Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.

"Survive With Friends Was Always Intended" - Louis Mclean Q&A 26th Oct 2018



  • SovererignKing
    SovererignKing Member Posts: 1,273
    This tired old argument?

    Yeah, SWF was intended, but the developers pushed it too early first of all, and the game was even less balanced for it at the start. Hell, It still isn’t balanced for it. The developers had to make a choice, balance for SWF using voice comms, or balance for the solo players. They chose the latter, cause they didn’t want to cuck solo players. This is turn made SWF using voice comms an unbalanced mess.

    Just as McLean said “Nobody said it was supposed to be balanced”. He literally admitted they’ve made decisions that unbalanced the game. SWF is one of them. It’s has the potential to be a game breaking mode in the Survivors favor.

    They need to place limitations and restrictions on SWF groups, escalating these restrictions based on on how many memebers are in the group, the more there is, the heavier the restrictions. That way they can balance for the advantage of using voice comms, while not harming solo players. Something like one less perk, running speed is reduced by 5%, healing speed it reduced, totem cleanse speed and trap disarm speed in reduced, etc. Just little tweaks to values that would weaken the SWF players, but be negligible/no effect toward solo players that get matched with SWF members. 
  • Grimbergoth
    Grimbergoth Member Posts: 293

    what I loved about the stream and their ideas about voice coms is that they want to add things that help the solo survivor get more information about whats going on , and they completely ignore what voice coms bring into the game that a killer would have to deal with . Even their talking about it was all pro survivor . so there will never be any types of balance for voice coms at high rank .

  • Global
    Global Member Posts: 770

    Just like how being able to flashlight save someone on the killers shoulder before the animation finished was a "intended mechanic that was just glitched so they wouldn't fall off" more lies man.

  • fcc2014
    fcc2014 Member Posts: 4,388

    @only1biggs said:

    @fcc2014 said:

    I just lol'd you both hopefully i didn't not offend either of you.

    I am deeply wounded and I will never be the same.

    If i ever win Powerball you can sue me for the mental anguish you have suffered as a result of my reaction to your comment.

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,525

    @Global said:
    Just like how being able to flashlight save someone on the killers shoulder before the animation finished was a "intended mechanic that was just glitched so they wouldn't fall off" more lies man.


  • Utna
    Utna Member Posts: 186
    edited October 2018

    @ZombieGenesis said:
    Just because the devs say it in a stream doesn't mean it's the truth.

    19:9 Stephan Horvath: " This is all true so far."
    Louis McLean :" I mean, I'm not planning on telling lies at any point here. I mean I might make some mistakes." At this point we can notice the amusement on Stephan's face. We could almost grasp his thinking: "Man you're so good at this, I could almost believe it !"

    Any good psychologist might tell that people experiencing guilt ... for telling a lie (for example), are more likely to be the ones to beg people to trust them ("This is ALL true so far").

    On a more serious note, I've already explained in another thread why BHRV will never call SWF either cheating, or just a mistake. Because sometimes, it is easier to silence the victims of a bad situation, than actually solving the problem. In these cases, authorities make something become legal ; not because they think it is good, but only because they can't fight it. This is a basic Public Relations strategy, and this kind of pollitics where used way back in history.

    So yes Zombie, I too think BHRV can't be trusted on that subject ... I might if it made sense, but the way SWF screw so many perks and game mechanics ... this can't be right.

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,525

    @SovererignKing said:
    This tired old argument?

    Yeah, SWF was intended, but the developers pushed it too early first of all, and the game was even less balanced for it at the start. Hell, It still isn’t balanced for it. The developers had to make a choice, balance for SWF using voice comms, or balance for the solo players. They chose the latter, cause they didn’t want to cuck solo players. This is turn made SWF using voice comms an unbalanced mess.

    Just as McLean said “Nobody said it was supposed to be balanced”. He literally admitted they’ve made decisions that unbalanced the game. SWF is one of them. It’s has the potential to be a game breaking mode in the Survivors favor.

    They need to place limitations and restrictions on SWF groups, escalating these restrictions based on on how many memebers are in the group, the more there is, the heavier the restrictions. That way they can balance for the advantage of using voice comms, while not harming solo players. Something like one less perk, running speed is reduced by 5%, healing speed it reduced, totem cleanse speed and trap disarm speed in reduced, etc. Just little tweaks to values that would weaken the SWF players, but be negligible/no effect toward solo players that get matched with SWF members. 

    Well, I can tell you have absolutely no idea about balance

    "Running speed reduced by 5%"?
    Chases are in no way shape or form affected by SWF - if you're chasing one person the entire match and don't go after anyone else how is that an SWF issue? Thats a bad killer issue, good lord.

    "healing speed it reduced"
    Use perks that affect this, if everyone you injure is escaping you, guess what pal - you're bad at the game it's as simple as that.

    "totem cleanse speed and trap disarm speed in reduced"
    Why, what have these things got to do with SWF, again?

    Good killers don't come to the forums to ask for every buff under the sun, good killers just play and slay.
    Stop acting like SWF is an unbeatable force that no one can compete with, they're very very beatable.

    I can't stop laughing at the "reduce run speed by 5%" that's hilarious.

  • Global
    Global Member Posts: 770

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @Global said:
    Just like how being able to flashlight save someone on the killers shoulder before the animation finished was a "intended mechanic that was just glitched so they wouldn't fall off" more lies man.


    There was a time were you could flashlight save someone before the pick up animation was finished. They tried to pass it off and say that you shouldve been able to do that from the beginning. It obviously wasnt since the got rid of the ability to do that.

  • Dreamnomad
    Dreamnomad Member Posts: 3,965

    @Utna said:

    @ZombieGenesis said:
    Just because the devs say it in a stream doesn't mean it's the truth.

    19:9 Stephan Horvath: " This is all true so far."
    Louis McLean :" I mean, I'm not planning on telling lies at any point here. I mean I might make some mistakes." At this point we can notice the amusement on Stephan's face. We could almost grasp his thinking: "Man you're so good at this, I could almost believe it !"

