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The survivors buffs are bad for the game

I'm sure we all know that last year, dbd was a joke for an 'asymmetrical' horror game, as a good survivor could run most killers round most of the game, me often being one of said killers. For so long people asked for killer buffs and survivor nerfs, but people were too short-sited and now we have a predicament on our hands: Survivor is no fun to play anymore.

Now there are too many survivors becoming killer mains, causing incredibly long waiting time for killers, who don't want to play survivor, and will therefore just stop playing all together. As a killer main myself, i've never understood why some killers complain so much. I get survivors needed tweaks and definitely something needed to be done, but this wasn't the something because survivor is so boring now. People always complained survivors could loop a killer all game, but they needed that because now, once you're in a chase, you can't loop all game so the killer can tunnel you until death. All you can do now is stealth and do gens which is fine to a point but you need some action to actually have fun.

People would always complain that the killer is called the killer because they are meant to kill you, not only get 2 kills, but survivors are called survivors you know, they're supposed to be good at it, and the whole point of an asymmetrical horror game is on average it should be 2 or 3 kills per game, as that's what a draw is and it's meant to be symmetrical. People also complain when good survivors outplay them and get 0 kills, but there's no complaints that killer is op when they outplay the survivors and get 4 kills. I get that some survivors are nasty and think they deserve to escape every game, but if you think about it, are killers not the entitled ones, always complaining survivors are op, like a 2-3 kill average isn't enough.

I think survivors didn't need this many nerfs, all i think was needed was some proper buffs to the weaker killers, so they were all made as good as nurse and billy, which did happen for hag and spirit, but none of the others. Please devs just give the survivors a chance so not everyone wants to play killer, and please stop doing general buffs that affect everyone, but instead keep doing buffs on the weaker killers, like what you've been doing. One last thing i'd say though is you should stop buffing addons like with wraith and trapper and do more base kit buffs like with hag and spirit.



  • Jack11803
    Jack11803 Member Posts: 3,930

    @Tsulan said:
    Can someone insert the "killer main" meme, please?

    Killer lobbies are only high, because survivors HAD to play killer. 4 times more killers = long queues. 

    That's it. Nothing else. Survivor hasn't become suddenly unfun or unplayable. 
    The healing nerf only increased teamwork.
    Now, after defending SWF for ages, teamwork is suddenly a bad thing?
    Like, really?

    Survivor is still to easy, still to quick to complete the objective, SWF still OP, the majority of the killers are still not viable on high ranks, etc. 

    But survivor mains think that the increased lobby queues for killers mean that every survivor left the game. Which is simply nonsense.

    It’s a bit dusty, but here

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095
    Jack11803 said:

    @Jack11803 said:

    @Tsulan said:
    Can someone insert the "killer main" meme, please?

    Killer lobbies are only high, because survivors HAD to play killer. 4 times more killers = long queues. 

    That's it. Nothing else. Survivor hasn't become suddenly unfun or unplayable. 
    The healing nerf only increased teamwork.
    Now, after defending SWF for ages, teamwork is suddenly a bad thing?
    Like, really?

    Survivor is still to easy, still to quick to complete the objective, SWF still OP, the majority of the killers are still not viable on high ranks, etc. 

    But survivor mains think that the increased lobby queues for killers mean that every survivor left the game. Which is simply nonsense.

    It’s a bit dusty, but here

    Whoops. Sorry I’m trying a new build

    I was thinking more of the trapper or huntress mask meme.
    But ok.
  • No_Cluie_Louis
    No_Cluie_Louis Member Posts: 1,093

    @JanTheMan said:
    Expect survivors don't win by escaping, they win by pipping...

    Could say the same for killers

  • No_Cluie_Louis
    No_Cluie_Louis Member Posts: 1,093

    @Tsulan said:
    Can someone insert the "killer main" meme, please?

    Killer lobbies are only high, because survivors HAD to play killer. 4 times more killers = long queues. 

    That's it. Nothing else. Survivor hasn't become suddenly unfun or unplayable. 
    The healing nerf only increased teamwork.
    Now, after defending SWF for ages, teamwork is suddenly a bad thing?
    Like, really?

    Survivor is still to easy, still to quick to complete the objective, SWF still OP, the majority of the killers are still not viable on high ranks, etc. 

    But survivor mains think that the increased lobby queues for killers mean that every survivor left the game. Which is simply nonsense.

    Like i said before, the nerfs weren't what done right as SWF is indeed still OP and an objective based team will probably all escape. On the other hand if not SWF and your team isn't too objective based, as long as your against a good killer, one of none of you will escape. As for what you said about pipping, it's really easy to pip as killer, even if you only get 2 kills

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    @No_Cluie_Louis said:

    @Tsulan said:
    Can someone insert the "killer main" meme, please?

    Killer lobbies are only high, because survivors HAD to play killer. 4 times more killers = long queues. 

    That's it. Nothing else. Survivor hasn't become suddenly unfun or unplayable. 
    The healing nerf only increased teamwork.
    Now, after defending SWF for ages, teamwork is suddenly a bad thing?
    Like, really?

    Survivor is still to easy, still to quick to complete the objective, SWF still OP, the majority of the killers are still not viable on high ranks, etc. 

    But survivor mains think that the increased lobby queues for killers mean that every survivor left the game. Which is simply nonsense.

