).

    OK skipped to the end of the freddy game (you believe that freddy needs no buffs lol?)
    What do I see?

    rank 2
    rank 6
    rank 6
    rank 15

    Uhm ok.... gg easy I guess, time to nerf freddy :wink:

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @Giche said:

    @SenzuDuck said:

    I’m a stalker too!!! Hey master, want me to get the comment where you said you rage quit every match you don’t get someone after 2 gens are done?

    Still this bad habit of ganging up on people huh ?

    Should we keep track of Master's number of "LOL" to see if you're all at it again ?

    Just ignore guys who only get personal instead of having a proper argument.
    They will push you down to their low level and beat you there because of there bigger experience of trashtalking.

    I always feel vindicated when someone is insulting me if they run out of arguments :wink:

  • BigBubs
    BigBubs Member Posts: 1,131
    edited October 2018

    @Giche said:
    Even worse.

    That mean they pushed it without even trying to balance it, while perfectly knowing the consequences.

    Another "[BAD WORD] you" to one part of their community.

    Yeah they ######### up as devs, that's obvious , but at least now no crybaby killer "main" can say "remove swf, it was not mean't to be" anymore.

  • franticpig29
    franticpig29 Member Posts: 102

    Are they going to make it where when survivors die they can't see the killers perks and ad ons till end of game? So that SFW can't tell the others what perks the killer has when they die.

  • This content has been removed.
  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,525

    @Master said:

    @Giche said:

    @SenzuDuck said:

    I’m a stalker too!!! Hey master, want me to get the comment where you said you rage quit every match you don’t get someone after 2 gens are done?

    Still this bad habit of ganging up on people huh ?

    Should we keep track of Master's number of "LOL" to see if you're all at it again ?

    Just ignore guys who only get personal instead of having a proper argument.
    They will push you down to their low level and beat you there because of there bigger experience of trashtalking.

    I always feel vindicated when someone is insulting me if they run out of arguments :wink:

    Says the guy that goes into my twitch clips to try and say I don't play killer, please tell me who is personal.

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,525

    @franticpig29 said:
    Are they going to make it where when survivors die they can't see the killers perks and ad ons till end of game? So that SFW can't tell the others what perks the killer has when they die.

    This should have already been a thing tbh I don't know why it isn't.

  • AgentTalon
    AgentTalon Member Posts: 331

    Man I leave for lunch and this thread went sideways lol

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @Master said:

    I only searched for clips as I said.
    Ofc I dont go through thousands of hours :wink:

    What happened in the games I linked though. You were playing one of the strongest killers and yet lost considerably, just a bad game from you I guess? :wink:

    Yes, people have bad games, it's not an issue. I really don't understand your point here?
    Also the clip is from nine months ago it means literally nothing, I had a bad game NINE months ago.

    Regarding your timesteps.

    First timestep - survivor waiting at the first pallet.... clearly not competent, next one

    "hey this match doesn't matter because I don't think this player is competent"
    I don't think killers that get looped for 5 gens at bloodlust three are competent but here you are, telling us how bad the game is.

    Second timestep - survivor is afk? Not sure how that hit in the shack was possible, maybe he just picked up the phone lul?

    Why are you grading my matches? You're here to refute I play killer, acting as if I shouldn't have a say because I don't play killer, lol.

    I see where this is leading.

    I am not claiming that you cant beat any SWF, I am claiming that its the competent SWF that break the game.

    What you're claiming is that players that are better than you shouldn't beat you because you're the big bad killer and you should pwn everyone.

    Now that im typing this I am curious what rank these survivors were at because they were that horrible that I cant believe that they are rank 1 (even in the busted rank system).

    OK skipped to the end of the freddy game (you believe that freddy needs no buffs lol?)
    What do I see?

    rank 2
    rank 6
    rank 6
    rank 15

    Uhm ok.... gg easy I guess, time to nerf freddy :wink:

    Which, by what you guys say they're clearly an SWF and therefore should have been unbeatable, right? a rank 2,6,6 & 15? Clearly an overpowered team of four SWF communicating communists with unlimited power get 3Kd by a freddy?????!!??!?!?!?!!?!?! WHAT?!??!?!?! that... that should be impossible, no SWF is beatable, especially against freddy?

    competent SWF I said, COMPETENT

    But never mind, I think we can stop now :wink:

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @Master said:

    @Giche said:

    @SenzuDuck said:

    I’m a stalker too!!! Hey master, want me to get the comment where you said you rage quit every match you don’t get someone after 2 gens are done?

    Still this bad habit of ganging up on people huh ?

    Should we keep track of Master's number of "LOL" to see if you're all at it again ?

    Just ignore guys who only get personal instead of having a proper argument.
    They will push you down to their low level and beat you there because of there bigger experience of trashtalking.

    I always feel vindicated when someone is insulting me if they run out of arguments :wink:

    Says the guy that goes into my twitch clips to try and say I don't play killer, please tell me who is personal.

    I didnt insult you in any way.
    Sorry if you feel insulted lol

  • SIX
    SIX Member Posts: 67

    SWF can be really, really annoying to deal with, combined with competent Survivors with the best perks and addons, it's a living hell unless you're playing Nurse
    Even then, they can't remove it or make some harsh change, because if they do, their game will suffer, badly

    So, that's how it is, i usually take on SWF when i feel confident, sometimes manage to do well, sometimes not

  • AgentTalon
    AgentTalon Member Posts: 331

    On the plus side, killers can always lobby dodge so we got that going for us lol

  • fcc2014
    fcc2014 Member Posts: 4,388

    @Giche said:

    @SenzuDuck said:

    I’m a stalker too!!! Hey master, want me to get the comment where you said you rage quit every match you don’t get someone after 2 gens are done?

    Still this bad habit of ganging up on people huh ?

    Should we keep track of Master's number of "LOL" to see if you're all at it again ?

    Who is this you all you speak of?

  • Dreamnomad
    Dreamnomad Member Posts: 3,965

    Where in the video do they talk about SWF? I don't really feel like watching the entire thing.

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,525

    @Dreamnomad said:
    Where in the video do they talk about SWF? I don't really feel like watching the entire thing.

    If you click the video it should start at where they talk about it.

  • AgentTalon
    AgentTalon Member Posts: 331

    The 5 D's of Dbd SWF

This discussion has been closed.