Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

I dont get it, why cant people just be happy..

I get it, the game can be stressful but why are people so determined to 4k or always escape without taking into consideration of anything in the trial.

I just versed a 5k hour legion, no gen defense on mother dwelling, they got 9hooks 1k could (could of got 10hooks, 2k but got greedy and slugged and lost it)

This 5k hour legion against people on my team (pretty bad players imo, but their hours was very low) and me sweating my ass off to do well, yet when I say gg etc. He gets mad and entitled saying he should of won....

Like dude, legion, no gen defense on a huge map, no matter the skill that's a good game, why cant people just say gg or accept anything less as a win



  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    No one taunted, they all left straight away. He could of picked me up but slugged me on hatch then went towards them instead (his fault I got out)

    Come on though his build and the map plus the killer, it's not like he got destroyed... if I was to do that as legion on my mmr I'd be lucky to get 1 hook in that lol. I legit done most of the gen progress and chase

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    Also, I'm the kinda guy that will always say gg even of you get a 4k. As long as there was no BM or toxic behaviour then youd get a gg from me (I'm on console though so I'm limited to who I can say gg to)

    Side note: if theres a toxic survivor on my team I'll be cheering you on to get him lol

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    Well those stats is the whole ranking, and we know killers win more at low rank be interesting to see with mmr though how its going though I feel mmr isnt working right. For me, the map, the survivors, my killer and perks are all taken into consideration when I judge if I did well. He got a win in my eyes, I wouldn't be lucky enough to verse a chill team lol

  • miketheratguy
    miketheratguy Member Posts: 2,719

    I don't understand why more people don't just play this game for casual enjoyment and show relative disregard to the winning conditions. What I mean is that yes, "winning" (as defined by the game as escaping as survivor or getting kills as killer) IS satisfying, and it gives you more points as well. But SO many people seem to base such a huge portion of their enjoyment of the game on whether they "win", to the point that they don't seem satisfied otherwise. I don't get that.

    I also don't get how many people look at this game as a "grind". If what you're doing during the grinding and what you do after the grind is the same - playing the same game with the same selection of characters on the same collection of maps - then how is it a "grind"? I can understand PERK grinding, yes. I get that sometimes you want to just hurry up and get the cool perk you unlocked and not sit there all day baby daddying one of your characters so that they get a bunch of points to find that perk before level 50, but beyond that, you're basically doing the same thing in this game no matter what the circumstances are.

    I don't know. I don't begrudge people who think of the game as a chore, but if the only way someone feels that they can truly enjoy the game is to beat the other players and do so with all the best perks, why play at all? Isn't that kind of missing the point?

  • IronKnight55
    IronKnight55 Member Posts: 2,932

    Yep, well said. It really does seem like a lot of killers feel like getting a 4K every game is balanced. I really don't understand these people. I consider a 2K a good game. 🤷

  • Munqaxus
    Munqaxus Member Posts: 2,752

    That's what I'm getting from the obvious Killer mains on the forum. It's like they expect to get 4k every game with a possible 3k "loss" every once in a while. Might as well put survivor bots in the game if that's what you are expecting.

  • botrax
    botrax Member Posts: 633

    Most of the time a killer who lost got destroy too. For me a gg is when the killer can get a 10 hook game because like that its a close game. But i know im the killer who just got a 10 hook game i will be mad because i see that as a lost because 2 people escape and i feel robbed.

  • miketheratguy
    miketheratguy Member Posts: 2,719

    To me (and this is subjective, as is the nature of the game) a good game is simply a solid back and forth that lasts ten minutes in which everyone ends up with a relatively close amount of points (more if someone was using a BP booster, sure).

    If I win as killer and make 45,000 points to a survivor's 7,000, I'll be honest, I feel pretty crappy. If I die as survivor and I see that I made roughly the same 23,000 that the killer and all the other players made, I consider it a good match. I guess you can say that I like balanced gameplay with fair reward more than I like "winning".

  • GrimoireWeiss
    GrimoireWeiss Member Posts: 1,452

    The stats were also released solely for red ranks, and ironically enough the kill rate was actually HIGHER than when you consider all ranks. The long killer queues right now also shows it's probably easier to get to high MMR on killer than it is on survivor.

    From my experience since MMR my kill rate dropped from like 90% to around 70~75%, and I don't even consider myself that good on killer and I only run a single gen slowdown perk.

    When I watch streamers most of them still win the majority of their games, although a lot of them throw tantrums around on how survivor sided this game is just because they got a single game in which the result wasn't a 4k.

  • JohnWeak
    JohnWeak Member Posts: 854

    Because BHVR often takes bad decisions.

    They have a ton of ressources and infos on how is the game and what it needs to be improved. Streamers that have played the game 9k hours, and that are part of the Fog Whisperer program, have made videos about it, they have talked about it and they all know what need to be changed to balance the game and make it better.

