Even more proof that stretch res is cheating

This video by otzdarva shows how with stretch res not only can you see over stuff that you arent supposed to, but you can reveal ghostface through walls.
Why is everyone on the forums so into streamers lol I don't get it.
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Well it was in my YouTube feed and where else are you going to get a good video explaining something touchy like this?
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Who else is really going to demonstrate these things? You?
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It's not a criticism of you personally using the video, it's just something I've noticed a lot. It's always like "x streamer said this" lol I don't get it.
Who else is really going to demonstrate these things, genius?
ummm well u smell bad so...
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Remove stretched res and the forum will be filled with comp kids complaining about it for a month.
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So if you want to see who’s playing stretched res, just play ghostface?
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I was revealed and didn't notice a survivor! Clearly they are cheating!
spams support tickets
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This is bad, but who really wants to play at that res?
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I started playing Stretched Res today because everyone was complaining about it. The jokes on all of you, stretched res or not I'm still a bottom tier survivor. It's like D.A.R.E. people are complaining about it so much I had to find out what made it so cool.
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It’s not what he said, he showed video evidence
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I think most people know by now that stretched resolution is cheating, and those who don't think so are ignorant.
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Its not cheating but it is dick to play stretched res
reasoning for not cheating is i cant make the argument its using msometbing outside the game to gove u advantage
well discord skype etc are the same and friends give u info
so yeah both are fine imo
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Competitive people, the advantage you have is huge. Its not like this game is great on the graphic departement so playing with stretch res is not a huge downgrade compare to the normal res.
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People who want an advantage, even if it skirts the rules. Same with people who use those filters to remove darkness from the game so you can see survivors no matter what.