    Any good psychologist might tell that people experiencing guilt ... for telling a lie (for example), are more likely to be the ones to beg people to trust them ("This is ALL true so far").

    On a more serious note, I've already explained in another thread why BHRV will never call SWF either cheating, or just a mistake. Because sometimes, it is easier to silence the victims of a bad situation, than actually solving the problem. In these cases, authorities make something become legal ; not because they think it is good, but only because they can't fight it. This is a basic Public Relations strategy, and this kind of pollitics where used way back in history.

    So yes Zombie, I too think BHRV can't be trusted on that subject ... I might if it made sense, but the way SWF screw so many perks and game mechanics ... this can't be right.

    That's some nice conspiracy theory thinking you have going on there. They seemed rather transparent in their answers to me. They went into a lot of detail about chasing around objects for instance. I see no reason why they would lie about SWF either.

  • Utna
    Utna Member Posts: 186
    edited October 2018

    @Dreamnomad said:

    @Utna said:

    @ZombieGenesis said:
    Just because the devs say it in a stream doesn't mean it's the truth.

    19:9 Stephan Horvath: " This is all true so far."
    Louis McLean :" I mean, I'm not planning on telling lies at any point here. I mean I might make some mistakes." At this point we can notice the amusement on Stephan's face. We could almost grasp his thinking: "Man you're so good at this, I could almost believe it !"

    Any good psychologist might tell that people experiencing guilt ... for telling a lie (for example), are more likely to be the ones to beg people to trust them ("This is ALL true so far").

    On a more serious note, I've already explained in another thread why BHRV will never call SWF either cheating, or just a mistake. Because sometimes, it is easier to silence the victims of a bad situation, than actually solving the problem. In these cases, authorities make something become legal ; not because they think it is good, but only because they can't fight it. This is a basic Public Relations strategy, and this kind of pollitics where used way back in history.

    So yes Zombie, I too think BHRV can't be trusted on that subject ... I might if it made sense, but the way SWF screw so many perks and game mechanics ... this can't be right.

    That's some nice conspiracy theory thinking you have going on there. They seemed rather transparent in their answers to me. They went into a lot of detail about chasing around objects for instance. I see no reason why they would lie about SWF either.

    I just gave those reasons in the same post, but I can see how it might not be clear. Please feel free to ask for something more specific for any explanation, otherwhise I'll be obliged to copy paste what I've just said.

  • Radiant
    Radiant Member Posts: 187

    "nerf SWf pls"


  • Dreamnomad
    Dreamnomad Member Posts: 3,965

    @Utna said:

    @Dreamnomad said:

    @Utna said:

    @ZombieGenesis said:
    Just because the devs say it in a stream doesn't mean it's the truth.

    19:9 Stephan Horvath: " This is all true so far."
    Louis McLean :" I mean, I'm not planning on telling lies at any point here. I mean I might make some mistakes." At this point we can notice the amusement on Stephan's face. We could almost grasp his thinking: "Man you're so good at this, I could almost believe it !"

    Any good psychologist might tell that people experiencing guilt ... for telling a lie (for example), are more likely to be the ones to beg people to trust them ("This is ALL true so far").

    On a more serious note, I've already explained in another thread why BHRV will never call SWF either cheating, or just a mistake. Because sometimes, it is easier to silence the victims of a bad situation, than actually solving the problem. In these cases, authorities make something become legal ; not because they think it is good, but only because they can't fight it. This is a basic Public Relations strategy, and this kind of pollitics where used way back in history.

    So yes Zombie, I too think BHRV can't be trusted on that subject ... I might if it made sense, but the way SWF screw so many perks and game mechanics ... this can't be right.

    That's some nice conspiracy theory thinking you have going on there. They seemed rather transparent in their answers to me. They went into a lot of detail about chasing around objects for instance. I see no reason why they would lie about SWF either.

    I just gave those reasons in the same post, but I can see how it might not be clear. Please feel free to ask for something more specific for any explanation, otherwhise I'll be obliged to copy paste what I've just said.

    Oh I read your post. No need to repaste it. " it is easier to silence the victims of a bad situation" I just find your argument utterly ridiculous. You are literally calling the killer the victim. Stop and think about that for a second. So given a choice whether to believe your rather silly argument that it's a conspiracy theory or that they are telling the truth, I choose to believe they are telling the truth. Usually the simple answer is the correct one.

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,525

    @Tsulan said:
    Devs claimed that face camping is  not bannable, only to remove it shortly after. 

    How is this a lie? Changing a game mechanic because it absolutely 100% prevented normal gameplay is not them accepting it's bannable, it's getting rid of a ######### mechanic.

    Devs claimed that only 22% of all survivors use SC.

    Old statistics, i'm sure it's much higher now.

    Or that they know that the high kill rate of Freddy originated from survivors disconnecting, only to nerf him because of that high kill rate. They admitted that they went to far with the Freddy nerf, but that was a year ago with no buff.

    Again, how is this a lie? They, as you state "admitted" they went too far with the Freddy nerf and have said they're buffing him next, what part of any of that is a lie, it seems like a whole lot of transparency to me.

    The list goes on and on.

  • Dwight_Confusion
    Dwight_Confusion Member Posts: 1,650

    SWF is essential to this game. That is fine.

    It needs this.

    It also needed to have strong, powerful killers to deal with this. Which we're getting close to.

    The sad part is... what is happening since June... should of been happening last fall.

    They were about 6 months behind on balance and stuff.

    Killers are more powerful overall, and a mediocre killer can deal okay with a SWF team.

    However, a rank 1 SWF team of 4 is still deadly and it takes a very good killer to deal with them, but this isn't every game.

    I consider myself a good killer with great moments, and I eat SWF for breakfast. So whatever.

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,525

    @Dwight_Confusion said:
    SWF is essential to this game. That is fine.

    It needs this.

    It also needed to have strong, powerful killers to deal with this. Which we're getting close to.

    The sad part is... what is happening since June... should of been happening last fall.

    They were about 6 months behind on balance and stuff.

    Killers are more powerful overall, and a mediocre killer can deal okay with a SWF team.

    However, a rank 1 SWF team of 4 is still deadly and it takes a very good killer to deal with them, but this isn't every game.