    Like i said before, the nerfs weren't what done right as SWF is indeed still OP and an objective based team will probably all escape. On the other hand if not SWF and your team isn't too objective based, as long as your against a good killer, one of none of you will escape. As for what you said about pipping, it's really easy to pip as killer, even if you only get 2 kills

    It´s also really easy to pip as a survivor. 1 unhook + 1 gen = pip. You really have to be the first to be found + camped/tunneled to depip.

  • Eninya
    Eninya Member Posts: 1,256

    @JanTheMan said:
    Expect survivors don't win by escaping, they win by pipping...

    Literally no one cares about the Emblem system in the grand scheme. It's a huge reason why rank means nothing.

  • No_Cluie_Louis
    No_Cluie_Louis Member Posts: 1,093

    @Tsulan said:

    @No_Cluie_Louis said:

    @Tsulan said:
    Can someone insert the "killer main" meme, please?

    Killer lobbies are only high, because survivors HAD to play killer. 4 times more killers = long queues. 

    That's it. Nothing else. Survivor hasn't become suddenly unfun or unplayable. 
    The healing nerf only increased teamwork.
    Now, after defending SWF for ages, teamwork is suddenly a bad thing?
    Like, really?

    Survivor is still to easy, still to quick to complete the objective, SWF still OP, the majority of the killers are still not viable on high ranks, etc. 

    But survivor mains think that the increased lobby queues for killers mean that every survivor left the game. Which is simply nonsense.

    Like i said before, the nerfs weren't what done right as SWF is indeed still OP and an objective based team will probably all escape. On the other hand if not SWF and your team isn't too objective based, as long as your against a good killer, one of none of you will escape. As for what you said about pipping, it's really easy to pip as killer, even if you only get 2 kills

    It´s also really easy to pip as a survivor. 1 unhook + 1 gen = pip. You really have to be the first to be found + camped/tunneled to depip.

    Exactly, where as killers will never de pip, as even if they get no kills, which is usually their own fault unlike a survivor being tunnelled, they can make up for it in other categories

  • No_Cluie_Louis
    No_Cluie_Louis Member Posts: 1,093

    @Eninya said:

    @JanTheMan said:
    Expect survivors don't win by escaping, they win by pipping...

    Literally no one cares about the Emblem system in the grand scheme. It's a huge reason why rank means nothing.

    Ikr, the rank system means only one thing to me: Longer waiting times for games

  • No_Cluie_Louis
    No_Cluie_Louis Member Posts: 1,093

    @WhateverIGuess said:
    Let's nerf vaulting instead of focusing on bigger problems like genrush. yay

    My point exactly

  • No_Cluie_Louis
    No_Cluie_Louis Member Posts: 1,093

    @altruistic said:
    Been playing for 4 hours at R1. Escaped one match. Literal bot survivors when you're solo queue. What a nightmare.

    I can't get a killer game because everyone is trying to play killer

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291
    What I don't understand is the length of time they took to add in another objective, the event shows it can be done and what happens when they do in comparison to the usual do gens and get out.

    How much work have they done over the past months that may need to be reworked if they decide to add them? Just seems like more objectives which lots of people asked for was the over all better solution to prolong the games imo.
  • No_Cluie_Louis
    No_Cluie_Louis Member Posts: 1,093

    @twistedmonkey said:
    What I don't understand is the length of time they took to add in another objective, the event shows it can be done and what happens when they do in comparison to the usual do gens and get out.

    How much work have they done over the past months that may need to be reworked if they decide to add them? Just seems like more objectives which lots of people asked for was the over all better solution to prolong the games imo.

    On the other hand though. These flowers are the reason no one is playing survivor, it's just too difficult to do 5 gens + 5 shorter gens

  • Radiant
    Radiant Member Posts: 187
    Hopefully devs will fix that horrid patch.
  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291

    On the other hand though. These flowers are the reason no one is playing survivor, it's just too difficult to do 5 gens + 5 shorter gens

    That was my point ;), in adding another objective into this event some of the nerf's over the past few months seem like they could be obsolete and need reverting or reworked.

    A Fog Whisperer did say on stream the event it was a test regarding more objectives being added into the game, they said the devs want to remove bloodlust from the game and also the healing nerf would no longer be needed, just two examples of changes made which could need to be reworked.

  • MhhBurgers
    MhhBurgers Member Posts: 1,758

    @twistedmonkey said:

    On the other hand though. These flowers are the reason no one is playing survivor, it's just too difficult to do 5 gens + 5 shorter gens

    That was my point ;), in adding another objective into this event some of the nerf's over the past few months seem like they could be obsolete and need reverting or reworked.

    A Fog Whisperer did say on stream the event it was a test regarding more objectives being added into the game, they said the devs want to remove bloodlust from the game and also the healing nerf would no longer be needed, just two examples of changes made which could need to be reworked.

    Except that the healing changes were pretty good, taking a hit is a decision now, before this patch I'd just run up and take a hit mindlessly for the WGLF stack. You are being punished for being hit esp if the killer has Sloppy Butcher. Also survivors don't need more objectives to get to the same goal (gates), they need more ways to escape to make the game more dynamic (like make survivors solve up to X puzzles to open a secret exit in e.g the killer shack, just a random idea thrown out there) but I feel like that's out of reach for the devs.

