I’ve been very sad lately struggling to find happiness

GannTM Member Posts: 10,910

I really need to let this out. So lately in my personal life I’ve been feeling emotionally down and have been wanting to give up on life. It’s causing me to come here and act toxic towards others which is something I regret. It’s just been rough for me as a lot of things that I’ve loved just don’t seem to exist anymore and there’s too many things overwhelming me to the point where I don’t know what to do. I also feel super lonely every single day which I really have a hard time dealing with. Sometimes I just sit and wonder if I’m actually dealing with some kind of depression or not.

Can anyone please give me some advice on how I can find happiness in my life?



  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,784

    Emotions are a balance the fact that you feel sad now just means you are able to feel a lot happier later on, so its both a blessing and a curse to feel sad

  • JustWhimsical
    JustWhimsical Member Posts: 590
    edited September 2021

    Please don't take what you did previously too hard its understandable, you are going through a hard time so don't take it like just because you did things that weren't that nice, it really doesn't define who you are, so please forgive yourself for those things and look past them, I'm sure you are a very pleasant person to be around. Just all these overwhelming things in your life are upsetting you and that happens to a lot of people in life, people say things that they don't mean to in moments where they feel lots of stress because they don't know what else to say.

    While I wouldn't recommend letting people on the internet diagnose you, I think you need to start looking for things to make you happy, if the things that made you happy prior don't anymore. You could always start going into new things to do and hobbies like if a game makes you upset play a different game or start a new thing entirely because you shouldn't keep doing the things that make you sad in the end its much better for your health and wellbeing if you switch it out.

    I won't pretend to be an expert on these things, but you need to find people you enjoy and have fun with, if you need a better support system like friends to do things with you can always start anytime you want, though I wouldn't use them merely as support for you, but rather people to talk to and be able to be around.

    Know you aren't alone and that many people can be very understanding of what you are going through right now, so please don't feel like you shouldn't be able to say these things. I for one may not know you very well, but I really do hope the best for you I know I'm not the best at giving advice, but I hope I could do something to help you, I hope that someone who is more equipped to deal with these things than I will be here shortly to offer more advice because I am only speaking from experience.

    Sending much love and I hope that you find plenty of things in life to make you happy, if you need anything ill to be here to talk to you I may not know what to say, but ill try my best I promise. <3

  • GannTM
    GannTM Member Posts: 10,910

    Thank you all for the encouraging words. I had a fun night of DBD tonight so I'm feeling a little better. I have my moments where I feel like everything will be fine but eventually something has to come bring me back down. Earlier before I ate dinner, I was frustrated enough to the point where just felt like ending it all right there. I knew it was going to do no good doing that though. I do have a good family and good friends to be grateful for but I don't feel like I ever get to see them anymore like I used to a while back. I'm alone most days and honestly grateful to have the DBD forums to interact with people like y'all. It's one of the reasons DBD made such an impact in my life compared to any other game I've played.

    I'll certainly take your advice though as I'm trying my hardest to look over the negatives and be thankful for the positives.

  • JustWhimsical
    JustWhimsical Member Posts: 590

    Its understandable nobody can expect you to be calm all the time, so please don't worry about it I'm just glad that its calmer and not as negative anymore and I am really happy you have a good support system, please I know it's not nice to say this, but if you are feeling like doing something like that, think about the people in your life that love you and care for you. They are there for you and they would be crushed if anything were to happen to you, people may not show it sometimes, but you do matter to them and if you were to disappear it would only bring pain and grief.

    Many things in life can be hard, but those should be moved past on and a focus should be on the thing that brings joy to you, I know that this may be a bit confusing, but my point is you should focus on the things that make you happy instead of focusing on the things that make you sad. Things will get better and it's important to remember that the bad is never there to stay unless you make it stay, things do get better and will get better for you it just takes time like most things.

    Again sorry if what I said was a bit confusing.

  • glitchboi
    glitchboi Member Posts: 6,025

    Honestly I can genuinely relate to you.

    I'm a loner in the outside world, which is why I try to have discussions with people on here, people that like DBD like me. It's my method of coping, as well as talking to online friends.

    Also, it's okay to lash out sometimes, I get aggressive at times but we always feel regret about it, don't worry about it too much.

    And finally, don't be afraid to talk to any friends! I'm sure they care about you, and won't hesitate to be there for you. And don't be afraid to talk to the people here either, many of us are really cool people, for instance, @QwQw is a really nice fella once you get to know him.

    I'm glad you're getting better, and believe it or not, I'm 100% there's people out there that care for you. I'm not good at this stuff but... yeah.

