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There's no incentive to play "fair"

Member Posts: 1,140

Lately I've been playing a lot of meme builds and messing with SBMM and I've noticed that the least opressive your build is the more toxic survivors will react on end game chat and of course at the exit gates. When I play full tryhard nurse or blight I rarely get "toxic" responses and ironically when I play an intentionally bad build I get them every other game.

I genuinely don't care it's just a video game and bla bla, do what you want but if you behave like this don't cry about seeing the same meta builds and killers, because this kind of behaviour does nothing but encourage it.

pd: when I say toxic to in game I refer to the typical taunting at exit gates and in endgame chat to the usual death threats and various insults

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  • Member Posts: 3,306

    Then don't.

    Do whatever you want, dude.

  • Member Posts: 6,987

    Your problem is that you care about what survivor mains do or think. That attitude will get you nowhere fast. They are rats, you are the cat. Remember that, Simba.

  • Member Posts: 1,140

    You clearly have not read the post :/ My point was not to cry about toxicity, it was just to point hypocrisy on many players crying about playing against a lot of meta builds but the moment they are not matched against one they will go out of their way to discourage it by acting like scumbags. I keep playing those builds anyways because i find them fun but i understand that not everyone has the same tolerance towards toxicity so it kinda discourages it.

  • Member Posts: 1,521

    There's no such things as toxic in game only outside at endgame chat if any of game mechanics/perks/strategies /playstyles annoys u and bothers u rethink why ur playing this game litlle butt dance, head shake, hook smack is toxic? No it ain't only words u say in chat can be toxic

    Litlle Butt dance and general insults can never be the same and word toxic is being used all over the top when most ppl don't even know the meaning of word

  • Yeah. I don't use the "meta", i mostly just run adept a lot because i find it really fun. But toxicity is extremely frequent for me. And then i go on random streamers and they always gg's etc. It just makes me sad. Really sad.

    There really is no point interacting with this playerbase. If you are a survivor someone will probably trash talk you and if you're a killer no one will be inclined to agree with you. Best to just turn off playerbase and skip endgame chat.

  • Member Posts: 6,987

    I read it, I am just ahead of you a bit, you see... You actually use the word, but I am not sure you understand what it means given your response. You might want to look up what hypocrisy is as it addresses your point better than I ever could.

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