    I consider myself a good killer with great moments, and I eat SWF for breakfast. So whatever.

    You get it man - honestly the amount of actual 4-Man SWFs that play with the intent to have every survivor out is so damn negligible, they're healthy for the game imo - a killer should have matches where they get 0 kills it's just natural in a Vs match, some times you come out ontop, sometimes you dont

  • Dwight_Confusion
    Dwight_Confusion Member Posts: 1,650

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @Dwight_Confusion said:
    SWF is essential to this game. That is fine.

    It needs this.

    It also needed to have strong, powerful killers to deal with this. Which we're getting close to.

    The sad part is... what is happening since June... should of been happening last fall.

    They were about 6 months behind on balance and stuff.

    Killers are more powerful overall, and a mediocre killer can deal okay with a SWF team.

    However, a rank 1 SWF team of 4 is still deadly and it takes a very good killer to deal with them, but this isn't every game.

    I consider myself a good killer with great moments, and I eat SWF for breakfast. So whatever.

    You get it man - honestly the amount of actual 4-Man SWFs that play with the intent to have every survivor out is so damn negligible, they're healthy for the game imo - a killer should have matches where they get 0 kills it's just natural in a Vs match, some times you come out ontop, sometimes you dont

    I've not always agreed with some of your posts, but thanks.

    I agree with you here.

    I on very rare occasion don't get anyone. It's is very rare. I usually get 1 almost guranteed. I would love stats to show this.

    I would expect my Rank 2 and Rank 1 stats are this:

    Killing 0 survivors - 2%
    Killing 1 survivor - 5%
    Killing 2 survivors - 25%
    Killing 3 survivors - 40%
    Killing all 4 tryhard trash survivors - 28%

    I bet it is something very much to this with me. give or take 3-5%

  • Dreamnomad
    Dreamnomad Member Posts: 3,965
    edited October 2018

    @Tsulan said:

    Devs claimed that face camping is  not bannable, only to remove it shortly after. 
    Devs claimed that only 22% of all survivors use SC.
    Or that they know that the high kill rate of Freddy originated from survivors disconnecting, only to nerf him because of that high kill rate. They admitted that they went to far with the Freddy nerf, but that was a year ago with no buff.
    The list goes on and on.

    None of those things makes them liars. Don't get me wrong here. I'm a critical thinker. I don't accept every single thing they say as fact. They are human and humans make mistakes. Having listened to a couple of these different videos they have at the very least appeared to try and be honest and transparent. I don't believe they have some secret agenda to screw over their player base. They are bound to get things wrong from time to time. But making an honest mistake is different from intentionally lying.

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,525

    @Dwight_Confusion said:
    I've not always agreed with some of your posts, but thanks.

    I agree with you here.

    I on very rare occasion don't get anyone. It's is very rare. I usually get 1 almost guranteed. I would love stats to show this.

    I would expect my Rank 2 and Rank 1 stats are this:

    Killing 0 survivors - 2%
    Killing 1 survivor - 5%
    Killing 2 survivors - 25%
    Killing 3 survivors - 40%
    Killing all 4 tryhard trash survivors - 28%

    I bet it is something very much to this with me. give or take 3-5%

    You get so many of these people boasting about how good they are and they're great rank one killers, if it's so hard why are they all rank one. If they're getting 2/3 kills per match they're winning it's as simple as that.
    They just want to be strong enough to 4K every match and be done w/ it.

  • HellDescent
    HellDescent Member Posts: 4,883

    So who's lying McLean or Cote? Also I clearly remember McLean say that swf was not supposed to make it into the game about a month ago when he played survivor with Cote. Kyf was added just before the final stages of the game for content creators and tournaments.Also how do coms make it "asymmetrical" game? They're saying it now to avoid the issue of people complaining about the game mode or adding features to see swf to avoid lobby dodging

  • SovererignKing
    SovererignKing Member Posts: 1,273
    edited October 2018
    SenzuDuck said:

    @SovererignKing said:
    This tired old argument?

    Yeah, SWF was intended, but the developers pushed it too early first of all, and the game was even less balanced for it at the start. Hell, It still isn’t balanced for it. The developers had to make a choice, balance for SWF using voice comms, or balance for the solo players. They chose the latter, cause they didn’t want to cuck solo players. This is turn made SWF using voice comms an unbalanced mess.

    Just as McLean said “Nobody said it was supposed to be balanced”. He literally admitted they’ve made decisions that unbalanced the game. SWF is one of them. It’s has the potential to be a game breaking mode in the Survivors favor.

    They need to place limitations and restrictions on SWF groups, escalating these restrictions based on on how many memebers are in the group, the more there is, the heavier the restrictions. That way they can balance for the advantage of using voice comms, while not harming solo players. Something like one less perk, running speed is reduced by 5%, healing speed it reduced, totem cleanse speed and trap disarm speed in reduced, etc. Just little tweaks to values that would weaken the SWF players, but be negligible/no effect toward solo players that get matched with SWF members. 

    Well, I can tell you have absolutely no idea about balance

    "Running speed reduced by 5%"?
    Chases are in no way shape or form affected by SWF - if you're chasing one person the entire match and don't go after anyone else how is that an SWF issue? Thats a bad killer issue, good lord.

    "healing speed it reduced"
    Use perks that affect this, if everyone you injure is escaping you, guess what pal - you're bad at the game it's as simple as that.

    "totem cleanse speed and trap disarm speed in reduced"
    Why, what have these things got to do with SWF, again?

    Good killers don't come to the forums to ask for every buff under the sun, good killers just play and slay.
    Stop acting like SWF is an unbeatable force that no one can compete with, they're very very beatable.

    I can't stop laughing at the "reduce run speed by 5%" that's hilarious.

    Just as I can tell you can’t see past your obvious Survivor Bias.

    SWF on voice comms telling their mates “Hey, he’s chasing me, go for Gens” or “Hey, I’m at the Killer shack looping him and won’t go down for a while, do Gens or break his totem.” “He’s going to get me soon, someone get close to come save me off the hook.” It has plenty to do with chases. If you’re going to tell your mates to do his or that so they do absolutely everything optimal, then the chase needs to be compensated for so it’s not the same and isn’t as perfectly optimal beyond normal capabilities. 

