SBMM is Broken and Unfair

MrHashtagYT Member Posts: 88


Post edited by MrHashtagYT on


  • coffeebydaylight
    coffeebydaylight Member Posts: 10

    When SBMM was first released most of my teammates were competent and I escaped most of my matches. Since the rank reset, I've been getting many baby survivors, who require me to carry the team. It gets so tiring unhooking and someone is already down before I finish healing them or touch a gen, the cycle repeats.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    Grades don´t reflect skill. They just reflect how much people played since the rank reset.

  • DieGräfin
    DieGräfin Member Posts: 227
    edited September 2021

    Ranks say nothing in this game.

  • Deferlo
    Deferlo Member Posts: 131

    First of all, is this a bait? because it's worded like one.

    Secondly, rank doesn't have anything to do with matchmaking anymore, so a player being ash IV or Iri I Just tell you how much they played this month nothing else.

    If you really get matched with beginner in most of your matches, it may mean that the game juged that you have the same level as them. And for the killer, you could have been unlucky and went against a more experienced player trying a killer for the first time, thus putting him against weaker survivor relative to his "ideal" MMR.

  • TicTac
    TicTac Member Posts: 2,407

    It was worse for me some days ago, too. I lost many games, but yesterday i got good teammates again. It shouldnt make sense, bc if i lost so much my mmr-rating should have gone down. So the best explanation is that depending on the time there are not enough player, so you get wider spectrum of skill. It was the same with the emblem system.

  • This is outrageous, its unfair! how can you be a silver player and not be matched against silver killers <Sarcasm>.

    Just to let you know Grades and MMR are separate entities and only represent playtime nothing more.

  • OldHunterLight
    OldHunterLight Member Posts: 3,001

    This exactly, when sbmm was introduced I liked it, survivors were skillful same as killers that I vs'ed, now since the rank reset it is so damn boring for either side either really new players that need to be carried or hold W survivors.

  • coffeebydaylight
    coffeebydaylight Member Posts: 10

    Here's something I'm not sure about, but I've been thinking about. Let's say you have a couple bad matches. Then for example a teammate throws or you get camped repeatedly. Your mmr keeps dropping, and you continue getting survivors that throw thus your mmr keeps dropping until most of your matches end shortly. The end result is you'll constantly be matched with players who throw and you're unable match with players on your skill level due to that.

    Now I don't exactly know how mmr is calculated, aside from how many escapes you get. Apparently how long you survive in a match is a factor.

  • Jago
    Jago Member Posts: 1,742

    Thats what they told us but honestly, sometimes it feels like ranks are in the equation of sbmm.

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    It is called elo hell. A lot of people pretend it doesn't exist when it functionally HAS to exist unless the mmr system is perfection. Ideally if you are higher ranked you overcome it with time investment. But that is annoying if those statistical outliers tank your rating. Had that happen to me in Overwatch once and the amount of time it took me to rofl stomp my way back up was outrageous.

  • Kill4thrillz
    Kill4thrillz Member Posts: 11

    Dude I totally agree with the others. It seemed to work fine before reset, and I still get killers of comparable skill after but it fills my team of survivors with complete bots >90% of the time. When they refuse to heal or do gens its hard to get enough gens done to spawn hatch and have even a chance of scouting it and escaping when they die. Escaping often comes down to of hatch spawns at your feet(closer to you than killer) or not. Its exhausting playing like that. First time you get hooked match spirals into oblivion (4k).

  • solidhex
    solidhex Member Posts: 889

    i haven't played since the rank reset but if it's true there most be some kind of bug because many of my friends told me the same, they're only getting very new survivors as teammates who play like 10 hours rank 20's.

  • Kill4thrillz
    Kill4thrillz Member Posts: 11

    Some of them are running teachables but there's a large gap between the killer and I's skill versus theirs. Its often either leave them to die or drop gens often while ruin runs to save them. If you let one teammate die per gen you are by yourself before hatch spawns. If you stop and head to save, then no gens get done between regression and the fact that you were the only one consistently doing them. If they do gens at all when they hear the faintest heartbeat or spinechill procs its off to the nearest locker for 59 seconds. I'm not even going to start on more advanced concepts like spreading hooks. I don't check hours or stats but you can tell quite a bit by seeing their play and builds and most of these players are aweful.

  • MrHashtagYT
    MrHashtagYT Member Posts: 88

    Thank you for telling me about how Rank and SBMM are different :3