    They have all warned about the SBMM release, that it was too early and that the game needed to be more balanced before releasing any rank system but once again BHVR didn't listen and released a MMR system that is partly broken.

    1st, it is supposed to be a capped mmr it means that at top mmr, you will find all sort of players, from great to average in both sides. This will bias the kill rate statistics. If you cap the MMR, many players will have the requirement to get on the top but they skill gap will be huge between those players. You will end up having a good killer being matched against awesome survivors and vice versa.

    An uncap mmr would let climb the best players as high as they can till they face the wall. The wall being the opponent that will prevent them to win.

    2nd, high mmr killer vs high mmr survivors is totally unbalanced.

  • GrimoireWeiss
    GrimoireWeiss Member Posts: 1,452
    edited September 2021

    So killers who "lose" (a 2k with 10 hooks is not even close to being a loss) feel "robbed" but survivors should say gg when they get 4ked? lol

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    Happiness is a myth

  • Hektic3000
    Hektic3000 Member Posts: 674

    Idk with many of balance updates I start to wonder if im even a killer. Many times it feels like im a babysitter when my methods to kill survivors is taken away or restricted in favor of giving survivors more chances. More chances for bad survivors is ok but more chances for good survivors is agonizing to deal with.

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    Heck, I do not care about the rest of the people. I got into a game as old Leatherface. Got my BBQ stacks in like a minute because 3 of them were potatoes. And then I found David. This guy, so cocky, he disrespected my chainsaw dash... And it worked. That was when I knew I was in for it. Mind game city. It was really fun because I outplayed him about half the time, he outplayed me half the time. It was perfect.

    No idea if he had fun getting tunneled for the entire game. But he did really well, so I assume he did, and I let him go instead of taking the third hook because he gave me such a fun game. So that was only like a 6 hook game, 4 escapes. But it was the best one I have had in awhile in terms of how much fun I had.

    The game just before that it took me 3 gens to get my first down where I felt really cheated with the pallet interactions. And so I just made it an unplanned Basement Bubba game, not that it yielded anything as she waited, and once the last 2 gens popped less than a minute later, she just killed herself on hook. So... Yeah.

    I like difficult chases because the survivor is smart, not because the map was good for them and the server decides some really jank nonsense.

  • Kurri
    Kurri Member Posts: 1,599

    Here's a little song I wrote

    You might want to sing it note for note

    Don't worry, be happy

    In every match we have some trouble

    But when you worry you make it double

    Don't worry, be happy

    Don't worry, be happy now

    Stop ripping out your modem

    When a survivor breaks your totem

    Don't worry, be happy

    All the gens keep popping fast

    He may even have to camp your A- Lass (definitely lass)

    Don't worry, be happy (Look at me, I'm happy)

  • GannTM
    GannTM Member Posts: 10,866

    Especially when you’re the big bad killer against four helpless humans. It makes me feel like the four humans are the actual killers and the one is just trying to defend themselves.

  • JohnWeak
    JohnWeak Member Posts: 854
    edited September 2021

    2k is ok, fact is to get a 2k now you need to camp and tunnel.

    The community is full of trolls, totally full of it and if the developers give them a chance to abuse a dominant position (which is the case with survivor atm) they all do it.

    What do we get atm in high MMR ? 4 survivors with full meta perks + full items (2 flashlights, 2 green toolboxes with extra charges and speed). That's how the game is.

    And Killer mains should accept to play in these conditions ? Why would they ? Do you go to war with a shotgun when you have 4 tanks in front of you ? I don't think so.

    Post edited by JohnWeak on
  • Nathan13
    Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,697
  • Shaped
    Shaped Member Posts: 5,869

    People disable messages because you get a lot of nasty ones. It is not worth it for a few gg's.

    Unless you are like me and report people to get them banned.

  • SMitchell8
    SMitchell8 Member Posts: 3,302

    You don't see sports players saying good goal or good pass do you lol. If I lose as survivor I'm genuinely keen to say well played as i appreciate its a difficult role to play.

  • botrax
    botrax Member Posts: 633

    That my opinion and most of the time i feel robbed cause of DH or the map. Personnaly i never say gg only because its a team game and no one know what is a win.

  • raze_
    raze_ Member Posts: 90

    well maybe because they dont feel like its a GG.

    i also dont say gg even if i win as survivor and it wasnt a fun match why would you expect people saying gg when they didnt have fun?

    or do you say always gg when you lose?

    also why is a GG so important i dont get it.

  • raze_
    raze_ Member Posts: 90

    well maybe because they dont feel like its a GG.

    i also dont say gg even if i win as survivor and it wasnt a fun match why would you expect people saying gg when they didnt have fun?

    or do you say always gg when you lose?

    also why is a GG so important i dont get it.