  • PigNRun
    PigNRun Member Posts: 2,428
    Tsulan said:
    Jack11803 said:

    @Jack11803 said:

    @Tsulan said:
    Can someone insert the "killer main" meme, please?

    Killer lobbies are only high, because survivors HAD to play killer. 4 times more killers = long queues. 

    That's it. Nothing else. Survivor hasn't become suddenly unfun or unplayable. 
    The healing nerf only increased teamwork.
    Now, after defending SWF for ages, teamwork is suddenly a bad thing?
    Like, really?

    Survivor is still to easy, still to quick to complete the objective, SWF still OP, the majority of the killers are still not viable on high ranks, etc. 

    But survivor mains think that the increased lobby queues for killers mean that every survivor left the game. Which is simply nonsense.

    It’s a bit dusty, but here

    Whoops. Sorry I’m trying a new build

    I was thinking more of the trapper or huntress mask meme.
    But ok.
    You mean this one.

  • No_Cluie_Louis
    No_Cluie_Louis Member Posts: 1,093

    @MhhBurgers said:

    @twistedmonkey said:

    On the other hand though. These flowers are the reason no one is playing survivor, it's just too difficult to do 5 gens + 5 shorter gens

    That was my point ;), in adding another objective into this event some of the nerf's over the past few months seem like they could be obsolete and need reverting or reworked.

    A Fog Whisperer did say on stream the event it was a test regarding more objectives being added into the game, they said the devs want to remove bloodlust from the game and also the healing nerf would no longer be needed, just two examples of changes made which could need to be reworked.

    Except that the healing changes were pretty good, taking a hit is a decision now, before this patch I'd just run up and take a hit mindlessly for the WGLF stack. You are being punished for being hit esp if the killer has Sloppy Butcher. Also survivors don't need more objectives to get to the same goal (gates), they need more ways to escape to make the game more dynamic (like make survivors solve up to X puzzles to open a secret exit in e.g the killer shack, just a random idea thrown out there) but I feel like that's out of reach for the devs.

    I totally agree with you, the game doesn't need more objectives that you have to do, it needs a bigger variety, meaning there are multiple ways to leave the trial, similarly to what friday the 13th and white noise 2 have done. Also yes the healing changes were great as now it's not as bad for the killer to leave the chase they're in to go fro easier prey.

  • No_Cluie_Louis
    No_Cluie_Louis Member Posts: 1,093

    @PigNRun said:
    Tsulan said:

    Jack11803 said:

    @Jack11803 said:

     @Tsulan said:
    Can someone insert the "killer main" meme, please?
      Killer lobbies are only high, because survivors HAD to play killer. 4 times more killers = long queues. 
      That's it. Nothing else. Survivor hasn't become suddenly unfun or unplayable. 
    The healing nerf only increased teamwork.
    Now, after defending SWF for ages, teamwork is suddenly a bad thing?

    Like, really?

    Survivor is still to easy, still to quick to complete the objective, SWF still OP, the majority of the killers are still not viable on high ranks, etc. 

    But survivor mains think that the increased lobby queues for killers mean that every survivor left the game. Which is simply nonsense.

    It’s a bit dusty, but here

    Whoops. Sorry I’m trying a new build

    I was thinking more of the trapper or huntress mask meme.
    But ok.

    You mean this one.

    See i get that a lot for defending survivors but im just a killer main who has common sense rather than just complaining that survivors are op. Sure, quite a few killer such as freddy are weak, but survivors arent op (except for maybe gen rushing swf), a nurse, billy, hag, or spirit can easily get a 3k at rank 1

  • Jack11803
    Jack11803 Member Posts: 3,930
    edited October 2018

    @No_Cluie_Louis said:

    @PigNRun said:
    Tsulan said:

    Jack11803 said:

    @Jack11803 said:

     @Tsulan said:
    Can someone insert the "killer main" meme, please?
      Killer lobbies are only high, because survivors HAD to play killer. 4 times more killers = long queues. 
      That's it. Nothing else. Survivor hasn't become suddenly unfun or unplayable. 
    The healing nerf only increased teamwork.
    Now, after defending SWF for ages, teamwork is suddenly a bad thing?

    Like, really?

    Survivor is still to easy, still to quick to complete the objective, SWF still OP, the majority of the killers are still not viable on high ranks, etc. 

    But survivor mains think that the increased lobby queues for killers mean that every survivor left the game. Which is simply nonsense.

    It’s a bit dusty, but here

    Whoops. Sorry I’m trying a new build

    I was thinking more of the trapper or huntress mask meme.
    But ok.

    You mean this one.

    See i get that a lot for defending survivors but im just a killer main who has common sense rather than just complaining that survivors are op. Sure, quite a few killer such as freddy are weak, but survivors arent op (except for maybe gen rushing swf), a nurse, billy, hag, or spirit can easily get a 3k at rank 1

    Yeah, I basically never lose, hell even tie in PS4.

  • CallMeRusty420
    CallMeRusty420 Member Posts: 615
    edited October 2018

    @altruistic said:
    Been playing for 4 hours at R1. Escaped one match. Literal bot survivors when you're solo queue. What a nightmare.

