New Nurse bug, ill just call it the false pickup bug.

There is a new bug, it goes like this if you are on a map with bugged pickup zones like areas where the game will say "you didn't pick up this survivor" like on Hawkins. Your character will go for the pickup then go back to the state before pickup making you have to do the pickup interaction again, but the bad part about this bug is from what I have guessed it is actually much worse than that.

After this occurred to me my recharge and fatigue were doubled and the extra range from my addon wasn't there anymore, so I'm guessing it not only takes away your addons but also gives you more debuffs like extra fatigue, etc. This is a big bug because I was struggling to catch up to anyone my blinks were so short and my fatigue so long that by the time I tried to get out of it they were miles away, it was honestly faster just walking not even lying.



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