    Healing Speed - “Mike, come get me since you run We’ll Make It.” “John And Mary, meet me at X location to heal me”

    Totems and trap disarm - “His totem is at X location, everyone try to get it until he goes for someone, then someone break it” or “He’s guarding his totem at X location, everyone Rush Gens while I keep him worried about it and busy” “Trapper laid trap at X location, I’m looping him over here, go disarm it” 

    I didn’t say they we’re an unbeatable force, I said it’s not balanced. Stop putting words in my mouth to fit your arrogant little narrative, boy. 

    You cant stop laughing cause you're incapable of thinking beyond your immature little attitude. I honestly shake my head every time you post because 9/10 times is some immature little dribble. You’re wholly incapable of having and sort of reasonable discussion, simply because anytime you get backed into a corner you simply start throwing petty “Well your just bad” insults. 

    You you want the advantage of voice comma, fine, take the balancing factor restrictions that come with it so the game is balanced for the Killer you’re facing. That way it’s not as far a disparity in power between solo and SWF play. 

    On on a final note : If it’s true that solo survival rate is abysmal and SWF is so high, this will do nothing but decrease that disparity and make it more fair and even so solo survivors don’t feel so cucked.
  • Utna
    Utna Member Posts: 186
    edited October 2018

    @Dreamnomad said:

    @Utna said:

    @Dreamnomad said:

    @Utna said:

    @ZombieGenesis said:
    Just because the devs say it in a stream doesn't mean it's the truth.

    19:9 Stephan Horvath: " This is all true so far."
    Louis McLean :" I mean, I'm not planning on telling lies at any point here. I mean I might make some mistakes." At this point we can notice the amusement on Stephan's face. We could almost grasp his thinking: "Man you're so good at this, I could almost believe it !"

    Any good psychologist might tell that people experiencing guilt ... for telling a lie (for example), are more likely to be the ones to beg people to trust them ("This is ALL true so far").

    On a more serious note, I've already explained in another thread why BHRV will never call SWF either cheating, or just a mistake. Because sometimes, it is easier to silence the victims of a bad situation, than actually solving the problem. In these cases, authorities make something become legal ; not because they think it is good, but only because they can't fight it. This is a basic Public Relations strategy, and this kind of pollitics where used way back in history.

    So yes Zombie, I too think BHRV can't be trusted on that subject ... I might if it made sense, but the way SWF screw so many perks and game mechanics ... this can't be right.

    That's some nice conspiracy theory thinking you have going on there. They seemed rather transparent in their answers to me. They went into a lot of detail about chasing around objects for instance. I see no reason why they would lie about SWF either.

    I just gave those reasons in the same post, but I can see how it might not be clear. Please feel free to ask for something more specific for any explanation, otherwhise I'll be obliged to copy paste what I've just said.

    Oh I read your post. No need to repaste it. " it is easier to silence the victims of a bad situation" I just find your argument utterly ridiculous.

    @Dreamnomad You didn't even quote me right !! The right quote was:

    "Because sometimes, it is easier to silence the victims of a bad situation, than actually solving the problem."

    There is an important difference between "CAN do but don't want to" and "Would do but CAN'T because of ressources problems". My sentence talk about things (either in a game or in real life) that CAN'T be changed by politics (or the decisions of game designers). When things CAN'T be changed during a given situation, the authorities (or game designers) will find an explanation as why they didn't want it to happen in the first place, because its silences the victims, and makes non-victims less compassionate toward them.

    @Dreamnomad said:
    You are literally calling the killer the victim. Stop and think about that for a second.

    You realise DBD killers aren't real don't you ? I mean why would killer players not be victims of poor game design choices ? Are they supposed to suffer because they're nasty killers ? I don't get it ; please explain to me.

    @Dreamnomad said:
    So given a choice whether to believe your rather silly argument that it's a conspiracy theory or that they are telling the truth, I choose to believe they are telling the truth. Usually the simple answer is the correct one.

    An answer isn't true or false based on its complexity, nor it should make it more believable. Think of it that way: some churches claims that the human species where never part of the Darwin's theory of evolution ... according to their dogma they where created just as we are now. This is by far a simplier explanation of our origins than Darwin's one ... but despite sciences complexity, science is more likely to be true.

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,525

    @SovererignKing said:

    Just as I can tell you can’t see past your obvious Survivor Bias.

    SWF on voice comms felling their mates “Hey, he’s chasing me, go for Gens” or “Hey, I’m at the Killer shack looping him and won’t go down for a while, do Gens or break his totem.” “He’s going to get me soon, someone get close to come save me off the hook.” It has plenty to do with chases. If you’re going to tell your mates to do his or that so they do absolutely everything optimal, then the chase needs to be compensated for so it’s not the same and isn’t as perfectly optimal beyond normal capabilities. 

    Implying that solo survivor are so thick they don't do gens when the killer isn't near them what the actual world do you live in? Do you think solo survivor just run around aimlessly when they're paired with SWF players or do you think they do gens and totems?

    I'd bet money they do gens and totems.

    Again, if someone is looping someone around the shack, whether the other players know it or not they're probably doing gens and totems, not running around aimlessly, I really don't understand what you're saying here? Do you think survivors only do gens when they know exactly where the killer is?

    Healing Speed - “Mike, come get me since you run We’ll Make It.” “John And Mary, meet me at X location to heal me”

    If a survivor is running we'll make it you'll get a pop up anyway, and is only relevant if that person has the save, you can't tell your mate running we'll make it to come heal you with we'll make it unless he's just saved you or someone. Huge face palm, solo survivor are already given this information when they're saved, again - isn't affected by SWF.

    Sure, you could coordinate with your friendos to heal, but again if a survivor is injured, the killer has either lost them or they've just been unhooked - irrelevant to SWF once again because if the killer is knowhere near it doesn't matter whether they were healed by self care, a survivor or a medkit - you'll not capitalise on the injury because you've lost them or aren't near them.