    Since surv is so easy you get boosted survs at rank 1 when in fact they should be playing at rank 10 or higher. It sucks but this is DbD after all

  • ConsoleNurse
    ConsoleNurse Member Posts: 170
    edited October 2018
    Survivors keep nerfing for 8 month over and over what are u talking about?
    P.s: I only disagree with vault nerf
  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    @PigNRun said:
    Tsulan said:

    Jack11803 said:

    @Jack11803 said:

     @Tsulan said:
    Can someone insert the "killer main" meme, please?
      Killer lobbies are only high, because survivors HAD to play killer. 4 times more killers = long queues. 
      That's it. Nothing else. Survivor hasn't become suddenly unfun or unplayable. 
    The healing nerf only increased teamwork.
    Now, after defending SWF for ages, teamwork is suddenly a bad thing?

    Like, really?

    Survivor is still to easy, still to quick to complete the objective, SWF still OP, the majority of the killers are still not viable on high ranks, etc. 

    But survivor mains think that the increased lobby queues for killers mean that every survivor left the game. Which is simply nonsense.

    It’s a bit dusty, but here

    Whoops. Sorry I’m trying a new build

    I was thinking more of the trapper or huntress mask meme.
    But ok.

    You mean this one.

    YES! Thank you!

  • Someissues
    Someissues Member Posts: 1,604

    Dumb thread, Solo players must be buff to SWF standards then they will balance the game around SWF, which they already started in the first place

  • Greater_Cultist
    Greater_Cultist Member Posts: 81

    Survivor hasn't been less fun in my experience after the nerfs and said nerfs have had a minimal impact on my survival rate. In my opinion, nerfs are still needed for the survivor side and some killers need buffs/reworks (Trappy boi).

  • No_Cluie_Louis
    No_Cluie_Louis Member Posts: 1,093

    @Greater_Cultist said:
    Survivor hasn't been less fun in my experience after the nerfs and said nerfs have had a minimal impact on my survival rate. In my opinion, nerfs are still needed for the survivor side and some killers need buffs/reworks (Trappy boi).

    I agree but paired with the *'new objectives' it's been too much, hence why everyone is playing killer this event

  • No_Cluie_Louis
    No_Cluie_Louis Member Posts: 1,093

    @CallMeRusty420 said:

    @altruistic said:
    Been playing for 4 hours at R1. Escaped one match. Literal bot survivors when you're solo queue. What a nightmare.

    Since surv is so easy you get boosted survs at rank 1 when in fact they should be playing at rank 10 or higher. It sucks but this is DbD after all

    same goes for both killer and survivor, pipping is just no challenge any more, so you got idiots at both sides at rank 1, hence the bullying

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095
    Honestly bring back all the survivor changes (except for the exhaustion one because that one was extra stupid) and just straight up increase the time to do gens. I don't get why it's that hard to do. Sure they'll get backlash, but they're getting backlash either way so they might as well say [BAD WORD] it and do it. Instead of a gen being done in 80 seconds make it 120 seconds and then see how it works out. Maybe remove items like bnps or even toolboxes in general so gens don't pop left and right. 

    The game is horrible for solo survivors and super easy for tryhard swfs now because they know that the game can be over in 3 minutes so they become super sweaty to try and piss the killer off. Solos are usually there to have a bit of fun playing the game, cleanse a totem, open up a chest etc which will most likely make them end up on a hook and that really is no fun. This is pretty much the main reason why I haven't put any effort or bloodpoints into survivor.
    No, just no!
    Gens are one of the most boring things that exist in a video game. Making it take longer would be terrible. 
    Just give survivors a new objective and then see how that turns out. 
  • MhhBurgers
    MhhBurgers Member Posts: 1,758

    @Tsulan said:
    EntityDispleased said:

    Honestly bring back all the survivor changes (except for the exhaustion one because that one was extra stupid) and just straight up increase the time to do gens. I don't get why it's that hard to do. Sure they'll get backlash, but they're getting backlash either way so they might as well say [BAD WORD] it and do it. Instead of a gen being done in 80 seconds make it 120 seconds and then see how it works out. Maybe remove items like bnps or even toolboxes in general so gens don't pop left and right. 

    The game is horrible for solo survivors and super easy for tryhard swfs now because they know that the game can be over in 3 minutes so they become super sweaty to try and piss the killer off. Solos are usually there to have a bit of fun playing the game, cleanse a totem, open up a chest etc which will most likely make them end up on a hook and that really is no fun. This is pretty much the main reason why I haven't put any effort or bloodpoints into survivor.

    No, just no!
    Gens are one of the most boring things that exist in a video game. Making it take longer would be terrible. 
    Just give survivors a new objective and then see how that turns out. 

    Holding m1 for 80 secs is already tedious enough.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095
    Tsulan said:
    Honestly bring back all the survivor changes (except for the exhaustion one because that one was extra stupid) and just straight up increase the time to do gens. I don't get why it's that hard to do. Sure they'll get backlash, but they're getting backlash either way so they might as well say [BAD WORD] it and do it. Instead of a gen being done in 80 seconds make it 120 seconds and then see how it works out. Maybe remove items like bnps or even toolboxes in general so gens don't pop left and right. 

