Is this a Jason Easter Egg?

Call me crazy, but I'm sure it's Jason, I realized through a YouTube video that someone had noticed this little detail in the new charm, one can say that it is the trapper or a random killer , but I feel like the guy that appears there hanging a survivor is Retro Jason or Jason Part 3.
It can't be the Trapper, it looks like he's wearing a shirt and the trapper doesn't have a shirt. He also has a huge arm, his weapon, that looks like a knife or a machete. Is this a coincidence or does it mean that we will see the crystal lake killer?
I don’t see it. It’s just a generic slasher and the weapon doesn’t really look like a machete but more a knife.
and I guess the license is still not available so why tease something if they can’t plan in for the foreseeable future?
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Either that or legion, tho legion members use the other hand. You could be right. I hope.
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The color scheme looks a lot like the 1st Friday the 13th and one could argue that,it's similar to the stance Pamela Voorhees takes,and the clothing is very similar.
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The first thing that comes to mind as to who that could be would be this unseen killer in a very early piece of concept art for the game:
The only few similarities I can see would be the weapon, the physique of the killer, and the brick wall being the same color as the border of the arcade machine. Other than that, I'm not sure who that could be.
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That killer is holding the blade in their left hand. We don't have a left handed killer, and Jason isn't left handed either.
Checkmate everyone. Its a teaser for a new killer /s
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I mean that's find we probably want get Jason for another 3 or four year's, who knows when the law suit will end.I was just pointing out the similarities between this scheme and the 1st film,Mrs. Voorhees is left handed btw.
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No! Thats not Jason! Don't you see it? The coloring? Thats OBVIOUSLY Purple Guy from FNaF
Its gonna be Spring Trap this time guys I swear!
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Personally it looks like Dbd creative director Ash
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It could be a Jason reference but in terms of a teaser it doesn’t really matter because of lawsuit.
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Exactly we wont get anything Jason related until the lawsuit matter is resolved
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It was the first thing I thought.
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I'm sure it's an animatronic lol.
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It's probably just a nod towards Jason, that's it. Nothing to really look too deep in to.