    Totems and trap disarm - “His totem is at X location, everyone try to get it until he goes for someone, then someone break it” or “He’s guarding his totem at X location, everyone Rush Gens while I keep him worried about it and busy” “Trapper laid trap at X location, I’m looping him over here, go disarm it” 

    Totems are absolutely awful and that's a completely separate issue - as SWFs are the unstoppable force that they are guarding a totem for the killer is a loss in and of it self, if they're more worried about losing a single perk than gen progression they're simple a bad player and is not at all affected by SWF. Sure you can call out totem location - but by that point someone already knows where it is.

    I didn’t say they we’re an unbeatable force, I said it’s not balanced. Stop putting words in my mouth to fit your arrogant little narrative, boy. 

    Lol, you seem a little upset, would you like to lay down and I'll read the book all about "being better at a game and not whining". How would you suggest balancing it?

    You cant stop laughing cause you're incapable of thinking beyond your immature little attitude. I honestly shake my head every time you post because 9/10 times is some immature little dribble. You’re wholly incapable of having and sort of reasonable discussion, simply because anytime you get backed into a corner you simply start throwing petty “Well your just bad” insults. 

    Any reasonable discussion? I always take every paragraph and reply to it within reason, if you're looped for an entire game, you're bad, that's how it is. If every 4man swf you come across obliterates you, you're bad that's it. There are killers who don't need all this help like you clearly do.

    You you want the advantage of voice comma, fine, take the balancing factor restrictions that come with it so the game is balanced for the Killer you’re facing. That way it’s not as far a disparity in power between solo and SWF play. 

    I don't even play with voice comms which makes this even more humorous, i'm arguing for something I don't even use in my day to day playing because it isn't a massive issue like you all make it out to be.

    On on a final note : If it’s true that solo survival rate is abysmal and SWF is so high, this will do nothing but decrease that disparity and make it more fair and even so solo survivors don’t feel so cucked.

    I honestly don't really care - I just feel good being able to play a game and not have any cry baby attitudes towards it. I don't need my hand holding, I don't need killers to 4K every match I just have a laugh. I really wonder why a lot of you still play this game considering the sheer amount of complaining you do, if the devs are truly against killers why are you even here? It sounds so out of this world to me that you have so many issues with a game but continue to support it.

  • Giche
    Giche Member Posts: 753

    @Grimbergoth said:
    what I loved about the stream and their ideas about voice coms is that they want to add things that help the solo survivor get more information about whats going on , and they completely ignore what voice coms bring into the game that a killer would have to deal with . Even their talking about it was all pro survivor . so there will never be any types of balance for voice coms at high rank .

    They just want you to suck their dicks and be thankfull for it.

    Can't you learn ? /s

  • Giche
    Giche Member Posts: 753

    @fcc2014 said:

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @only1biggs said:

    Same thing happened to me with the LOL's, nobody jumped to my defense :'(

    I also got lol'd in any conversation I was involved in.

    Guess what, it means nothing - I can't believe these people hold their little lols and awesomes so close to their hearts lmfao.

    I just lol'd you both hopefully i didn't not offend either of you.

    @only1biggs said:

    @fcc2014 said:

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @only1biggs said:

    Same thing happened to me with the LOL's, nobody jumped to my defense :'(

    I also got lol'd in any conversation I was involved in.

    Guess what, it means nothing - I can't believe these people hold their little lols and awesomes so close to their hearts lmfao.

    I just lol'd you both hopefully i didn't not offend either of you.

    I am deeply wounded and I will never be the same.


    That intellectual dishonesty...

    I can't...


  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @Radiant said:
    "nerf SWf pls"



  • redsopine1
    redsopine1 Member Posts: 1,437
    How to counter SWF run Ti down at basement shack stay within the bare minimum distance to see ti notification bit basement get more hooks nuff said and carry moris
  • Utna
    Utna Member Posts: 186
    edited October 2018

    @Dreamnomad said:

    @Utna said:

    An answer isn't true or false based on its complexity, nor it should make it more believable. Think of it that way: some churches claims that the human species where never part of the Darwin's theory of evolution ... according to their dogma they where created just as we are now. This is by far a simplier explanation of our origins than Darwin's one ... but despite sciences complexity, science is more likely to be true.

    This is really getting off topic here, but I would argue that Evolution is a simpler explanation than we were just "magically" made by a god. Just like a multiplayer game having multiplayer support seems more likely and simple than "the devs caved to survivors and made SWF and then later lied that they intended to have SWF from the start to silence the killers who've been victimized by SWF teams".

    Once again, you didn't quote our conversation right. There were more to read. Readers, please go check our earlier posts on the 4th page of this topic.

    I guess you misunderstand the meaning of the word "Magic". Something is considered "Magic" or "supernatural", when it falls out of the limits of our knowledge and logic paterns. For example, when a rabbit comes out of a hat, a child might think it is magic, because he lacks the knowledge of how such an amazing thing could happen just in front of him. The word "Magic" have siblings we call sometimes "Luck", "Fate", and "Divine will". In each case the purpose of these words (Magic, Luck fates, ..., etc.) is to use concepts we do not fully understand in a way that our mind is capable to handle ... in a word: it turns our ignorance into something simple and concrete. Emphasise on the word SIMPLE here.

    So here it is: there is nothing more SIMPLE than a magical explanation, because "Magic" is born from ignorance. As an example: I did read the book of Genesis in one hour tops, but becoming a real astrophysicist takes years at the university. Please go check Einsten's theory of relativity. OBVIOUSLY science as grown more complex than any myths in the matter of physics.

    Back to the DBD topic. We both lack the knowledge about whether or not the devs are lying. But there is a logic pattern which can explain why they're might be lying (@ZombieGenesis explained it thoroughly earlier). Believing that Dev's claim is true because ... well, it come from them ... isn't a logic patern:
    THIS is nothing more than SUPERSTITION (or "MAGIC" if you want to call it that way).

  • only1biggs
    only1biggs Member Posts: 1,178

    @Giche said:

    @fcc2014 said:

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @only1biggs said:

    Same thing happened to me with the LOL's, nobody jumped to my defense :'(

    I also got lol'd in any conversation I was involved in.

