Those who says pig

Those who say pig is good are just playing with noobs.
Youre just jealous of our skills 😎
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Skill beating noobs yeah very jelly.
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Yeah true cause no mattee the player, even if over 500 or 1000H
While playing pig they are only noobs and never matches corretcly and its the only killer with whom its the case 😘
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Keep saying pig is a crap, look the add ons only😘❤
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Lol, imagine playing other killers when there is Hag in the game 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
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Or with specific add-ons.
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Most of Amanda Panda's add-ons are poop. Many encourage going after survs with traps on them, which imo is the wrong way to play her. A few actually hurt her in a trial.
She soooooo needs an add-on pass. Then maybe a few tweaks to her power and kit.
As far as stomping noobs they don't know how to counter her yet, like 99%ing gens, or get very unlucky with the Jigsaws.
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Does anyone even say Pig is good? I think even those famous Pig main streamers recognize she's D/C tier at best.
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Pig can be cheesy if you have the right add-ons. I can see an unlucky person thinking pig is good because of that
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ahem... you ony beat pig players because those are noobs.
see? there. I just defeated your entire argument.
because no true scotsmans are a very valid debate strategy and not a fallacy at all
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you whenever a pig player does well
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Pig is no doubt killer with the highest MMR for me. She gets destroyed with current game meta (drop, hold w, spawn seperate on gens). I have had a rough time lately with her but because I'm not a bot plus survivors refusal to leave the trial i will scrounge up a kill or 2 late so my MMR does not drop. Ofc this is the main reason kill/escapes should not be the main stat for MMR.
From a big supporter of MMR I would like to say IT SUCKS ASS.
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They must think I’m a pretty bad Pig.. I get rather easy games with her, and the last two trials I played her for dailies were on Grim Pantry (hardly a favorable map for survivors).
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Pig is the triple S killer from the game
Serverly needs an addon pass
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Lil piggy lil piggy let me IN.......not by the hair of my chinny chin chin
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Still doing fine with Pig, explicitly because of people like OP.
Overconfident or dismissive survivors get stomped, it's the way of things in most asymmetrical horror.
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let me add an extra S:
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How about...Severly nerfed for no reason over the years?
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Sssshhhh dont give them any more ideas
Heh you changed your profile pic, youre happy with the game again?
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I forgot Snoot too
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Yeah, don't really want to see another nerf to Piggy.
"Heh you changed your profile pic, youre happy with the game again?"
Unfortunately, no. I just can't stay without Freddy. I really love this character.
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Dunno i loved how you took hag to show that you are done with it haha
No Peggy nerfs please she needs more love
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Actually I was using Hag's picture because she used to be my "number 2", but I like this new meaning.
And yes, don't nerf Piggy. Better yet, revert her nerfs!