When is it OK to minecraft yourself on hook?

I had a tunnelling and camping wraith and I could tell that the whole team was on it's way to try to save.
I tried to minecraft myself, but of corse wound up Kobeing. Wraith uncloaked during the animation and re-downed me.
In post chat got a lot of salt from fellow survivors, but I saved them from a 4k. (Wraith only got 1 other after a 5 gen chase)
in what world does minecraft = suicide
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Do you mean suicide on hook?
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yeah, id say thats actually justified. its not like you were doing it at the start of the game but at the end while trying to help the team out
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I'd say do it whenever it makes sense to. If you're not having fun, your teammates might get pissed, but you're unlikely to see them again anyway with queues as fast as they are.
Your example makes sense. It was an altruistic thing and the longer you stayed, the more likely it'd be that they'd all end up going down. They might get pissed at that too, but oh well lol