    Guess what, it means nothing - I can't believe these people hold their little lols and awesomes so close to their hearts lmfao.

    I just lol'd you both hopefully i didn't not offend either of you.

    @only1biggs said:

    @fcc2014 said:

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @only1biggs said:

    Same thing happened to me with the LOL's, nobody jumped to my defense :'(

    I also got lol'd in any conversation I was involved in.

    Guess what, it means nothing - I can't believe these people hold their little lols and awesomes so close to their hearts lmfao.

    I just lol'd you both hopefully i didn't not offend either of you.

    I am deeply wounded and I will never be the same.


    That intellectual dishonesty...

    I can't...


    What are you talking about now? We were being sarcastic with each other :')

  • fcc2014
    fcc2014 Member Posts: 4,388

    @only1biggs said:

    What are you talking about now? We were being sarcastic with each other :')

    the use of irony to mock or convey contempt.
    "his voice, hardened by sarcasm, could not hide his resentment"
    synonyms: derision, mockery, ridicule, scorn, sneering, scoffing:

    Some people just don't get it.

  • only1biggs
    only1biggs Member Posts: 1,178

    @ZombieGenesis said:
    Dev Lies:
    Freddy is getting a rework.
    DS is getting a nerf.
    Pallets have been "adjusted".
    SC is getting nerfed.

    SWF Advantages(that I've seen on streams, as part of groups, and as a killer)

    • One person running Object of Obsession and letting the entire team know where the killer is.
    • One person trailing said killer and also relaying that information.
    • Coordinating unhooks to either A) get the full squad there for body blocking or B) ensuring that only one person gets off gens to make the save, ensuring maximum gen repairing.
    • Relaying what gens they're working on so you don't get a close cluster at the end.
    • Relaying totem locations.
    • Coordinating 99% gen taps.
    • Calling for help while being chased so the killer is swarmed or someone is waiting near a pallet for the slam.

    These are just off the top of my head things that the devs did not account for with SWF. Saying it was "intended all along" is nothing but a lie.

    Freddy will be getting a rework. DS is getting nerfed. Pallets have been adjusted. SC has been nerfed.

    One person running object? As a killer, I go kill him. Easy find and a free Freddy Black Box.
    One person trailing me is one person off gens. If I hear him trailing me or see him, it's more pressure for me when I attack him.
    Body blocking means I can put pressure on the whole team and have them off gens or on the floor at my whim. With certain killers it means I win the game. One person off a gen to save while BBQ tell me where to go next, leads to THREE people off gens.
    They can relay all they want which gens are being done to avoid a 3 gen situation, it doesn't matter if I'm playing correctly.
    Calling for help? LOL again, more pressure for me. EZ

    The things you just listed off the top of your head are stupid, try again.

  • only1biggs
    only1biggs Member Posts: 1,178

    @Utna said:

    @Dreamnomad said:

    @Utna said:

    An answer isn't true or false based on its complexity, nor it should make it more believable. Think of it that way: some churches claims that the human species where never part of the Darwin's theory of evolution ... according to their dogma they where created just as we are now. This is by far a simplier explanation of our origins than Darwin's one ... but despite sciences complexity, science is more likely to be true.

    This is really getting off topic here, but I would argue that Evolution is a simpler explanation than we were just "magically" made by a god. Just like a multiplayer game having multiplayer support seems more likely and simple than "the devs caved to survivors and made SWF and then later lied that they intended to have SWF from the start to silence the killers who've been victimized by SWF teams".

    Once again, you didn't quote our conversation right. There were more to read. Readers, please go check our earlier posts on the 4th page of this topic.

    I guess you misunderstand the meaning of the word "Magic". Something is considered "Magic" or "supernatural", when it falls out of the limits of our knowledge and logic paterns. For example, when a rabbit comes out of a hat, a child might think it is magic, because he lacks the knowledge of how such an amazing thing could happen just in front of him. The word "Magic" have siblings we call sometimes "Luck", "Fate", and "Divine will". In each case the purpose of these words (Magic, Luck fates, ..., etc.) is to use concepts we do not fully understand in a way that our mind is capable to handle ... in a word: it turns our ignorance into something simple and concrete. Emphasise on the word SIMPLE here.

    So here it is: there is nothing more SIMPLE than a magical explanation, because "Magic" is born from ignorance. As an example: I did read the book of Genesis in one hour tops, but becoming a real astrophysicist takes years at the university. Please go check Einsten's theory of relativity. OBVIOUSLY science as grown more complex than any myths in the matter of physics.

    Back to the DBD topic. We both lack the knowledge about whether or not the devs are lying. But there is a logic pattern which can explain why they're might be lying (@ZombieGenesis explained it thoroughly earlier). Believing that Dev's claim is true because ... well, it come from them ... isn't a logic patern:
    THIS is nothing more than SUPERSTITION (or "MAGIC" if you want to call it that way).

    LOL This guy is ascended. 200iq confirmed.

  • only1biggs
    only1biggs Member Posts: 1,178

    @fcc2014 said:

    @only1biggs said:

    What are you talking about now? We were being sarcastic with each other :')

    the use of irony to mock or convey contempt.
    "his voice, hardened by sarcasm, could not hide his resentment"
    synonyms: derision, mockery, ridicule, scorn, sneering, scoffing:

    Some people just don't get it.

    I guess. Yikes

  • DarkWo1f997
    DarkWo1f997 Member Posts: 1,532
    edited October 2018
    SenzuDuck said:

    @se05239 said:

    @Giche said:
    Another "[BAD WORD] you" to one part of their community.

    And even more worse considering they're completely unwilling to balance the game around the power that a SWF squad have. They prefer to just play around a bit around solo 20 survivors..

    It's almost like they don't play their own game and haven't experienced it at the highest rank..

    SWF isn't hard to beat I honestly don't understand why people act as if no SWF team has ever been destroyed before, if they're SWF and you kill 2 or more then you did well, you don't have to kill all of them for it to be a win, and just because you don't kill all of them doesn't mean they're overpowered lol.

