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General Discussions

thats very interessting...

You play survivor with Meta perks it makes you sweaty and toxic.

so you switch to meme perks (Flashbang, Headon, Diversion, Blast mine or any fun perk)

that is also very toxic and a reason to get tunneled.

you dont use meta perks or any meme perks thats a reason to get tunneled out of the match.

i dont understand how someone can get mad about Headon seriously.. am i the only one who gets tunneled or sometimes facecamped because of headon?

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  • Member Posts: 1,046
    edited September 2021

    Because they are kids. You have no right to use these perks, but they have the right to use very good perks. How dare you to stun them?

  • Member Posts: 22,842

    No, I get facecamped and tunneled for it all the time. It's a very hated perk- but I still use it because it's so much fun to use :D

  • Member Posts: 1,599

    It is a very lose/lose situation, but makes sense. One you are playing only to win, and ruining the game experience for the Killer because they would also have to "sweat" to match you. On the other hand you are humiliating the Killer for your own enjoyment, which also ruins the game experience for Killer.

    Even if you play too good the Killer is going to accuse you of being "sweaty" even if you don't bring the best perks in. I run BT, Detectives, Lithe, and We'll Make It - and still get hate by Killers because I know Survivor and can run the killer for 5 gens. If I found a flashlight in a chest, even worse.

  • Member Posts: 14

    It is silly some players are such whiners. I love facing Head-on for example, for three reasons (and these can applied to all manner of other builds, not just so called meme ones):

    1. Players who do this tend to be creative. Creative players are fun to face as a Killer. They play less predictably, tend to have a sense of humor and you can learn SO MUCH from them yourself for both roles. Also, the best ones, while creative and humorous, don't throw and still play to win.
    2. They aren't very likely to run effective, but boring to face stuff like Dead Hard, various numbers based perks (Spine chill, Prove thyself etc.) They still play confidently, and confident players are good for learning mindgames from, because they tend not to panic or overreact to sudden situations. They are also a good example of how one can, just through general attitude and game sense in a match, make an amazing difference in playstyle regardless of the character, perks or items you bring.
    3. Kinda ties to the first point, but they also tend to be good sports regardless of how the match proceeds.

    All the qualities I mentioned I think for me make up the most interesting, fun and informative match. Sadly, these are more and more rare these days and I do hope we as a community reach a point where we can go back to not playing each match with a clenched fist and high blood pressure. Play to win, but not to crush.

  • Because Head On is the most offensive ability a survivor has. Of course some killers are going to retaliate.

  • Member Posts: 6,987
  • Member Posts: 1,873

    Anything can be toxic if you use it to bully someone but, assuming you're not doing that, yes -- there are people who will be mad about whatever you run, no matter what it is.

    For Head On, specifically, it's a special favourite of bullies, so it's possible that people could draw the wrong conclusions when they see you using it. That doesn't make it okay to tunnel you, but it could be why that happens.

  • Member Posts: 22,842

    Well update, I got called unoriginal for using Head On and was facecamped for it. Still got out though thanks to some class bodyblocking from Jake and Nea.

    Ruin Undying Tinkerer Nemesis with an Ebony, btw.

  • Member Posts: 655

    My survivor build is Head On, Quick and Quiet, Blast Mine and Small Game. I don't actually get tunneled or camped that often.

  • Member Posts: 22,842

    Maybe it's the Flashbang combo'd in, because if you replace the Small Game with Flashbang you have my normal build.

  • Member Posts: 5,922

    To be fair I got tunneled and facecamped when playing perkless/itemless.

    Not just that but bm'ed too.

    Just play using whatever you like because it will happen anyway.

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