  • th3
    th3 Member Posts: 1,839

    Killer players will play 100 games of straight 4k’s but complain about how unfair and survivor sided gen speeds are along with keys medkits maps and flashlights.

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    Good sportsmanship matters to some, such as myself. Why? Because I was somehow raised better than 99% of people which is a real shocker if you vaguely knew who my mother was. If she could manage it, anyone could, they just choose not to.

  • Purgatorian
    Purgatorian Member Posts: 1,146

    What about the killers who lose 100 games with 0k because of gen speeds. I have had far too many games full of good loopers and gens popping all over the place in quick succession. I barely get a balanced game.

  • th3
    th3 Member Posts: 1,839

    Idk if you lose 100 games in a row with 0k maybe you need to see about improving. Even when I’m piss drunk I can still get a kill or 2 let alone 4. I got a 3k with hatch being given by me while playing a bubba game with mad grit iron grasp agitation and insidious where I just hid in random spots on badham, didn’t even camp.

    As for improving I’ve hopped into private Ltd matches and practiced against a really good survivor/killer. Nothing is stopping you from going into private matches with someone to scrim especially if you know they are good.

  • GrimoireWeiss
    GrimoireWeiss Member Posts: 1,452

    You don't need to camp and tunnel to win. 80% of my matches are as killer and I have a kill rate of 70~80% rarely doing it (only when I need some pressure). Most of the time I get 3/4 BBQ stacks before hooking someone the 2nd time, and I only run a single gen regression perk (Corrupt Intervention).

    Stop believing that every team is Seal Team Six and that you only lost because the game is unbalanced. Killer has never been so easy from when I started playing, you wouldn't care about flashlights and toolboxes anymore if you remember how they were back then. Improve.

  • JohnWeak
    JohnWeak Member Posts: 854
    edited September 2021

    What killers do you play ?

    And i'm curious to see your trials, record them ?

    Cause i don't believe you, i'm sorry.

    All the trials i have are against duoQ/3Q and SWF. They all bring an item and have meta perks. If you play properly without camping/tunneling there is no way you have a 80% win rate unless you play nurse.

    Before SBMM i had almost a 100% win rate as a killer.

    Otzdarva that has 10k hours is forced to camp and tunnel with most killers and this guy, even if some of you don't consider him as an awesome killer, is clearly in the top1% of the killer playerbase.

  • Purgatorian
    Purgatorian Member Posts: 1,146

    I only said 100 games of 0k because you said 100 games of 4k. I did not mean I myself had got 100 games of 0k lol.

  • th3
    th3 Member Posts: 1,839

    I’m not taking your comparisons literally don’t worry. I brought up 100 games of 4K because of this part of the post I replied to

    “When I watch streamers most of them still win the majority of their games, although a lot of them throw tantrums around on how survivor sided this game is just because they got a single game in which the result wasn't a 4k.”

    Its very prominent these people will win game after game but one game they don’t win it’s immediately trash survivor sided overpowered map etc etc and how the game is so survivor sided how could they lose.

  • GrimoireWeiss
    GrimoireWeiss Member Posts: 1,452
    edited September 2021

    Mostly Ghostface, Wraith, Oni, Deathslinger, Nurse, Huntress, Blight and Doctor.

    I can stream the game later and send it to you tomorrow.

    I do have some cool moments on a compilation so you can see my playstyle and notice how I usually have lots of hooks before killing someone: Some matches I'm running more gen regression, but these were during the MMR tests where I thought I would need to run more of them, but now I dropped them again.

    Edit: I'll check to see if I find some game of mine on the PS4.

  • JohnWeak
    JohnWeak Member Posts: 854

    th3 said this : "playing a bubba game"

    It means a lot. When that guy will have a 4K at high MMR with Blight or Pinhead, i will accept to debate with him.

  • JohnWeak
    JohnWeak Member Posts: 854

    If you play on PS4, there is no way you are playing at high MMR as a killer, especially with nurse, blight and deathslinger... That would explain your 80% winrate. Continue to play and this win rate will drive you to high MMR where you will start to loose all your trials.

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,173

    I'm in agreement with OP. It may be controversial, but unless you're playing against tournament-strength teams or killers, the idea of a meta is an illusion to me. People feel they need to have BT,DH,Adrenaline and the like, or BBQ&C, Ruin as a killer. You don't. I've beaten really good players running the meta with non-meta perks. This game isn't about perks, and I'd question those who believe without them you'd get stomped.

    In terms of enjoying the game without expectation, it's how I play to. I go with the tide of the gqme and constantly adjust. I win some and I lose some. On a very rare occassion I get annoyed sure, but I just move on to the next game or do something else. When I do get annoyed, I also direct it at myself ultimately which is good because I can control myself and the attitude I have. Even if tunnelled or face-camped I don't think how unfair it is - I think what could I have done to avoid capture in the first place. I can control that by improving my own game. If I start blaming everyone else, it's pointless because I cannot control them and what they do. It's about learning.