  • GannTM
    GannTM Member Posts: 10,910

    You’re absolutely right. No need to apologize for saying it. It really pains me that I felt that way, because I do have people in my life that care for me and they would be very heartbroken if something did happen to me. If I do think that way again then it’s best to keep them in mind.

  • GannTM
    GannTM Member Posts: 10,910

    Oh yeah, I’ve met a lot of people on the forums and I’ve met so many cool people, including you. That is a positive in my life and is in fact a major positive. Never thought joining the forums would impact me this way, but it has and I just love and am grateful to be here. ❤️

  • QwQw
    QwQw Member Posts: 4,531

    Glad to hear I was at least a little useful, lol. I really hope you can find happiness. You're one of the best people on this forum, man.

    I could say the same to you, my friend (:

  • GannTM
    GannTM Member Posts: 10,910

    You don’t know how much those words really warm my heart up man ❤️

  • glitchboi
    glitchboi Member Posts: 6,025
  • GannTM
    GannTM Member Posts: 10,910

    I actually feel good today. I went to a tutor session for chemistry class and feel good about the material and currently at lunch. Thanks for asking!

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781

    sorry to hear about that bud

  • JexxTron
    JexxTron Member Posts: 228

    Me too. Same thing. I started playing so I could make some friends that wouldn't abandon me. Well, maybe on a hook. Just know that there are others that feel the same way. I will see if you are on line. We can die together.

  • Fobbo
    Fobbo Member Posts: 452

    I dont know what advice i would give but usually when i'm feeling down i like to hang out and chill with friends

  • GannTM
    GannTM Member Posts: 10,910

    I usually walk my dog around my neighborhood and it does make me feel good doing that. It is good to go outside and enjoy nature.

  • GannTM
    GannTM Member Posts: 10,910

    Yeah that is true. Thanks for the advice, it means a lot <3

  • Purgatorian
    Purgatorian Member Posts: 1,146

    I have suffered from depression anxiety and issues with my nerves for years. I have a lot of ups and downs, just take a look at my post history as my moods show there. I say this because there are people that understand what you're going through. You won't get any 'man up' or 'pull yourself together' which does not help in the slightest.

    My advice is go speak to a doctor, they will diagnose you and try you on medications to stabilise your mood. You may have to try a few medications before you find the one right for you. They may also talk about counselling, take the offer, sometimes it's just good to talk to someone about it. I am from the UK though so these are free on the NHS, with the exception of prescription charges.

    I urge you not to entertain the thoughts of taking your own life. It's hard as sometimes they are so 'noisy' up in your head, believe me I know. Please try and get help ASAP as suicide is final and there's no turning back from it.

    All life is precious, it ends too soon. Please don't make it sooner than it needs to be.

  • GannTM
    GannTM Member Posts: 10,910

    Yeah I do feel bad about feeling that way. I will certainly avoid stuff like that in the future. Anyways, thanks for the comment <3

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,534

    I know I’m a bit late here but just know there is always someone who does care about you and would be willing to hear you out whether it be a friend or family member.

    And don’t feel too bad about some of the things you’ve said. We all get a bit up in arms here and you’ve apologised for it before so it’s all forgiven

    Hope you feel better soon :)

  • charliebrown9061
    charliebrown9061 Member Posts: 73

    Okay this helped me out a bit... Maybe it works for you. I mean even to go to a psychologist you need some reason to go out. You need nothing for this except yourself.

    1. Commit to a 1 week experiment of setting aside at least 40 minutes a day to do this process.
    2. Sit down in place you will not be disturbed and tune into your 5 bodies (physical, mental, emotional, energetic, archetypal) for 8 minutes each.
    3. Let each of the 4 feelings anger, fear, sadness, joy come up for 2 minutes for each of the bodies and receive the information they provide you with about what you care about and what’s important for you.
    4. Write down the things your bodies need and what you want to take action on.
    5. Do the things you wrote down.

    I will now give an example for each body with one of the four feelings. In your process you would let come up all 4 feelings for each of the 5 bodies:

    Physical Body

    1. Feel your physical body, get a sense of the temperature, the pains and the stiffness you feel in your body.
    2. Let your anger come up, let it speak: For example: I am angry because my shoulders are stiff and hurt.
    3. Translate that into what you care about. I care about having relaxed shoulders and feeling alive and flexible in my body. Really connect with what you care about. When you know what you care about you know what you want. You become a different shape when you hold what you want in your being.
    4. Write down what you can take action on to feed my physical body. I can shake my body and my shoulders, and do some stretching so my shoulders experience relief.

