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PS4 - Nurse Double Fatigue and Recharge when trying to pickup a survivor.

Platform: PS4

Character and Map: Nurse and Hawkins.

Description: When I picked up a downed claudette as Nurse, it did a false pickup making the pickup stop and making me initiate the pickup again. Afterward, I immediately noticed that my recharge and fatigue were doubled making it impossible to catch up to survivors. It didn't end until the game ended, so if anyone gets this bug they basically can't play.

How often does this occur: I am merely guessing here, but the map was Hawkins and if you don't have enough space to pick up a survivor or do whatever is required to initiate this bug it will hamper your ability with more bad qualities. I did not notice my range becoming more or anything becoming faster my blinks became shorter. So maybe it also reverts your character to a basic addon-less state?

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