Disconnect penalty needs to be turned off

I keep getting disconnected from my matches for a network connection error and getting banned from matchmaking because of it. It's been happening since the bug fix patch so clearly it's something to do with the game, not my PC or internet.
Try verifying the integrity of your game files.
Right click game -> Properties -> Local files -> Verify Integrity of game files.
I also had constant error 8,012 even after they said they fixed it, but haven't had any since I verified the files.
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its stupid to implement DC penality in a game like this with hundreds of bugs and gamebreaking issues which either force you to leave a match by yourself or just boots you out automatically. Game needs to be fixed first for such a feature
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To be honest, as someone who is not you and may have you in my games, I think the penalty needs to be more quickly ramped up. I do not want DCing players, for any reason, because it ruins it for me.
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In over a 1000 hours i can count the amount of times i absolutly had to leave the game cause of a bug on one hand.
Game has tons of bugs. Gamebreaking ones in my experience very rarely
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"I am entitled to your time, and only care about my experience when playing a multiplayer game."
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Lmao, yea lets disable penalty, so survs can leave before first hook in every single game. Leaver penalty should be much stronger like 1 hour ban atleast and there should be reconnection system, then it will be fine
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I also had this issue. Try rolling back your driver, delete everything related to dead by daylight (even the config file in appdata), reinstall, verify game cache, set graphics to low (my resolution is still at 100% no auto adjust), and delete everything in your launch options. So far i've had 10 games no dc.
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No, they shouldn't. I actually vote for even stronger punishment on DC.
Yeah, i understand game crashes first day after update and there should be some compensation like BP or IS giveaway, but mostly people DC cause they are big cry-babies. And this behavior should be bannable.
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no it dont
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I'm fine with a light penalty but I fully know that some of my friends are unfairly punished by it far too frequently because of issues stated above, which I haven't had myself but have witnessed them experiencing. Guaranteed the day the same people obsessively pushing for further punishment will be whining about it the day they start getting frequent problems, which will happen, because this is BHVR we're talking about.
Post edited by EQWashu on4 -
Here's something that helps: install Windows 10. You're welcome.
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If that's what you read, I can't control that. However, I signed up to play a game, and sat in the queue, all the same as the OP. We signed the same EULA, agreed to the same rules, and both agreed to sit down and play a game of DBD by hopping in the queue.
So yes, I stand by what I said.
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Definetely on your end, game runs fine for me and it hasn't been widely reported.
That's quite the stretch. There are bugs yeah and the game isn't on a good state gameplaywise but being someone running the game with a 1050ti and a [BAD WORD] processor and not having a single crash since Nemesis idk about what to tell you about your take.
If you're ruining others experience by significantly dropping the chances on escaping a game then you get a penalty. You're entitled to play whatever you want, not to [BAD WORD] with others experience and expect no backlash for it. If you don't like the game enough you end up asking for dc penalties to be out because you'll be willing to frequently dc, based on your take right there, then move on to another game.
Post edited by EQWashu on1 -
"I dont have issue therefore noone else has"
Bugs are hard to fix because there arent easy to replicate. There they dont occure for everyone at the same time and same amount.
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You probably havent been long here in DbD, you dont have to tell me anything. I have been here since release and have seen all kind of [BAD WORD].
Post edited by EQWashu on0 -
I don't think I asked but cool story, still no gamebreaking or general crashing issues on the current state of the game :)
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eh the game seems stable right now for the most part if the game is like the launch of the resident evil chapter again then yes please disable them
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seems a lil overkill but ok if it works for op then aite
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If was the game or the patch more people would be experiencing issues which isn't the case. As such It would seem like it is on your end. The issue could be many things. It could be any of the hops between your computer and the game server. Run traceroute. It can you at least pinpoint where the issue is happening.
You are negatively impacting 4 other players each time you get disconnected. Since you are aware of the issue you are having you shouldn't be queuing for matches you get it resolved.
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The game need the penalty if not people like me would DC when they know they lost the game or when they get a map they dont like. When they remove the penalty every game you had at least 1 or 2 DC per trial it was kinda stupid.
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From my experience both in game and on forums, the vast majority of people who disconnect and get the penalty are the people who deserve it. I.e. people who don’t like the way the game is going or it’s a specific killer or map so they quit. The other 1% of people who are undeserving of the penalty like yourself, while unfortunate, does not justify turning penalties off.
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Wow, I don't think a silver spoon is what you were born with. That reeks of gold-plated iridium.
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Read the initial and extremely entitled comment before jumping down someone else's throat for calling it out.
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I feel like we're at the point where the game itself can register it's own bugs and should be able to lift the penalty on players who are just getting repeatedly screwed by its own instability.
It wouldn't even be that hard - create a small program that sends minor, no-detail crash "reports" when an error message shows up, and grant an account penalty immunity if it gets more than 3 of them in an hour.
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I sympathize with anyone who's been disconnected and / or gotten a penalty for it. It's happened to a friend of mine, it's an unfair punishment. But when they had DC turned off it was living hell. Absolutely miserable. You don't like occasionally waiting five minutes to get into a match? Try waiting five minutes to get into a match, then having some ######### disconnect, then waiting another five minutes for another ######### to do the same thing, and repeat that about three or four times per hour. Usually because someone didn't like the map, or the items the survivors brought, or the offerings, or the way a character's cosmetic looked, or the shape of a branch, or the color of a tile, or the fact that their coin landed on tails instead of heads...
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I don't really care about the DC Penalty, to he honest.
Certainly wouldn't oppose its removal. I mean, we've managed without it for years. What is a bit more?
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I havent asked you either but you still told me your opinion. So eh, dont throw with stones if sitting in a glas house
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That's okay this is a discussion and we're here to post out opinions and discuss, but still nobody asked about an awkward unrelated play time flex after implying I'm a new player for whatever reason, on a discussion about dc penalties after claiming there's somehow "hundreds of bugs and gamebreaking issues", which isn't true. This game has a sea of nuisances but barely any gamebreaking bug that might happen once in a long while. Calm down bebe. :'(