    I’m going to agree with the loud mouth for a change. I have never struggled with SWF, and I’ve never ever noticed a difference. 

    If anything, the exploitable altruism makes it a much more fair experience for me. With blueberries you often are straight left for dead lmao. 
  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,525

    @SovererignKing said:

    I don’t even know where to begin with the bullshit that’s spewing out of your mouth.

    Firstly, you have never seen the the scared little Claudette who’s hiding behind tree because she’s unsure where the Killer is? Most of all if it Wraith, or Myers? Yeah, plenty of times I’ve seen Survivors popping squats behind a tree doing ######### nothing cause they are unsure where the Killer is even though he’s MILES away. So i’ll take your damn bet, cause there are PLENTY that are that thick. Which is one of the premises this game was built on “Horror based on the uncertainty”.

    Are you literally that dense? Read what you just wrote. Calling out to your mate who has We’ll Make It so that NO OTHER Survivor runs up and unhooks WITHOUT it ensures you get it. I’m not talking about after the unhook, I’m talking about making sure he person that DOES the unhook is the right person. I run We’ll Make It, it's part of my standard build.

    Do you know how many times I’ve gotten annoyed cause someone races me to the hook and does the unhook and I can’t use We’ll Make It. Then the Killer comes back and we can’t heal them in time, and I say “Could have healed him to full if I got the unhook with We’ll Make It...”? That chance of that happening is nearly zero if you are on SWF with comms (or not, even if you’re not, you can be designated the team’s medic among you’re friends and everyone leaves you to do the unhooks).

    Irrelevent? You have got to be shitting me. How is it irrelevant that instead of wasting a whole minute running around the map looking for your team mates to heal you, you can just say “Meet me at location X and i’ll heal you” in 20-30 seconds? Wasting not even half the time looking? 

    Totem spawns may suck, but if you beat someone off it chances are randoms aren’t going to haul ass straight from the other side of the map going “hmm he hit him over there, his totem must be there!” It may not last a whole lot longer, but you can be damn sure it would last longer if it wasn’t called out to every single persons on the damn team it’s EXACT location.

    Dont bother with your petty little bullshit about “you’re just whining”. Everyone knows that’s your cop out deflection you spew out every time you get your ass backed into a corner. You toss some petty personal attacks on their ability to play the game to try to tilt the person.

    I never said I needed help, but hey, again, shove words into my mouth again like you always do. Keep making ######### up to fit your narrative, you’re good at that. I’m speaking completely for a game balance direction, it has absolutely nothing to do with how well or bad I do, or you do for that matter. 

    Again, STOP PUTTING WORDS INTO MY MOUTH BOY! I never said the “developers are against Killers”. I said they made a mistake, and have to fix that mistake by making SWF an balanced game option to pick over solo Survivor. 

    I’m going to get straight to the point of the matter, the game is not balanced for SWF. Just SWF alone, not even factoring in voice comms. Survivors play SWF don’t have to worry about if their team mates are good or bad. THEY KNOW cause it’s their friends. They don’t have to think and question if their team mates play style synergizes well with them, THEY KNOW it does. They don’t have to guess who’s running what perks, THEY KNOW. Just SWF alone gives advantages over randoms that the game was not balanced for. 

    Voice comms just exacerbate that even further with the equivalent of several information perks for free including OoO, Small Game, Empathy, Bond, ect. It also optimizes game mechanics such as “Almost done with last Gen, someone get ready and wait at the gate” “Everyone stay on Gens, I’ll go for the hook save” and the list goes on. 

    It is completely irrelevant if the Killer is good or bad, or if the Survivors are good or bad. SWF is an advantage over solo randoms the game WAS NOT balanced for. It DOES NOT matter if the Survivors are potatoes and are unable to utilize the advantages SWF gives well enough. The potential power afforded by SWF is far enough to warrant counter measures and restrictions placed on SWF groups (and only the members of the SWF group, based on how many are in the group) to keep the balance of the game in check.

    You do NOT get to have free advantages and no draw backs just because you picked a SWF over Solo Que. Not only is it not fair or balanced toward Killers, but it’s also not fair or balanced toward solo Survivors.

    Do everyone here a favor and stop putting words into other people’s mouths. Stop acting like people are just “whining” about their personal performance when they are addressing legitimate balance concerns. You don’t care about game balance at all, you just want to hop on here and ######### talk other people can call them bad at the game over and over to feel “superior”. Quit stroking your ego. It’s shallow and annoying. 

    Raising concerns about legitimate balance concerns is supporting the game by the way. If the developers didn’t listen to any feedback at all, you’d have a player base that is disappointed with the game. Which would equate to less referrals from current players to possible new players, bad reviews, less players, ect. It’s called constructive criticism to improve the quality of the product to appeal to more potential players, as well as satisfy existing players so they continue to support and play the game.

    Myself and others stay because the developers actually listen to our feedback, even negative feedback and improve the game. It has VASTLY improved and I am more than happy to tell the developers they are doing a great job. Ever since their split from Starbreeze they have done wonderful things, I will continue to give my feedback, both criticism and positive so they can take it into consideration and work to improve the game. If you don’t like it, there’s the damn door. Nobody cares if some ego stroking narcissist who’s got nothing constructive to say, and only exist here to put others down leaves.

    Y I K E S.
    One day you'll be better at the game my dude - reading this was absolutely the toughest thing I've had to do all day.

  • Dreamnomad
    Dreamnomad Member Posts: 3,965

    @SenzuDuck said:

    Y I K E S.
    One day you'll be better at the game my dude - reading this was absolutely the toughest thing I've had to do all day.

    You actually read all that? What's the short version? I see a wall of text like that and immediately decide it isn't worth the time.

  • Rebel_Raven
    Rebel_Raven Member Posts: 1,775

    I don't care what they say, if I'm remotely serious (event time, I'm not, really), and I want a remote chance at fun, I'm still dodging SWFs.

    Been playing a lot of SWFs just kinda goofing off, testing the waters, and trying to get some event done. My faith is not restored. Still generally not fun.
    The -only- advantage is when they realize I'm not going to bother them beyond trying to get special hooks, and they communicate it to their pals so they get the hint faster, and that's not quite common enough, and will likely whither like the plants post event.

