Eyo look at this.

Toxicboii Member Posts: 446

You'll thank me later, maybe.

It might as well be DBD but better. These devs know the errors BHVR is makin', and is working to make a clear 'goal' for winning and losing.



  • [Deleted User]

    It's not DBD but better because the goals are completely different.

  • [Deleted User]

    DBD = Sacrifice as many as you can, escape

    VHS = Kill the killer.

    I hate when you can kill the killer. And in vhs, it's the only option.

  • Toxicboii
    Toxicboii Member Posts: 446

    Why do you hate to 'kill the killer'?

    It's been well established that the mechanic to 'Repair generators and escape' is inherently flawed with confusing methods on 'what is considered a win'.

    The devs themselves haven't disclosed what makes 'someone good', so the MMR is janked up and nobody knows why.

    VHS clears it up by making the objective clear and simple. You either kill the killer, or they kill you. And it won't be easy, as the killer has a abilities under their kit that makes it harder for that to happen.

    I get it if you like things to be complex, but right now, DBD isn't doing a very good job in trying to keep game balance.

    It may not be DBD but better, I may be 100% wrong.

    But before you start saying you "Hate the idea of fighting the killer", maybe *try it* first. When it releases its open beta, it's 100% free. So there's no downside to downloading it and giving it a shot yourself.

  • Toxicboii
    Toxicboii Member Posts: 446

    I'm still on the optimistic side though, since there are plenty of factors that VHS has that DBD lacks.

    A clear win condition for both sides. Something DBD sorely lacks, mostly being left to the community to figure that out... And even then, it's not consistent.

    A game mechanic that is much more active than DBD's. Personally, the "5 gen then escape" mechanic doesn't really work... It's just M1 simulator on the survivor side, and a boring stroll in the park as a killer, not knowing if the stuff you're doing is even applying pressure passively. And whenever you ARE in a chase, the survivor is punished more by not getting as much BP as the rest of the survivors.

    Poor Solo queue support. Whenever you get into DBD without a party, there's no guarantee the survivors you're put with have the information required to do their tasks effectively. There's no voice chat, and there's no clear indicator for where everyone is and what they're doing. All you can do is assume that you're the only one not doing generators. And sometimes, it's a bad move.

    And finally, passionate developers. VHS has been in the works for 3 years or more! Apparently the folks making the game are having fun with it... Meanwhile, look at DBD. Their own developers don't know how to play the game. (Matthiew Cote famously made that fact when he got bullied harshly.) And they aren't listening to feedback, or at least, not listening to good feedback. They're just doing whatever without a care in the world because they believe themselves to be on top of the Asymmetrical horror world, failing to realize that they have no competition due to the "competition" collapsing in on themselves before even kicking off.

    VHS at least has the passion and determination required to make this game not make the same mistakes DBD did. They did make it clear to put a focus on fun not gore and horror.

    Saying that it will fail because you can 'kill the killer' is missing the point of what a "new game" is. I call it DBD but better because its an asymmetrical horror game with DBD, just lacking the 'horror' focus.

    Now that has been said... I'm still willing to say that VHS may be better than DBD. All we can really do is hope when we get ourselves the open beta.