    People need to think less about how they are a victim and more about how they can learn and be humble and congruent. Not entirely unrelated, my wife was watching a show about A&E, where someone was asked if they felt proud of their life. The person replied: "I should never use "proud" as how to describe it. A better word is "grateful" for what I've experienced". I feel this can be applied - people need to stop feeling they need to be better than others, and instead fell happy with what they have and continue to learn in a more humble way.

    I gather this is more difficult in a world infected with reality tv, constant connection with others and the illusion of the perfect life others have, the harsh expectations of looks, fashions and trends, anonymity and following influencers, marketing strategies and media as some sort of deity who cannot be argued against for fear of feeling "disrespected" because - heck forbid - someone has an alternative view on things! Focus should be on yourselves alone. Take the pressure off. In terms of this game, just accept it's a really small part of your life, unless you let it become bigger.

    Anyway, I ramble on, but yeah I agree with OP.

  • GrimoireWeiss
    GrimoireWeiss Member Posts: 1,452
    edited September 2021

    How is my MMR not high if I win 80% of my games? Lmao. I've literally been playing everyday since SBMM started. Stop being delusional. As I said again, improve.

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,437

    You mean "gg ez" seriously i don't think i have played a single game where survivors were not toxic in the end game chat when they were on PC. I seriously mean it, i can't remember the last time people were just nice.

    It's always:

    • gg ez
    • Camper ,you suck
    • Tunneling, you suck
    • F you N-word
    • i can't believe you are rank 1
    • You are trash.

    Whether i win or lose, they always say some toxic thing.

  • th3
    th3 Member Posts: 1,839

    The example I provided was a Bubba game with a meme build where I won. Ergo I used that example when talking about the people who will win 100 games and the moment they lose one they complain about everything. Also not even remotely interested or even thought about wanting to debate you random internet person.


  • Friendly_Blendette
    Friendly_Blendette Member Posts: 2,923

    Tbh your post kinda shows why he was salty. There was nothing he could do. Even if he was amazing at the game on mothers dwelling with no gen defence and legion and he avoided tunneling or camping from the sounds of a 9 hook 1k. Losing because you got unlucky with the map never feels good. If I get beaten by better players I will say GG WP probably throw in a complement like nice headon or whatever but losing because you get haddonfield while playing backpack speed limiter bubba and someone saying GG kinda pisses me off a little bit but I still get that they are just tryna be nice cause like no it wasnt a good game I got cucked by RNG and ######### map design at the start of the match and was almost guaranteed to lose unless you guys literally threw the game. Like a fair match where I lose because I was running backpack bubba sure idc if its like any mcmillan or autohaven because at least those maps I couldve won if I played better but stuff like haddonfield or red forest or RPD it just feels like you are ######### from the start. Any loss due to RNG makes me incredibly salty tbh wether its a pig trap needing 4 searches and getting me or a match on haddonfield when you are running a meme build or like trapper. If you outplayed me: congrats good job :D. If I was running a meme build and you were running meta perks that kinda carried you: I dont care Im not gonna call you good at the game if I think I would have beaten you with a regular build but you are running into meta builds most games so I cant blame you and I chose to run the meme build myself. But if I lose to RNG I get really salty mostly at the game but when people say good game well played when I had to search 5 boxes on RPD and died to tampered timer my soul hurts just a lil bit.

  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,309

    If they escape, they're actually there when the match ends.

    If they're dead, they might have gone back to the main menu and re-queued, spend bloodpoints or whatever else. Not everyone waits until the end of the match, not even everyone in SWF does.

    Meanwhile the killer is always there at the end of the game, as it's not like they can die.

  • Anniehere
    Anniehere Member Posts: 1,263

    The game is 4vs1 and people cannot be peaceful.

    The killer role is stressful and it feels awful to lose for 3 people at least and further show their victory in a rather weird but annoying way.

    I think if there were guns in the game, we would see players continue to shoot at the people who have already died on the ground. exactly like toxic shooting games.

    This game is based on killing and there is not much mercy in there.

    Even though there is nothing personal about the killings or escapes, people still take it to the wrong place and make it a big deal.

    People having bad games, they develop hatred / anger and choose to play in the way we all dislike.

  • miketheratguy
    miketheratguy Member Posts: 2,719

    It would be funny if the game added a mechanic wherein teabagging at the exit gate caused the survivor to die.

  • Terrortot
    Terrortot Member Posts: 423

    The day I stopped trying to be like my favorite streamers and have expectations for my games is the day my games became lit!

    Comments in endgame chat are still cringy at times, but I have alot more fun now.

  • Kurri
    Kurri Member Posts: 1,599

    I say thank-you to Killers, and turn my chat off when I play as killer.