    The game is horrible for solo survivors and super easy for tryhard swfs now because they know that the game can be over in 3 minutes so they become super sweaty to try and piss the killer off. Solos are usually there to have a bit of fun playing the game, cleanse a totem, open up a chest etc which will most likely make them end up on a hook and that really is no fun. This is pretty much the main reason why I haven't put any effort or bloodpoints into survivor.
    No, just no!
    Gens are one of the most boring things that exist in a video game. Making it take longer would be terrible. 
    Just give survivors a new objective and then see how that turns out. 
    I actually don't mind that either. But if things go back like they used to then the game won't be boring because you'll be able to get chased without going down in 10 seconds. And if you happen to escape you can go back to a gen and keep going back and forth between being chased and working towards the escape. 

    Basically the main problem is the objective itself, it gets done way too quick and this game only needs something that would extend the time it takes for survivors to escape. 
    Yes, gens get completed to fast. But increasing the gen repair time is not the solution. 
    One or two more objectives would slow down the game pace.
  • Vortexas
    Vortexas Member Posts: 757

    Is what most of the "Killer Mains" asking for nerfs in this thread look like.

  • ConsoleNurse
    ConsoleNurse Member Posts: 170

    @ConsoleNurse said:
    Survivors keep nerfing for 8 month over and over what are u talking about?
    P.s: I only disagree with vault nerf

    What a ridiculous argument. I hear this over and over and over in gaming forums.

    "They already nerfed vayne, she's balanced now"

    • Still has 60%+ winrate

    -another nerf comes

    "omg they already nerfed her, she sucks now"

    -Still has 58%+ winrate

    Put into DBD Survivors were let's say at 120% of the intended power level, if a patch brings them down to 115% then they're still more powerful and still need more nerfs. All of the nerfs so far were baby-glove nerfs that didn't fix the core issue of the game because the devs are afraid of the backlash

    If u think vayne is broken, you are probably gold or silver she is trash.
    P.S:She has %49 win rate
  • CoolAKn
    CoolAKn Member Posts: 677

    @Tsulan said:
    EntityDispleased said:

    Tsulan said:

    EntityDispleased said:

    Honestly bring back all the survivor changes (except for the exhaustion one because that one was extra stupid) and just straight up increase the time to do gens. I don't get why it's that hard to do. Sure they'll get backlash, but they're getting backlash either way so they might as well say [BAD WORD] it and do it. Instead of a gen being done in 80 seconds make it 120 seconds and then see how it works out. Maybe remove items like bnps or even toolboxes in general so gens don't pop left and right. 

    The game is horrible for solo survivors and super easy for tryhard swfs now because they know that the game can be over in 3 minutes so they become super sweaty to try and piss the killer off. Solos are usually there to have a bit of fun playing the game, cleanse a totem, open up a chest etc which will most likely make them end up on a hook and that really is no fun. This is pretty much the main reason why I haven't put any effort or bloodpoints into survivor.

    No, just no!
    Gens are one of the most boring things that exist in a video game. Making it take longer would be terrible. 
    Just give survivors a new objective and then see how that turns out. 

    I actually don't mind that either. But if things go back like they used to then the game won't be boring because you'll be able to get chased without going down in 10 seconds. And if you happen to escape you can go back to a gen and keep going back and forth between being chased and working towards the escape. 

    Basically the main problem is the objective itself, it gets done way too quick and this game only needs something that would extend the time it takes for survivors to escape. 

    Yes, gens get completed to fast. But increasing the gen repair time is not the solution. 
    One or two more objectives would slow down the game pace.

    I'm one of the survivors that doesn't mind doing generators. If they want to extend the game, they could add 5 more generators (require 10 to power the Exit Gates), but reduce the time needed to 60 seconds, I'd be fine with that. It would make gen rushing have a lesser effect in the overall game. Instead of 60% of the generators being completed at once, now only 30% of them are being completed.

    I'm slightly hesitant about adding a second objective (looking at how the flowers did not affect game play, as in they could be ignored with no consequence), but I'm willing to see what the devs think of. What kind of secondary objective would you like to see added?

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    @CoolAKn said:

    @Tsulan said:
    EntityDispleased said:

    Tsulan said:

    EntityDispleased said:

    Honestly bring back all the survivor changes (except for the exhaustion one because that one was extra stupid) and just straight up increase the time to do gens. I don't get why it's that hard to do. Sure they'll get backlash, but they're getting backlash either way so they might as well say [BAD WORD] it and do it. Instead of a gen being done in 80 seconds make it 120 seconds and then see how it works out. Maybe remove items like bnps or even toolboxes in general so gens don't pop left and right. 

    The game is horrible for solo survivors and super easy for tryhard swfs now because they know that the game can be over in 3 minutes so they become super sweaty to try and piss the killer off. Solos are usually there to have a bit of fun playing the game, cleanse a totem, open up a chest etc which will most likely make them end up on a hook and that really is no fun. This is pretty much the main reason why I haven't put any effort or bloodpoints into survivor.

    No, just no!
    Gens are one of the most boring things that exist in a video game. Making it take longer would be terrible. 
    Just give survivors a new objective and then see how that turns out. 

    I actually don't mind that either. But if things go back like they used to then the game won't be boring because you'll be able to get chased without going down in 10 seconds. And if you happen to escape you can go back to a gen and keep going back and forth between being chased and working towards the escape. 

    Basically the main problem is the objective itself, it gets done way too quick and this game only needs something that would extend the time it takes for survivors to escape. 

