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Why do people hate Premonition?



  • EntityNea
    EntityNea Member Posts: 186
    edited September 2021

    You mentioned both Premonition and Spine Chill in your original post, and you were comparing your experience with the both of them. So of course you're going to get responses comparing the two perks.

    When I was new to the game, I used Premonition. Then I switched to Spine Chill after I learned of it's existence. Now I use neither of them, since I can avoid the killer anyways, and I use Empathy as my information perk. Empathy tells me exactly where the killer is when they hit someone, and I can see exactly which direction they're running towards.

    Premonition is okay, but it's objectively worse than Spine Chill for several reasons.

    1. Premonition could go off even if the killer isn't coming towards you, in which case it may cause you to waste time hiding when you could have kept working on your generator.
    2. People have mentioned the cooldown, and the reason why the cooldown makes such a big difference is because Spine Chill gives you real-time information of the killers movement behavior. If your icon is flashing on and off, you know the killer is looking around and you don't have to worry. If it's solid, you know that the killer most likely knows where you are located and is coming for you.
    3. You mention you don't know where the killer is coming from when you use spine chill, but this is something you should think about before the killer is coming. Take a look at your immediate surroundings before working on the generator, and think about where it's most likely the killer would be coming from. Plan ahead your best possible hiding spot(s) or escape route beforehand, based on the information you have. When the killer closes in, you can tell by the heart beat where they're coming from most of the time.

    When it comes down to it, Spine Chill is objectively better than Premonition because of these reasons. It gives you information in real-time, and the information it gives you is more important than what Premonition gives you. Premonition tells you where the killer is, while Spine Chill tells you where the killer is going. You only want to hide if the killer is going towards you, and Premonition doesn't tell you that. Without the use of perks, It's also easier to have a general idea of the killer's location than it is to know if the killer is coming straight for you before it's too late.

    With that wall of text, there's also the matter of personal preference. So if you feel like using Premonition, go for it!

  • Toxicboii
    Toxicboii Member Posts: 446

    I thought I said I was done talkin', and people are still posting like I'm gonna come and prove them wrong or something. >.>

  • Toxicboii
    Toxicboii Member Posts: 446

    Statement aside, thank you for providing an argument that can be understood instead of just relaying pointless, counterintuitive facts to me just to make me understand less why Spine chill is preferred over premo.

  • Esblue
    Esblue Member Posts: 3

    My issue with Premonition is that the detection cone is too wide. I don't even mind the cooldown, I think it's a good way to keep the perk from being OP. I just prefer Spine Chill because it's information is less potent but more accurate, consistent and reliable.

  • Pepsidot
    Pepsidot Member Posts: 1,662

    The 30 second cooldown is enough for it to be much worse than Spinechill. You say you use it to know the "general direction" the killer is coming from, but with some awareness you should know that regardless of perks (if its not a stealthy killer).

    Spinechill is superior because the perk will be on (lit up) for as long as the killer is facing your direction. So if it goes off and on quickly, chances are they aren't coming. If it is on for 2+ seconds, chances are the killer is on their way. With Premonition you don't know if they're just passing by, in a chase nearby or if they are on their way. And you won't get an update for another 30 seconds - at which point it's too late.

  • PlayTwink
    PlayTwink Member Posts: 454

    It's like a worst current OoO

    It definitely needs a rework with a similiar concept.

  • Toybasher
    Toybasher Member Posts: 921

    It's ok. I consider it around the same tier as Spies From The Shadows, which I also think is underrated.

    It's not a meta-perk, but I can think of much less useful perks like Up The Ante, Beast Of Prey, Sole Survivor, Monstrous Shrine, etc. (I'm not counting no mither because even no mither can be semi-useful in combination with other "Injured perks" like This is Not Happening, Resilience, etc. while having quieter grunts of pain (Not as good as Iron Will sadly) and not leaving blood trails. You also don't have to wait for the killer to injure you.)

    I prefer Spine Chill, but Premonition can't be countered by a killer who turns their back. (VERY few killers actually do this in my experience, but I'm sure there's some maniac killer players who will do it.)

    Alert's another off-meta "killer awareness" perk I like to use sometimes. I rarely play SWF and it can give you an early warning who the killer is as well as where they are when they kick gens and pallets.

  • Itslat3ncy
    Itslat3ncy Member Posts: 353

    Spine chill is way better that's why. Spine chill doesnt have a cooldown, gives you a speed boost on vaults and gens, and doesnt give false alarms. Premonition can give you a false alarm that the killer is coming then it goes on cooldown whilst spine chill just flat out tells you. Spine chill can also help you finish a gen quicker when the killer is coming to it. In a chase spine chill gives you faster vaults, which is really important now a days since dedicated servers.