Nerf Dead Hard meta build
this is my opponents games every match 90% of the time. Every single person who milks this build has no skill as survivor in my opinion
sbmm isn't gonna do anything when this exists. It needs to go
New Example #2 with my adept Hag
You'll be waiting a long time for that my friend. Dead hards the most trusty survivor perk in the game right now with borrowed In second I think.
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Wait a minute,Survs main are coming.
They will talk DH is health perks.
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Games are just gonna run the same across all ranks, this is the biggest reason why they need a kick in the shin like killer gets
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I don’t like Dead Hard either but saying Dead Hard users have no skill is a bit of us vs them, don’t you think?
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For the strength that perk provides you with in countless scenarios unlike the others, It isn't us vs them, whos us anyway? the people who actually know that perk is busted?
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I have no problem killing these types. It's fine by me I actually like it to be honest from a killers perspective. Specifically last game they used it to rush to the hatch began to jump and them slam. It was like a football player got denied and was magical.
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Imo DH doesn't need to be nerfed. Ot just needs a risk factor added to it, because most second chance perks have a risk factor where DH doesn't.
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Interesting how you left your own build out of the screenshot. Is there a meta build on it as well?
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Us vs them has nothing to do with recognizing a perk is busted or not, it’s shaming the other side for running it by calling them toxic or no skill. That’s why I also hate it when people keep saying Spirit players have no skill.
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It's interesting how that has nothing to do with my topic
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What about the strength tinkerer and ruin undying give? Or the fact that 99.99% of killers run that build? How is it fair to demand nerfs for survivor perks without even addressing the strength of killer perks? I dont think thats really fair or correct. Just dont lunge my guy.
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What are they supposed to run to stop the speed of survivors? nothing? It's either that or anti chase with no pressure from perks. There's so much more that goes into it than that
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I mean what are survivors supposed to do? Just go down with no resistance? Dh sucks when it happens to you but tbch if it keeps happening its not the game, its the user.
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DH is different than mostly all the perks in the game for the sole fact of having 2 of the strongest benefits in the game itself in one perk.
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It has everything to do with it. You can't blame people who run meta and say they are skillless if you're running meta yourself. That's hypocrisy.
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So SWF, DC is fair ??
I think you are not killer main,so you dont know this boshi t meta.
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I'm talking about survivors builds not killers compared to survivors that's not what this topic is about.
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Most of the people that comment aren't and they just wanna frustrate and troll people further.
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Then make an actual suggestion thread on that section on the forums that people for some reason ignore instead of attacking people who run a perk.
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So if a survivor uses meta perks they have no skill? Ok so what about killers who use meta perks and addons? Do they also have no skill?
Depending on your answer will show how bias you are.
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None of that is overly oppressive as the killer meta.
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oh god sluzzy.
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On the bright side you killed at least half of them. What were you using?
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It doesn't matter what i was using. It matters that the survivor build displayed is used by almost every surv main in this game.
Defend your butts off people, we all know you just wanna keep ur survivor buffet
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"Nerf dead hard meta build"
1 week after the Dead Hard nerf
"Nerf sprint burst meta build"
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I think you touch someone sensitive nerve.lamo
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Okay then... I was just curious lol it's not that deep. But now I'm seriously wondering >.>
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its funny how survivors think killers are on this mindset that sprint burst was ever a problem. Only when you could activate it in the past but it does. not. sup;press dmg, DH does
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Dead Hard is more hated because it's up-front, in your face denial of your hit.
Sprint Burst is better-- insidiously so.
Believe me, if you replaced every Dead Hard you saw with a Sprint Burst, you would sing a very different tune.
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No i wouldn't because i play with it and against it all the time, and ive downed people in the middle of one when they don't go at the right time
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Honestly the amount of times you dodged the question on what build you where running is really suspicious. I'm gonna assume u where running the most braindead meta build 2.
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Yeah apparently if survivors run meta builds they have no skill but if killers run meta builds then it's totally fine.
The hypocrisy is astounding.
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It's sad. Are community is so entitled.
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It really is.
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Killer meta doesn't compare to survivor meta, otherwise this topic wouldn't be here
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Show ur build then.
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I mean.. they are both brainless and boring. Ruin 1 for slowdown, ruin 2 incase ruin 1 breaks, manual ruin incase ruin 1 & 2 fall, and tinker to show where to apply ruin by holding w at them.
If that survivor meta is skill-less, I think it's fair to mention other metas that are just the same.
Post edited by Rizzo on7 -
So that justify you being rude and calling people skilless?
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I was just about to type that.
*gen in the middle of nowhere pops in their face*
*All four survivors sprint away with SB and no one gets hit*
Killer: 😳 but where is Dead Hard???
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also you're comparing a perk that you can do over and over for the whole trial to a perk that runs out and could very well do nothing with and you're left with a perkless run once the charge runs out.
Post edited by Rizzo on0 -
Honestly I just want Dead Hard to not have invincibility. Dead Harding over a Trapper's trap or through a killer's swing just dumb.
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No im not a killer main i play both, i understand the meta just fine. but i dont know what a boshi t is. And as for dcing who the ######### cares? The game is easier now so stop crying about it. And most people who play swf are not good. I destroy most swf handily.
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And honestly yes it does, because if you run meta you cannot complain about your oppo running meta.
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Does it only even out when you start 4K'ing?
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Naturally. :)
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Can't stop survivors from running whatever builds they want.
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Yeah it’s honestly so sad. Using something in the game isn’t the problem but shaming others for running these equally crutch things that they also run is very hypocritical.
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Let’s go Sluzzy to the rescue!!!