    Mental Body

    1. Get a sense of what is going on in your mental body. What thoughts there are, how fast they come, how much clarity you have.
    2. Let your sadness come up. E. g.: I feel sad because I want clarity about hierarchy and want to have discourse about it with people.
    3. Find in that what you care about: For Example: I care about having clarity on the topic of hierarchy and about speaking with people about distinctions. Hold that in your being as a new possibility for creating connection.
    4. Write down an action you can take from your new shape and feed your mental body. I can ask a few friends if they want to create a space for speaking about hierarchy to find clarity and talk about distinctions.

    Emotional body

    1. Feel your heart center, your emotional body. Connect to what your heart longs for and wants.
    2. Let the fear in your heart come up and speak. E.g.: I feel fear about being vulnerable and showing my feelings to people because they might reject or attack me.
    3. Then translate to what you care about. I care about feeling my feelings and being seen and received with them. Really feel what you care about and let the new information land and inform your being.
    4. Write down an action you can take to feed your emotional body.

    Energetic body

    1. Sense your energetic body, the sense of space, of subtle sensations in and around your physical body.
    2. Let the Joy about your energetic body come up: I feel joy because I can sense how the energetics of my body are moving around, and my cells celebrate the sense of being alive.
    3. Find out what you care about. I care about feeling my energetic body and the aliveness of it.
    4. Write down an action that feeds your energetic body. I can meditate and keep my attention on my energetic body to feel the joy of being alive.

    Archetypal body

    1. Get hold of and sense your archetypal body and lineages. Listen to the four feeling archetypes of Warrioress, Sorceress, Communicatoress/Lover, and Spaceholder/King/Queen.
    2. Let your Warrioress anger come up about what you are here for and what you take a stand for. For Example: I feel anger because I have not taken a greater stand for conscious feelings work and because I have not put myself out into the world more with conscious feelings work.
    3. Distill what your archetypal body cares about. For Example: I care about taking a stand for conscious feelings work and offering my service to people. Let that really land in your being.
    4. Write down actions that could feed your archetypal body: I can write an article and create a worktalk about the 4 feelings 5 body process to share my fire and discoveries on conscious feelings work with people.

    As you can see, when you listen to your 5 bodies and start taking action on the information they provide you with, you will have plenty of things to do where your life before might have seemed empty and without a purpose. You will start living your life you came here to live.

  • latinfla4
    latinfla4 Member Posts: 2,119

    I hope you are feeling better.

    Make sure to take some time during your day to do something that makes you happy (like walking your dog) to help clear your mind.

    If you feel overwhelmed, prioritize what needs to be dealt with and then relax before dealing with the next problem.

    Be happy for you and your loved ones...never forget you are important to someone in your life.

    Try to smile...it will get better😇

  • MckFinn
    MckFinn Member Posts: 60

    Hi there! I recommend finding something you genuinely like and enjoy doing. Usually something calming and relaxed, like reading or (like my hobby) knitting. Don't overwhelm yourself with things that need to be done. And I'm serious about this, taking a few deep breaths when your angry or sad can really help to calm you and make you feel better. Also, you might want to stay away from social media and the toxic environment of DbD. I hope you feel better and find happiness!

  • JesseJH28
    JesseJH28 Member Posts: 483

    Some things that have really helped me over the years are having an "escape from the world" routine, self-care, and productivity. I had a lot of big changes in my life in my third year of college and quite literally spent half of my first semester that year lying in bed just dreading the future and where I was at in life. I was undoubtedly at my lowest low.

    I found a routine in powerlifting where I'd be in the gym for about two hours, five days a week, and wouldn't let myself think about anything to do with the outside world. That worked wonders for me, and it was something I fell in love with in time.

    It was hard to remember to do simple things like brushing my teeth. I'd set reminders on my phone to make sure I'd do that, trim my beard, etc... When I needed to do it. Just keeping up with my hygiene and appearance helped a ton.

    Homework, laundry, keeping my dorm clean were all just a few things I had to force myself to do otherwise I'd procrastinate. I'd make a list of what I needed to get done and would chip away at it starting with smaller things that would be easy to finish fast; once that list became shorter, the bigger tasks became easier. Doing this and just knowing that I wasn't sitting in my dorm doing nothing would brighten my mood so much.

    I really had to treat myself like a robot in order to be successful with all of this but by the end of the second semester, I had found a passion in powerlifting, didn't need those reminders on my phone, and would get things done without having to make a list. And with all of that, my mental health became SO much better. Obviously your experiences will be different from mine and anyone else's, but hopefully you'll be able to find something out of this that can help you! If nothing else, just know you're not alone 🖤