    Yes, gens get completed to fast. But increasing the gen repair time is not the solution. 
    One or two more objectives would slow down the game pace.

    I'm one of the survivors that doesn't mind doing generators. If they want to extend the game, they could add 5 more generators (require 10 to power the Exit Gates), but reduce the time needed to 60 seconds, I'd be fine with that. It would make gen rushing have a lesser effect in the overall game. Instead of 60% of the generators being completed at once, now only 30% of them are being completed.

    I'm slightly hesitant about adding a second objective (looking at how the flowers did not affect game play, as in they could be ignored with no consequence), but I'm willing to see what the devs think of. What kind of secondary objective would you like to see added?

    Gasoline and/or spare parts.
    Survivors would have to search and carry them in order to repair the gens. One gen could be simply out of fuel, another one would be missing some parts and the third one could be repairable like the ones we have now. This would allow new items + addons. BNP would have a real reason to exist, killer could focus on the healthy survivor who carries the gas can instead of the injured survivor who carries nothing, etc.

  • CoolAKn
    CoolAKn Member Posts: 677

    @Tsulan said:

    @CoolAKn said:

    @Tsulan said:
    EntityDispleased said:

    Tsulan said:

    EntityDispleased said:

    Honestly bring back all the survivor changes (except for the exhaustion one because that one was extra stupid) and just straight up increase the time to do gens. I don't get why it's that hard to do. Sure they'll get backlash, but they're getting backlash either way so they might as well say [BAD WORD] it and do it. Instead of a gen being done in 80 seconds make it 120 seconds and then see how it works out. Maybe remove items like bnps or even toolboxes in general so gens don't pop left and right. 

    The game is horrible for solo survivors and super easy for tryhard swfs now because they know that the game can be over in 3 minutes so they become super sweaty to try and piss the killer off. Solos are usually there to have a bit of fun playing the game, cleanse a totem, open up a chest etc which will most likely make them end up on a hook and that really is no fun. This is pretty much the main reason why I haven't put any effort or bloodpoints into survivor.

    No, just no!
    Gens are one of the most boring things that exist in a video game. Making it take longer would be terrible. 
    Just give survivors a new objective and then see how that turns out. 

    I actually don't mind that either. But if things go back like they used to then the game won't be boring because you'll be able to get chased without going down in 10 seconds. And if you happen to escape you can go back to a gen and keep going back and forth between being chased and working towards the escape. 

    Basically the main problem is the objective itself, it gets done way too quick and this game only needs something that would extend the time it takes for survivors to escape. 

    Yes, gens get completed to fast. But increasing the gen repair time is not the solution. 
    One or two more objectives would slow down the game pace.

    I'm one of the survivors that doesn't mind doing generators. If they want to extend the game, they could add 5 more generators (require 10 to power the Exit Gates), but reduce the time needed to 60 seconds, I'd be fine with that. It would make gen rushing have a lesser effect in the overall game. Instead of 60% of the generators being completed at once, now only 30% of them are being completed.

    I'm slightly hesitant about adding a second objective (looking at how the flowers did not affect game play, as in they could be ignored with no consequence), but I'm willing to see what the devs think of. What kind of secondary objective would you like to see added?

    Gasoline and/or spare parts.
    Survivors would have to search and carry them in order to repair the gens. One gen could be simply out of fuel, another one would be missing some parts and the third one could be repairable like the ones we have now. This would allow new items + addons. BNP would have a real reason to exist, killer could focus on the healthy survivor who carries the gas can instead of the injured survivor who carries nothing, etc.

    I like the idea of generators being 50/50. There are 8 generators on the map, so the survivors would need to find up to 4 gas cans and/or up to 4 spare parts. I would imagine that what ever part is needed would constitute 25% of a generator's progress. This would provide one of 2 scenarios. Scenario A: Once installed, the generator cannot be set back below 25%. Scenario B: Survivors can repair a generator up to 75% without the part. This way, there would be a rush to find parts and install them to guarantee progress on every generator.

    I imagine that Franklin's would force the part to drop (which I also imagine Franklin's would become meta with new items), of which I think it would be a good buff if Plunderer's Instinct allowed you to find dropped items by seeing their aura.

    Lastly, would these parts be found in chests or out in the open? Would they replace items, like med-kits and toolboxes, or would survivors be able to carry both?

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    @CoolAKn said:

    @Tsulan said:

    @CoolAKn said:

    @Tsulan said:
    EntityDispleased said:

    Tsulan said:

    EntityDispleased said:

    Honestly bring back all the survivor changes (except for the exhaustion one because that one was extra stupid) and just straight up increase the time to do gens. I don't get why it's that hard to do. Sure they'll get backlash, but they're getting backlash either way so they might as well say [BAD WORD] it and do it. Instead of a gen being done in 80 seconds make it 120 seconds and then see how it works out. Maybe remove items like bnps or even toolboxes in general so gens don't pop left and right. 

    The game is horrible for solo survivors and super easy for tryhard swfs now because they know that the game can be over in 3 minutes so they become super sweaty to try and piss the killer off. Solos are usually there to have a bit of fun playing the game, cleanse a totem, open up a chest etc which will most likely make them end up on a hook and that really is no fun. This is pretty much the main reason why I haven't put any effort or bloodpoints into survivor.