    After the event, it's back to dodging.

  • CrtKazz
    CrtKazz Member Posts: 214
    They should make it so that you can’t rank up if you’re in a SWF group. It doesn’t positively or negatively affect your rank you can just try to get blood points and have fun with friends. If you want to be competitive though you have to play solo. Just a thought. Also maybe if a killer beats a 4 man SWF maybe they get a bonus at the end if they did well? Give killers a reason to want to go for a challenge and it will stop survivors from moving the ranks they probably shouldn’t belong if they played solo.
  • Dreamnomad
    Dreamnomad Member Posts: 3,965

    @Rebel_Raven said:
    I don't care what they say, if I'm remotely serious (event time, I'm not, really), and I want a remote chance at fun, I'm still dodging SWFs.

    No one ever said that you couldn't dodge SWF lobbies. Personally, I think you are limiting your growth as a killer. Most of my best games were against SWF.

  • Rebel_Raven
    Rebel_Raven Member Posts: 1,775

    @Dreamnomad said:

    @Rebel_Raven said:
    I don't care what they say, if I'm remotely serious (event time, I'm not, really), and I want a remote chance at fun, I'm still dodging SWFs.

    No one ever said that you couldn't dodge SWF lobbies. Personally, I think you are limiting your growth as a killer. Most of my best games were against SWF.

    Just putting fair warning out there, regardless. There was a call put out for thoughts.
    My thoughts are most SWFs are still intent on abusing the coordination SWF helps create.

    It still sounds like "See? Intended! You gotta play with us!" when people blanket defend SWFs.

    I'm not really looking to "grow" as a killer, or a survivor, personally, beyond unlocking stuff that might help. I just want to play, and not worry so hard about what I have to do, or deal with a 4 minute game.
    If I get better at it, then I do. If not, then I'm ok with that.
    I don't feel like I'm garbage at the game (though it probably seems otherwise when it comes to events, and ritiuals), but I'm far from confident enough to go after coordinated groups.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095
    SenzuDuck said:

    @Tsulan said:
    Devs claimed that face camping is  not bannable, only to remove it shortly after. 

    How is this a lie? Changing a game mechanic because it absolutely 100% prevented normal gameplay is not them accepting it's bannable, it's getting rid of a ######### mechanic.

    Devs claimed that only 22% of all survivors use SC.

    Old statistics, i'm sure it's much higher now.

    Or that they know that the high kill rate of Freddy originated from survivors disconnecting, only to nerf him because of that high kill rate. They admitted that they went to far with the Freddy nerf, but that was a year ago with no buff.

    Again, how is this a lie? They, as you state "admitted" they went too far with the Freddy nerf and have said they're buffing him next, what part of any of that is a lie, it seems like a whole lot of transparency to me.

    The list goes on and on.

    The pre release streams said the survivor should feel scared and the killer should camp. 
    Now they changed their opinion on this regard and prefer that the killer has the role of the party clown. (They also said NO CLOWNS!)
  • Mc_Harty
    Mc_Harty Member Posts: 3,293

    Of course it's beatable. I've been saying this since day 1 of these forums. My issue with SWF is that, like Freddy, is exhausting. You eventually need a break from it after a while.

    Honestly, it's nice to dispel this myth that SWF wasn't intended for the game. Really refreshing.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    @Tsulan said:

    Devs claimed that face camping is  not bannable, only to remove it shortly after. 
    Devs claimed that only 22% of all survivors use SC.
    Or that they know that the high kill rate of Freddy originated from survivors disconnecting, only to nerf him because of that high kill rate. They admitted that they went to far with the Freddy nerf, but that was a year ago with no buff.
    The list goes on and on.

    None of those things makes them liars. Don't get me wrong here. I'm a critical thinker. I don't accept every single thing they say as fact. They are human and humans make mistakes. Having listened to a couple of these different videos they have at the very least appeared to try and be honest and transparent. I don't believe they have some secret agenda to screw over their player base. They are bound to get things wrong from time to time. But making an honest mistake is different from intentionally lying.

    SWF was rushed in after to many survivors lobby dodged. They never said on a pre release stream that they are planning SWF or something like that. They always said that's a 1vs1vs1vs1vs the killer, where teamplay might increase your chances to survive. They always balanced around solo players. Now they suddenly claim SWF was planned from the beginning?
    I really find that hard to believe. 

    They also said no clowns. I doubt they can pop out a new killer in a month. 
    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243
    SenzuDuck said:

    So for those of you that continue to say this game was never meant to have "SWF" what are your thoughts now?


    Just an interesting thing from the stream today that is always usually pretty controversial, interested in what people have to say about this "cheat mode"?

    SWF gives all four survivors information that solo Q survivors wouldn't have which wasn't how the game was balanced around. The developers are even thinking about adding Kindred to the survivor's main kit which I'm totally fine. However, it comes to show that they wasn't prepared for the consequences and they are just now thinking about this change after 2 years of SWF.

    PS: @SenzuDuck, you should stop being a cyber bully and pick on someone your own size.
  • only1biggs
    only1biggs Member Posts: 1,178

    Nobody cares if some ego stroking narcissist who’s got nothing constructive to say, and only exist here to put others down leaves.

    @SovererignKing said:

    I don’t even know where to begin with the bullshit that’s spewing out of your mouth.

    Are you literally that dense?

    Irrelevent? You have got to be shitting me.

    Dont bother with your petty little bullshit about “you’re just whining”. Everyone knows that’s your cop out deflection you spew out every time you get your ass backed into a corner. You toss some petty personal attacks on their ability to play the game to try to tilt the person.

    I never said I needed help, but hey, again, shove words into my mouth again like you always do. Keep making ######### up to fit your narrative, you’re good at that.


    Do everyone here a favor and stop putting words into other people’s mouths.

    I probably butchered the quoting, but, just wanted to highlight that SovererignKing doesn't add anything constructive to the forum and just puts people down in a passive aggressive manner or otherwise. May also be a hypocrite.

This discussion has been closed.