    No, just no!
    Gens are one of the most boring things that exist in a video game. Making it take longer would be terrible. 
    Just give survivors a new objective and then see how that turns out. 

    I actually don't mind that either. But if things go back like they used to then the game won't be boring because you'll be able to get chased without going down in 10 seconds. And if you happen to escape you can go back to a gen and keep going back and forth between being chased and working towards the escape. 

    Basically the main problem is the objective itself, it gets done way too quick and this game only needs something that would extend the time it takes for survivors to escape. 

    Yes, gens get completed to fast. But increasing the gen repair time is not the solution. 
    One or two more objectives would slow down the game pace.

    I'm one of the survivors that doesn't mind doing generators. If they want to extend the game, they could add 5 more generators (require 10 to power the Exit Gates), but reduce the time needed to 60 seconds, I'd be fine with that. It would make gen rushing have a lesser effect in the overall game. Instead of 60% of the generators being completed at once, now only 30% of them are being completed.

    I'm slightly hesitant about adding a second objective (looking at how the flowers did not affect game play, as in they could be ignored with no consequence), but I'm willing to see what the devs think of. What kind of secondary objective would you like to see added?

    Gasoline and/or spare parts.
    Survivors would have to search and carry them in order to repair the gens. One gen could be simply out of fuel, another one would be missing some parts and the third one could be repairable like the ones we have now. This would allow new items + addons. BNP would have a real reason to exist, killer could focus on the healthy survivor who carries the gas can instead of the injured survivor who carries nothing, etc.

    I like the idea of generators being 50/50. There are 8 generators on the map, so the survivors would need to find up to 4 gas cans and/or up to 4 spare parts. I would imagine that what ever part is needed would constitute 25% of a generator's progress. This would provide one of 2 scenarios. Scenario A: Once installed, the generator cannot be set back below 25%. Scenario B: Survivors can repair a generator up to 75% without the part. This way, there would be a rush to find parts and install them to guarantee progress on every generator.

    I imagine that Franklin's would force the part to drop (which I also imagine Franklin's would become meta with new items), of which I think it would be a good buff if Plunderer's Instinct allowed you to find dropped items by seeing their aura.

    Lastly, would these parts be found in chests or out in the open? Would they replace items, like med-kits and toolboxes, or would survivors be able to carry both?

    I think the new parts would have been to be found in special "containers" like a barrel with a gas can next to it.
    BNP could be lowered in rarity (or a "not so new part" added) which could be found in chests.
    Wouldn´t replace the med kits.
    Survivors would have to choose between the items.

    The toolboxes could be used for more things or maybe be more specialized.

    I love the idea of survivors specializing in certain tasks and making gen repair more interesting than "hold m1 until you fall asleep".

  • No_Cluie_Louis
    No_Cluie_Louis Member Posts: 1,093

    @CoolAKn said:

    @Tsulan said:
    EntityDispleased said:

    Tsulan said:

    EntityDispleased said:

    Honestly bring back all the survivor changes (except for the exhaustion one because that one was extra stupid) and just straight up increase the time to do gens. I don't get why it's that hard to do. Sure they'll get backlash, but they're getting backlash either way so they might as well say [BAD WORD] it and do it. Instead of a gen being done in 80 seconds make it 120 seconds and then see how it works out. Maybe remove items like bnps or even toolboxes in general so gens don't pop left and right. 

    The game is horrible for solo survivors and super easy for tryhard swfs now because they know that the game can be over in 3 minutes so they become super sweaty to try and piss the killer off. Solos are usually there to have a bit of fun playing the game, cleanse a totem, open up a chest etc which will most likely make them end up on a hook and that really is no fun. This is pretty much the main reason why I haven't put any effort or bloodpoints into survivor.

    No, just no!
    Gens are one of the most boring things that exist in a video game. Making it take longer would be terrible. 
    Just give survivors a new objective and then see how that turns out. 

    I actually don't mind that either. But if things go back like they used to then the game won't be boring because you'll be able to get chased without going down in 10 seconds. And if you happen to escape you can go back to a gen and keep going back and forth between being chased and working towards the escape. 

    Basically the main problem is the objective itself, it gets done way too quick and this game only needs something that would extend the time it takes for survivors to escape. 

    Yes, gens get completed to fast. But increasing the gen repair time is not the solution. 
    One or two more objectives would slow down the game pace.

    I'm one of the survivors that doesn't mind doing generators. If they want to extend the game, they could add 5 more generators (require 10 to power the Exit Gates), but reduce the time needed to 60 seconds, I'd be fine with that. It would make gen rushing have a lesser effect in the overall game. Instead of 60% of the generators being completed at once, now only 30% of them are being completed.

    I'm slightly hesitant about adding a second objective (looking at how the flowers did not affect game play, as in they could be ignored with no consequence), but I'm willing to see what the devs think of. What kind of secondary objective would you like to see added?

    Yeh but let's be honest the flowers were just generators that took slightly less time to do, and came with no buffs, so by adding them it was just a massive survivor nerf. New objectives are a good idea but no one wants extra gens that look like plants

  • No_Cluie_Louis
    No_Cluie_Louis Member Posts: 1,093

    @Vortexas said:
    Is what most of the "Killer Mains" asking for nerfs in this thread look like.

    See that's the majority of killers replies to a killer arguing for the survivors side, which is my exact original point, most killers complain so much the survivors are op that they are getting overly nerfed, the original nerfs were mostly fine, but as we all saw from the event, adding extra objectives ontop of that is too much

  • No_Cluie_Louis
    No_Cluie_Louis Member Posts: 1,093

    to those saying im not a killer main

  • MhhBurgers
    MhhBurgers Member Posts: 1,758
    edited October 2018

    @ConsoleNurse said:
    MhhBurgers said:

    @ConsoleNurse said:

    Survivors keep nerfing for 8 month over and over what are u talking about?

    P.s: I only disagree with vault nerf

    What a ridiculous argument. I hear this over and over and over in gaming forums.

    "They already nerfed vayne, she's balanced now"

    * Still has 60%+ winrate

    -another nerf comes

    "omg they already nerfed her, she sucks now"

    -Still has 58%+ winrate

    Put into DBD Survivors were let's say at 120% of the intended power level, if a patch brings them down to 115% then they're still more powerful and still need more nerfs. All of the nerfs so far were baby-glove nerfs that didn't fix the core issue of the game because the devs are afraid of the backlash

    If u think vayne is broken, you are probably gold or silver she is trash.
    P.S:She has %49 win rate

    I was talking about her in her in her early release /Facepalm

    Also I didn't play since S3 but I was diamond 2 there with a 78% winrate on twitch.

  • MhhBurgers
    MhhBurgers Member Posts: 1,758

    @CoolAKn said:

    @Tsulan said:
    EntityDispleased said:

    Tsulan said:

    EntityDispleased said:

    Honestly bring back all the survivor changes (except for the exhaustion one because that one was extra stupid) and just straight up increase the time to do gens. I don't get why it's that hard to do. Sure they'll get backlash, but they're getting backlash either way so they might as well say [BAD WORD] it and do it. Instead of a gen being done in 80 seconds make it 120 seconds and then see how it works out. Maybe remove items like bnps or even toolboxes in general so gens don't pop left and right. 

    The game is horrible for solo survivors and super easy for tryhard swfs now because they know that the game can be over in 3 minutes so they become super sweaty to try and piss the killer off. Solos are usually there to have a bit of fun playing the game, cleanse a totem, open up a chest etc which will most likely make them end up on a hook and that really is no fun. This is pretty much the main reason why I haven't put any effort or bloodpoints into survivor.

    No, just no!
    Gens are one of the most boring things that exist in a video game. Making it take longer would be terrible. 
    Just give survivors a new objective and then see how that turns out. 

    I actually don't mind that either. But if things go back like they used to then the game won't be boring because you'll be able to get chased without going down in 10 seconds. And if you happen to escape you can go back to a gen and keep going back and forth between being chased and working towards the escape. 

    Basically the main problem is the objective itself, it gets done way too quick and this game only needs something that would extend the time it takes for survivors to escape. 

    Yes, gens get completed to fast. But increasing the gen repair time is not the solution. 
    One or two more objectives would slow down the game pace.

    I'm one of the survivors that doesn't mind doing generators. If they want to extend the game, they could add 5 more generators (require 10 to power the Exit Gates), but reduce the time needed to 60 seconds, I'd be fine with that. It would make gen rushing have a lesser effect in the overall game. Instead of 60% of the generators being completed at once, now only 30% of them are being completed.

    I'm slightly hesitant about adding a second objective (looking at how the flowers did not affect game play, as in they could be ignored with no consequence), but I'm willing to see what the devs think of. What kind of secondary objective would you like to see added?

    Flowers could be ignored but they badly affected gameplay since ppl would suicide/not play to their fullest after they got their vial. A usual secondary objective wouldn't have such an impact.

  • ConsoleNurse
    ConsoleNurse Member Posts: 170

    @ConsoleNurse said:
    MhhBurgers said:

    @ConsoleNurse said:

    Survivors keep nerfing for 8 month over and over what are u talking about?

    P.s: I only disagree with vault nerf

    What a ridiculous argument. I hear this over and over and over in gaming forums.

    "They already nerfed vayne, she's balanced now"

    * Still has 60%+ winrate

    -another nerf comes

    "omg they already nerfed her, she sucks now"

    -Still has 58%+ winrate

    Put into DBD Survivors were let's say at 120% of the intended power level, if a patch brings them down to 115% then they're still more powerful and still need more nerfs. All of the nerfs so far were baby-glove nerfs that didn't fix the core issue of the game because the devs are afraid of the backlash

    If u think vayne is broken, you are probably gold or silver she is trash.
    P.S:She has %49 win rate

    I was talking about her in her in her early release /Facepalm

    Also I didn't play since S3 but I was diamond 2 there with a 78% winrate on twitch.

    Lol is trash atm.I only play aram private games with my friends
  • CallMeRusty420
    CallMeRusty420 Member Posts: 615
    edited October 2018

    @No_Cluie_Louis said:

    to those saying im not a killer main

    I like your outfit and weapon choice for your Trapper but I hate to say that anyone can reach P3 with any character relatively fast. And getting to red ranks is only a small fraction of a reflection of your skill since it's easy to get there. Like I'm stuck at rank 1 as my boy Trapper and all I get are skillless survs that can only loop and cannot juke for their lives lol.